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devil picture Mei-Ling

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

Laz, I have a friend you may want to meet. She is a very interesting person. Her name is Mei Ling. Her mother is Chinese and her father is a British diplomat. She was educated at English and Swiss boarding schools. When not in school she spent most of the time at her grandparents compound in Hong Kong. She is quite beautiful. Very tiny, though she is 18, people sometimes think she is even younger. She has a problem though. She is very brilliant (she is at Princeton studying mathematics) but has never been allowed contact with boys. Now enrolled at an American University, she is very shy and lonely. She tried going out on a few dates and was horrified at the crude behavior of the kids she was with so different from what she grew up experiencing. But she wants to overcome her timidness and learn to fit in. We discussed her problem and it seems to me what she needs to do is meet a man mature enough to be very patient with her and help her overcome her inhibitions. Would you be interested in teaching the art of love to a 18 year Eurasian beauty? Or do timid virgins bore you?

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

Your friend sounds like a very interesting young woman. I don't think I have ever made love to a virgin, so I certainly cannot present any credentials. But you are right that I am a very patient lover ... and do not even really feel the need to consummate an intimate relationship. Mei Ling would be quite content with me, knowing that she would not be pressured into 'putting out' for me. I imagine us having a quiet dinner at my favorite restaurant ... the rooms are small and quiet and designed to look like a small study or library. That decor would appeal to her studious ways. I would hold her hand if she wanted to, or stroke her back and murmur pleasant amusements into her ear. Do you think she would want me to come in when I brought her home?

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

It was a delightful dinner. Mei Ling found it easier talking to her older companion. Very different from the boys her own age. Though her Oriental instincts and her quiet ways make a better listener than a talker. A moment or two of discomfort would occur when she would become aware that he was looking into her eyes. A practice common to the West, but it still would bring out a natural modesty and she would feel herself blushing as she looked away.

But now that dinner was past and they stood before her apartment door she was torn with indecision. She didn't want him to leave yet, but she was not that ignorant of the world, that she knew what might happen if she allowed him in. She found her hands shaking as she fumbled with the key. Her voice was so soft it was almost inaudible, as she invited him in. Even after the words came out she felt as if another had said them, shocked at her own behavior.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

Mei Ling's hesitancy would be immediately apparent to me ... and my own shyness would make me very reluctant to enter. I am not the forward type at all, and I am quite likely to run away or at least pretend disinterest at the slightest hint that I am not wanted.

The only thing that would save the evening would be if she and I had at least held hands during some part of the dinner hour. I would be trying to hold her hand at the door, and if she kept the grip I would allow myself to be led inside. But if she dropped my hand, I would make an excuse and leave.

Inside the door, though, I would gain some small measure of self confidence. I would not let go, but would instead pull her gently closer to me. Being very careful to allow her plenty of room to escape, I would hug her softly and brush my cheek against hers. My lips would linger on her cheek, inviting her to turn her face more directly towards mine ... to kiss her mouth softly.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

You can see the shyness with which she invites you in, but remembering her tiny hand in yours at your earlier date, you decide it is not you she fears, but merely the newness of the situation. To refuse her invitation now would just add to her shyness in the future. So you follow her in.

Mei Ling is now faced with a situation familiar to her only through the cinema. It is hard for her to think, her heart is pounding so. Not knowing what to do, but not wanting to appear a child in your eyes she tries to master her emotions. It occurs to her that in the movies one would offer a drink now and perhaps play some music. She asks what would you like and suggests that you select something from her record collection to play while she gets you what you want. She disappears to the kitchen where she stands for a moment eyes closed trying to collect herself.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

Mei Ling is obviously nervous. I am no expert in human relations, but even I could feel her slight tremor and hear how shaky her voice has become. Knowing her to be only 18 I would not expect her to have any alcohol in the house. She seems very pleased ... even relieved ... when I ask if she would enjoy a late cup of tea.

