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WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO BE EXPERIMENTED ON SEXUALLY?What?! Tama raised her head up, and shifted slightly in her chair. The idea itself had a kinky charge to it. She'd heard of sexual research before, but never knew it would be on a test. She giggled and marked the answer "Yes."
She met Lee after the test. The former put her arm around Tama and said, "Well, how do you think you did?"
"I don't know, love. That last question they asked sure was a kicker!" They moved around the corner. The hallway before them was empty.
Lee kept walking with her arm around Tama. "Oh, I don't know, Flower. You'd be the perfect experiment for that." She then hugged Tama very close to her, cupping her pert ass and frenching her strongly. Tama closed her eyes, completely engrossed in the feeling.
Lee disengaged from the kiss and gave Tama's ass another caress-squeeze. She walked off to her next class, Psych 221, with her red hair swaying in its green ribbon. "See yah later, babe."
Tama sighed and then jumped immediately. She was supposed to be in Professor Shager's office to talk to him about the test and maybe find out about being his Assistant! She rushed out of the East Green Building and rushed across campus to the Westwood Hall Building. Entering the building she bumped into a figure cloaked in a heavy raincoat. "Sorry!" she said, not noticing a glint of metal underneath the coat.
She rushed into the central part of the building and burst in Shager's office. "Sorry I'm late, Professor! I forgot about our appointment!"
The professor looked up from the computer terminal on his desk. The green letters read: YAMAGATA, TAMA - OPTIMUM TEST SUBJECT. CLASS 100+ RATING. He shut off the monitor display and smiled.
"Hello, Tama. Please sit down."
Tama sat down, still panting from her run. The professor went to his small refrigerator and pulled out two Cokes. He opened one and went to his desk, where he put a tablet in it while Tama was taking off her jacket. He gave it to her and then opened his and drank half of it straight down.
"Tama, I want to congratulate you on your test scores. You did the best out of the whole student body. Second best was your friend Lee Parking." He sat down in his swivel chair and propped his feet on the desk. "Now, about being my assistant..."
Tama jumped up in a rush. "Oh, please, Prof. Shager! I need the experience!" She sat down demurely when Shager kept looking at her straightly. "Besides, I need the extra credits."
Shager leaned forward and smiled. "Well, now we're honest. But, I assure you that you won't be bored. There is one stipulation, however."
Tama leaned forward eagerly. "Yes?"
"You must submit to a hypnosis session."
"Oh, is that all? Fine with me, Prof." She lay back immediately and then went slack.
GOOD, thought Shager, THE DRUG WORKS FAST.
He brought out his keyboard and placed it on his lap and said,
"Okay, Tama, I'm going to ask you some very specific questions. All of them are very explicit. You will remember everything and respond completely truthfully to each and every question I ask. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Professor."
"Good. The first question is, have you had any form of sex with four or more people, and if so, when?"
"About two weeks ago. All in one night."
"Very good. How many were in each session and what sex were they?"
"The first session was with a man, the second with a woman, and the third with two men."
"I see. Do you enjoy sex with women, Tama?"
"Oh, yes! It is so beautiful. I love women so much! Both men and women are such great sexual partners."
"I see. So you don't place either above the other, then?"
"No, Professor. I love them both equally."
"Now, in light of the school's large population of 'free sexers' shall we say, do you have any OPEN relations with any women?"
"Why, yes, Professor! Lee Parking is my current steady. She is soooo attractive and a great..."
"Yes, yes, of course. So she enjoys this open relationship as well?"
"Well, not exactly. She likes to be alone when we are friendly with each other. She doesn't like kissing or fondling in open hallways, but she's getting over it."
"I see. Tell me, Tama. Do you enjoy oral sex? Do you deep throat men? Do you have anal intercourse or stimulation with men or women? Do you like masochism, sadism, bondage, sexual slavery, or degradation? Do you like being a sexual toy?"
"Gee, Professor. I know I would enjoy or have enjoyed all of those things. I would rather be whipped than be the whipper, though. I WANT TO BE A TOY AND A SEXUAL GUINEA PIG."
I HAVE MY EXPERIMENT, thought Professor Shager and grinned.
"One last question: Will you submit to being a sexual experiment? You may speak free of the hypnosis."
Tama broke out of hypnosis and pinched one of her nipples under her T-shirt. "Yes, Professor. Do anything to me."
Shager smiled, "Good. I will clear you for the next few days for experimentation."
Tama sat in her bed, waiting for something to happen. She had been told to stay in her bed with nothing but a flimsy nighty on. Someone would come by around 12:00 midnight and say, "Experiment Service of Tama," which was her signal that she was begun as an experiment.
She played lightly with her pussy, getting a little excited about the upcoming days.
Someone rapped upon her door and it opened a little. She looked at her roommate, Dina, a large-breasted, tight-assed Australian girl of 17 she had just made love to that morning. She was naked and had the covers in disarray. Her hand lay between her legs, shifting every so often in her sleep, causing her to moan. She wouldn't wake up for a while yet.
She went to the door and opened it, gasping at seeing what looked like a large robot. A voice issued from it, "Experiment Service of Tama. Don't worry," the voice was Prof. Shager's, "this fellow is needed to carry you to the testing chambers. Don't worry about him. Before you leave, though, bend over. End message."
Tama was puzzled at this, but she bent over in front of the robot. She immediately felt two cold steel balls inserted into her pussy. She was jerked up by the robot and led from the room at a brisk pace. She knew ben-wa balls well, having experimented with them since she was 10. These two in her were very well made and caused a lot of rubbing inside her, exciting her and causing her to swoon, but the robot kept her upright.
She was led down some stairs and into a basement-like area, of which she had no idea of its location. She had been brought to the point of orgasm three times on the way down here, but the robot had stopped each time upon the peak of the wave and taken the balls out. When she had calmed down he put them back in.
There were a lot of computers here, and a very large and intricate machine which had at the center four tie-down straps: apparently where she was to go.
The robot tied her down with the straps and left the room, taking the balls with him. Boy was she frustrated; brought to orgasm nearly three times and having it taken away from her!
The professor's voice came from a PA system. "Hello, Tama. This is the first day in our experiments. We're going to run a few tests before we get into the second day."
One of the gadgets came out of the large cluster of metal and rubber items. It came up under her and was thrust into her pussy. She started and then smiled as she felt the warm thing in her, roaming her insides. Next came a steel thing that looked like it had a nozzle on the end. This snaked itself up her ass and she groaned as she felt warm, sudsy water swirl inside her rectum. It was immediately sucked out through the nozzle, which was left inside her, probing her insides and cleaning them out ever so often. Next, a large thing that looked like a dick came up to her face. She opened her mouth to ask what it was, but it jumped inside her mouth before she could say anything.
The professor looked up from his screens to say, "Relax, Tama. We need to see you completely inside and out for this part of the day."
Tama relaxed completely. The thing seemed to extend further into her mouth, expanding and then going down her throat. A needle with two hoses attached to it came out of a metal arm and stuck itself in her. "This is so you can have oxygen without breathing. Also, it will take the carbon dioxide from your body. Please relax further."
Tama hung completely limp, in a state that no one would probably find themselves in for their entire life. Her cunt felt completely filled up, stuck with a fat rubber-like thing, which had expanded to fill her insides there completely. A bendable rod was in her ass, cleaning her out from time to time. And finally, this thing was in her mouth, pulsing like a warm dick, but going deeper down her throat. Thank goodness for the needle and its supply, or she would have suffocated completely. All in all, the feelings were intense. Then, all of a sudden all the protuberances were removed, but the needle was kept close to her body.
Shager looked at his screens, nodding in satisfaction. SUBJECT EXHIBITS 100% COMPATIBILITY WITH ARTIFICIAL STIMULUS. STAGE 1 COMPLETED. CONTINUE TO STAGE 2? the terminal queried.