While she is in the kitchen, I move to her stereo. The equipment tells me a lot about her ... and so does her music selection. I can see that I am looking at a large part of her private life. There is almost nothing I recognize except a well-kept collection of operas and classical music. I become lost in wonder and strangeness as I sit cross-legged on her rug... reading unfamiliar labels of British groups. I feel helpless to select anything.

I sense her return. She sits on the floor behind me, but very close so that she can lean forward to read the labels with me. I can hear the sizzle of water in the stove.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

Mei Ling considers the records for a moment. "Nothing too heavy," she thinks. "Perhaps Dvorak. Yes, perfect." She puts the record on the player but while doing so accidentally brushes against her guest still seated on the floor. A rosy hue comes over her alabaster skin. She feels incredibly warm. As he is still sitting on the floor, she sits there across from him. Trying to find a demure position for her legs. Having a diplomate for a father she was schooled to cover nervousness with dignity. She closes her eyes for a moment and tries to concentrate on the music. She feels the soft brush of lips on her cheek.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

I am very much aware that Mei Ling is a novice in intimacy. And it is clear to me that I have been chosen by her as her first ... but that this choice could be revoked in an instant of poor judgment on my part. The thought flashes through my mind that she is much like a hitchhiker. She has her thumb out ... and trusts that if I stop to pick her up I will take her where she wants to go without harm. I, in turn, am intensely aware of a dual responsibility: If I refuse, the next person might have dishonorable intentions and might use her roughly with great harm. If I accept, I must drive very carefully ... two lives would be at stake.

She sits near me, legs folded neatly, back erect, head held high ... and her eyes are closed. The desire to kiss her lips is strong, but I prefer a safer course ... and I lean forward to brush her cheek softly.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

As she feels his hand on her cheek she covers it with her own; looks at him and smiles. She feels she ought to say something but is not sure what. " I like you, a lot," she whispers. Having said that, she doesn't know if she sounded childish. Strange how his touch sends chills through and warms her at the same time. She looks at him and feels like she is drawn toward him, like a satellite caught in a gravity well, an invisible irresistible force.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

Mei Ling's words of encouragement leave me no doubt that I am welcome to proceed. But I feel insecure and helpless. How can I possibly approach her without frightening her? Suddenly, almost as if I were saved by a bell, the teapot begins to whistle shrilly. Her eyes open wide ... and she quickly runs into the kitchen. I follow her, and nervously poke through her cupboard looking for teacups and spoons.

When the preparations are complete, aroma of tea beginning to fill the kitchen, I lean back against the kitchen counter near the cups. Mei Ling keeps her hands busy swirling her bag in the hot water. She is right next to me. Her thigh brushes mine. I take her arm and gently guide her closer to me. My face lowers to her cheek ... and she softly meets my lips with hers. I am embarrassed that her thigh is now pressing against my hardness ... as though my intentions were being betrayed.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

The kiss is sweetness itself. Mei Ling puts her arms around his neck and tries to hold the moment. The feel of his manhood hard against her thighs is not unnoticed, but ignored as she concentrates on the kiss. She breaks for a moment and is drawn back to another kiss. This time she parts her lips slightly as he is and feels the soft touch of his tongue.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

Mei Ling's kiss, chaste at first, is nevertheless exciting enough to make my heart pound. I feel dizzy, forgetful about breathing. When she slips her mouth away I feel abandoned ... and I gently pull her back for more. I am ecstatic when she responds more fully rather than with resistance. Her lips part slightly. The tip of my tongue gently brushes against her now moist lips ... and with an almost electric connection is met just inside by the timid tip of hers.

My arms slide further around her back, crossing behind her as I wrap her small body close to mine. But our kiss goes no deeper. For a very long time, we explore each others lips teeth and tongues with soft delicate peeks ... as though afraid to intrude, yet curious as kittens.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

His arms around her is like being wrapped in a cocoon of warmth. The kiss goes on. Neither desiring to move or break the spell. It is minutes before at last they reluctantly move apart. Her nervousness though not totally gone has been pushed into the back of her mind by the bond formed by that lingering kiss.