Shager replied in the positive and Stage 2 began.
A large thing that looked like a metallic mop head came from the group of instruments and brought itself to Tama's pussy. Two feelers came from the mop head and brought themselves to her cunt lips. They stroked the opposing sides of her cunt, which made Tama wiggle and laugh, as they tickled so badly. They continued stroking her lips, every so often and then running themselves along the inside of her legs. A sticky floppy plastic thing came from the mop head's center and stroked the center of Tama's cunt, making her writhe in her bonds. It came to her clit and flicked around ever so slightly, making her struggle further. A second plastic thing came from the mop head and swirled itself around Tama's asshole. None of these things entered her, but they caused a massive buildup of pleasure teasing her as they did. Just as they worked themselves into a furious frenzy she screamed and came for fourteen seconds (the professor timed it). She then went completely limp.
The robot came to Tama and removed her bonds. It took her into another room where there was a bed with a sheet on it. She lolled around lazily as the robot placed her in the bed and went to sleep immediately.
Shager sat outside, listening to incessant squabbling from a speaker. "I've seen her, father. And I want to use her body. You know I haven't had any sex at all and how horny I am!"
Shager seemed to sigh. "Very well, Veronica. You may sleep with her tonight and fuck her in the morning." He switched off the speaker and sighed, thinking how he ever could have produced such a steamy daughter.
Veronica switched off the speaker and climbed into a robe. She put away her vibrators which she had been using while watching the girl Tama being experimented on in the labratory.
She walked down the hall and turned right, walked a few more doors and then slipped into the room where Tama was. The light was still on, set on low, so she threw back the light sheet that Tama had over her to see up close this sexual kitten.
Veronica's eyes roamed over Tama's body. She couldn't help but caress it. She rubbed the curled golden brown hair, caressed the firm small tits with their pink nipples. She poked at her shaved cunt and fondled her tight ass. She jumped into bed and, picking up the sheet, covered both of them and wrapped her arms around Tama. Her left hand settled on Tama's smooth thigh and she soon went to sleep.
Tama awoke that morning to the odd sensation of someone sucking on her nipples. She jumped up in surprise (oh, but that mouth had been so soft!) and scrunched up to the wall, looking at her bed partner.
Veronica was a lovely but strange sight. She was only 4 feet tall. Her hair was extremely pale, a very thick white, and her eyes were colorless as well. She was an albino.
"Hello," she smiled at Tama. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Veronica Shager. My father said I could sleep with you."
Tama ignored this, as she didn't really care who slept with her, as long as they were clean, polite, and not diseased. She knew this girl couldn't be diseased, as albinos generally were kept well-protected. "How old... how old are...?"
"How old am I? Funny you should ask. I am very young, but this is all I will grow. Dad says all that will happen to me is that my tits will get a little larger and that my ass will get a little fuller. Other than that, though, I am full-grown. Not bad for a 14-year-old, eh?" she said with an impish grin.
"14 years old?! Good Lord, girl, haven't you any idea what it is like to get into bed with another person? ...Another woman?"
"No!" she pounced on the covers and crawled forward, her full breasts squished between her arms. "I have no idea. I want to experience it with you!" And with that she sprang on Tama like a wildcat!
She brought her mouth up to Tama's startled face and pushed her lips to Tama's. She gently pried open the Oriental girl's mouth and slipped her tongue into her. Tama stayed completely still as Veronica frenched her, not strongly like Lee, but definitely passionately. The girl looked up and broke the kiss. She tongued under Tama's chin and sucked at the hollow in her neck.
Tama sat up straighter and said, "So, you haven't had sex before, eh? I'm sure you've experimented with various toys, though. Do you have any with...?"
"Sure, Tama! There right her next to the bed; I brought..."
"That's okay. Later," Tama said as she grabbed hold of Veronica's face and began to plant kisses all over her. She lay the young girl down on the bed and stood over her, looking at the sight.
Veronica's skin was like creamy ivory. Her white hair poked up out of her cunt somewhat haphazardly, but was very well kempt and groomed. Her whole body gleamed white, like an angel. But Tama knew this girl had the desire of a sucubbus.
She bent her face over her and again kissed her, but softly. She rubbed Veronica's nipples and lightly pinched them. The girl moaned with the pleasure of having Tama fondle her. Tama then lay beside her and turned her hips toward her. She kissed Veronica's stomach and tongued her navel for a few seconds before going down further to swirl her bush. She stared at them further, still amazed at how white they were. She then softly stroked the outer petals of the girl's vulva, causing more groans of pleasure. She spread Veronica out more and stared again in surprise as she saw her whole cunt was albino. She had not a bit of pink on her!
Veronica felt Tama's hot breath on her spread pussy. Why was she waiting? "Go ahead, love. Take me."
At hearing this command, Tama forgot all that she had seen and lightly flicked Veronica's outer lips. The girl squeaked in surprise. She then proceeded to bury her face in Veronica's cunt and suck her and suck her. Veronica sighed as she rose to a blissful heaven that consisted only of a velvety probe inside her.
Tama raised Veronica's hips up further, bringing her legs near to her head. She licked Veronica's pussy a few more times before roaming down to her anus. She noticed a strange white "X" mark on the skin between Veronica's pussy and asshole. She lightly flicked this, not noticing the jolt that seemed to go through the girl's body. She looked at Veronica's anus, marvelling that it too was completely white and clean, not grey or pink or anything! This girl was a perfectly unused well of sex for her to divulge in.
She brought her hand up to Veronica's pussy and put two fingers in while she sucked at her asshole. Veronica's mouth opened up into an "O" of amazement as Tama snaked her tongue up into her clean rectum. She cried out as Tama darted it in and out, and clenched her muscles and screamed when Tama sucked on the white mark near her bottom.
Tama looked up at her and asked, "Why does that do that to you?"
Veronica looked at her dreamily, "I don't know why, but the pleasure is so intense that when you touch me there I lose all control. I think I have orgasmed at least three or four times since you've started."
Tama stared at Veronica while the girl was panting to keep control of herself. She shrugged. Maybe the professor had experimented on his own offspring or something. Whatever.
She kept rubbing Veronica's clit and began sucking on her nipples, biting them. Veronica grabbed Tama by her hair and said with a husky voice, "It's now my turn."
With surprising strength she threw Tama off of her and pinned her against the wall. From this position behind her, she started rubbing her body against Tama's. Tama felt Veronica's hard nipples against her back and her cunt hairs over her ass. The tingly sensation she brought out in Tama exceeded anything that she had ever felt... even with Lee. Here was a girl that was more intense sexually than Lee, even though Lee had been around far longer and seen and done more things.
After her forceful rubbing, Veronica swung Tama around and grabbed her head as a man would, and frenched her strongly, if not violently. She didn't bite, but boy was she in a frenzy! Tama stayed completely still as Veronica's tongue went in and out of her mouth. She slipped out of Tama's mouth and sucked on her shoulder, slightly biting the tendon. She ran her tongue under Tama's shoulder, licking her armpit, which caused her to giggle.
"Giggle, will you?" Veronica said with an evil grin. "I'll teach you to giggle."
She pushed Tama down on the bed and started sucking and biting on her tits. She squeezed them roughly, causing Tama to cry out. She ran her fingers lightly down Tama's stomach and slightly brushed her cunt hairs, causing her to shudder in anticipation.
Veronica quickly brought her head down to Tama's cunt. Without any preamble whatsoever she buried her tongue far into Tama's pussy. Tama spasmed once and once more, coming over her partner's face, the sudden act of this tongue in her pussy too much for her to handle. Veronica kept on sucking and then biting Tama's pussy after she had come on her. She put her face next to Tama's again and said, "Okay, clean your come off me."
Tama licked all of her fluid off Veronica's face. The taste was very tangy and slightly aromatic. She had tasted other women, but not herself and was surprised and pleased to find it somewhat different.
Veronica pushed Tama down on the bed again and again started sucking Tama's pussy, but this time adding two helping fingers. She grabbed some vaseline from the table and smeared it on the rest of her hand. She then stuffed her two other fingers up Tama's ass. Her other hand fiddled with her own pussy and put one finger up her own ass too.
Tama couldn't control her actions as she was thrust into with Veronica's wild force. She grabbed the bed sheet and clenched and unclenched her lower muscles in passion. Just as she was about to come, Veronica stopped.
Veronica brought up two large double dongs with a head on each end of both of them. She smeared both ends with vaseline and had Tama get up. Both of them got on all fours with their asses to each other. Veronica inserted the first dong into Tama's asshole and put the other end in her pussy. She put the second dong's first tip into her own asshole and the second tip into Tama's pussy. She then began wildly thrusting the two dongs in and out diagonally.
Tama had never before experienced such a sensation! The pressure came from different angles and the force from the girl's thrusts brought intense ecstacy to her. She groaned and sucked on her finger as their ass cheeks slapped against each other with each thrust. After a few more seconds of this, Veronica started thrusting wilder and wilder, twisting her torso. They both started rising up on their knees, unable to control their pleasure, bending the dongs and crunching them as they criss- crossed each other. Just as their backs touched Veronica pushed Tama down again and then violently thrust all the way down to her.
This movement caused them both to orgasm and come. Their fluids splashed over both their bodies. Veronica quickly pulled out the dongs and began sliding her slippery body on Tama's. They both kept coming, filling both their wide-opened pussies and assholes with their own fluids. They both were still spasming out their fluids when Veronica got in a 69 position and began eating out Tama. Tama did the same. One last gush came from both of them and Veronica collapsed on Tama as they both let out a mutual cry.
They both cleaned up the fluids from their bodies with their tongues. Each tasted their own come mixed with the other's and marvelled at the difference in the mixture of taste. Finally, spent of all passion they got a clean sheet and slipped under the covers.
Tama lightly kissed Veronica on the lips and said, "Boy, you are a good fuck! My girlfriend Lee would love to meet you. Your sure this is your first time?"
Veronica looked at Tama under low-lidded eyes. She began idly caressing Tama under the sheets, running her hand up and down her torso, cupping the Oriental's firm ass. "Yes, but I've seen a lot of things. I started using toys and watching videos when I was ten. Father didn't mind because I was kept busy and out of his way. The robots around here are boring, so that is all I had to keep busy with... that and computers. But enough of such talk."
They both kissed again, a lingering kiss that promised a re- newed night of passion. Tama quickly went to sleep again, not even caring that it was noon.
Veronica slept again with her arm around Tama, but this time more familiarly. She was somewhat saddened that the girl would have to go back to the labratory tomorrow. Oh well.
She kissed Tama's neck one last time and then settled down into a blissful dreamless sleep.
Tama awoke from her dreamless sleep. She reached out for the spot where Veronica was, but found her absent. Oh well, she thought, it was only supposed to be a one night stand, I guess. She hopped out of bed and lightly brushed her hands over her body, recalling her sexual encounter with the young girl. A door swish- ed open and a robot came in. It beckoned for her to follow it. She followed it, still quite naked, into a long cold corridor. Just as she thought her nipples would freeze from the cold, she was led into a shower room. Oils, soaps, and towels lay about and a large sudsy bath had been prepared in the corner.
She stepped into the bath and began a vigorous scrubbing, getting her sex-stained body clean. A robot came to serve her food, and after an hour of lolling around, another one came to give her an enema. This time a long plastic tube with a slick metal end two inches slid from the robot's hand and snaked itself up her ass. It was very cold and she started at its temperature, but then waited as warm water filled her bowels and cleaned her out.
She was led back to the laboratory feeling pretty good about herself. The robot hooked her up again to the machine with straps, which she finally took a long look at. It appeared that the two top bonds were fastened to the ceiling via arm-like metal appendages. The same went for the bottom ones, which were attached to the floor.
After being hooked back up to these bonds, the professor came back on the PA system. "Good afternoon, Tama. I hope you enjoyed your stay with my daughter. She had fun. But, enough of that. Today we're going to see how well you deal with discomfort and shame. In that order."
The robotic enema machine came out once more from the mass of metal arms and completed its job. Then an interesting apparatus shot from the swirl of wires and cables and thrust something in front of Tama's face. Shager explained what it was for.
"This is a two-part device. It produces pleasure in the vagina, but causes discomfort in the anus. And it is by the own person's actions that it works." With that Tama was hoisted into a different position. She was placed upside down, with her cunt above her face. The machines worked her into a slightly uncom- fortable position, but what appeared to be sponges descended from the ceiling and relaxed her body so it was comfortable once more.
Then the machine inserted the plastic thing. It was shaped like the letter "U", having some sort of suction things on one end and tilted plastic barbs on the other. Tama bugged her eyes out in surprise as it was inserted. She felt a feather-like sensation move into her ass, feeling very soft but stubbly. The feeling in her cunt was one of smooth kissing feeling. She pursed her lips after it was inserted and closed her eyes, waiting for more pleasure. Surely there would be no discomfort from this thing!
The machine began reacting to the warmth of her cunt. It began vibrating and moving inside her. Her inner walls felt as if they were being pulled against from the inside. This caused her cunt to begin dripping juices on her face, which surprised her. She started to work her inside muscles to get a rhythm moving, but stopped with a cry. The other end had just pulled itself out slightly. The plastic barbs had straightened and then pulled themselves out of a quickly widened anus. She stopped moving, losing most of her pleasure. She furrowed her brows and licked her lips, trying to figure out what the problem was. Just as her mouth opened, more juices dripped from her snatch and dropped into it. She widened her eyes and cooed with a renewed excitement. Boy, she tasted so good to herself!
The machine bent her closer again, and the sponges came out to restore comfort. Then the thing inside her began moving again. All of a sudden the machine tore it from her, inflaming her asshole and making her sore. She screamed out in pain.
A large metal tube with a blunted end came from above her and forcefully shoved itself into her pussy. It began pumping into her at a fast rate. While this was happening, a feathered brush came out to tickle her button of pleasure. She began to writhe in pleasure.
"Your pleasure cannot be complete without punishment," boomed a loud male voice.
"Punish her," chorused a woman's voice.
What was this? She flushed with embarassment. This wasn't part of the arrangement; no one was to see her! Tama turned her head in fear, increasing her orgasmic state in spite of possible danger. While she was looking around her vision clouded and she became aware of a well-developed woman in leather clothing standing next to her carrying a large whip. "NOOO!!!" screamed Tama, struggling in her bonds, her heart rate increasing and threatening to burst from her chest. The dong in her cunt kept thrusting into her and the tickler kept up its feverish pace.
The woman raised her whip, bringing it down upon Tama's unprotected posterior. She cried from the pain it brought her, but started thrusting into the silver dong inside her. The whip came down again... and again... and again. Seven times total it was lashed across her ass. Upon the seventh stroke the machine pumped into her at a whirlwind speed and the tickler crushed against her clit with a fury. Upon the last strike her orgasm was complete.
The professor watched in fascination as Tama convulsed in her orgasm. She twitched and heaved, churning up her juices onto her face, trailing down her neck and dripping to the floor. Her cunt lips were puffy and distended and her nipples stuck out like pointed towers. The sweat dripped off of her in rivulets and the professor looked at his screens as she passed out still in her physically bent state. He nodded in satisfaction. The screens told him his research was done :
The end
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