They leave the kitchen now and sit on the couch, closeness to him seems natural now and it is but minutes before the kisses are resumed with ever more passion. She feels his hand start to touch her neck and shoulders and briefly her breast.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

Hand in hand, we return to the living room. I know that we left the tea behind us ... but feel that it was only a prop anyway. I carefully sit at the end of the couch, so as to give her the option of sitting at the far end herself. But her choice is to sit much closer. I am thrilled as she joins me even on the same cushion ... her thigh is pressed against mine ... her breast against my side ... and her arms reach around my neck to draw me once again into another kiss. I stroke her face as her tongue probes mine more boldly.

As my hand wanders downward to her shoulder ... then her side ... I am pleased that she pulls me deeper into the kiss. Then, ever so softly, the heel of my hand brushes against her breast. As it passes over her hard nipple she nips lightly on my tongue and begins to hum ... or purr ... softly.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

Mei Ling's hand is at the back of his head to hold the closeness of the kiss. The kiss feels so natural and the warmth spreads lower through her body. His hand on her breast is exciting. He begins to nuzzle her neck and she feels butterflies in her stomach as he begins to unbutton her blouse. She is aware now that the direction is set. Tomorrow she will be a different person. But she doesn't care. She needs his closeness.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

I know that I am being given a big green light ... that Mei Ling is planning to proceed with her plans for the evening. But I am not so sure myself. There is still a big difference between her expectations and reality. I truly want her first experience to make her eager for more. Yet I am aware that this is so often not the case.

There is still room to move events forward ... but my freedom of direction is being narrowed. Even as I begin to unbutton her blouse, I know that she must be encouraged to take a lot more initiative. I limit my intimate exploration by undoing only a few, and softly teasing her breasts through her thin bra.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

Mei Ling at first is relieved when he stops after a few buttons. They continue kissing as he softly explores her small breasts. But as the kissing continues she discovers that she wants him to continue undressing her. She wants to feel his hands on her flesh. They kiss some more and he kisses her neck. Still he does not go further.

Part of her now wonders if she must do something to encourage him. This is unexpected. Having been used to the idea that men continue aggressively until firmly prohibited. On impulse she rums her hand softly down his body till she until she can feel the bulge in his clothing. She has by this now announced her awareness and acceptance of his intentions. And she has also admitted to herself her own desire.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

I am startled by Mei Ling's boldness. I had hoped that she would perhaps unbutton my shirt ... and I am taken by surprise when her hand firmly grasps my hardness. I moan in pleasure, and return her firm grasp by sliding my hand inside her bra. My fingers flick and squeeze and tug her nipples as she continues to massage me through my pants.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

Mei Ling was startled by the intensity of the reaction as well as her own boldness. What was meant to be a light touch turned into an exploration. Curiosity and something else prompted her to continue. The obvious pleasure he showed when she touched him encouraged her to continue. Kind of scary how large men get was a thought that flashed and lingered in her mind.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

A lot of my misgivings about this evening were gone by now. Where I was ready to run away at the slightest hint of reluctance or rejection at first, now I was confident that Mei Ling and I would truly go the full trip tonight. Her hand on my hardness, exploring its length and shape through my pants, convinced me beyond any doubt that my desires were not unwelcome. She knew what I wanted to do with her ... and she invited me clearly to proceed.

I carefully took both of her hands in mine, and stood up ... pulling her slowly and gently up with me. I wrapped her slim body in my arms. My hands slowly slid around her back and sides and hips and buttock as we lingered in a passionate kiss. I pulled the silky material of her skirt upwards ... until it was up to her hips ... and then lifted her slight body off the floor. As she wrapped her legs around my hips, pressing her panties against the front of my slacks, I carried her into the bedroom.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

She now felt a naturalness to the flow of events. As if there were no will involved, just a response to a dance now begun. His gentleness as he lifted her gave the security she needed to make her want to cling to this man. To get close and trust him. She lay her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, and did not open them until she felt him put her down on the bed. She lay there watching him undress fascinated and curious. In Hong Kong she had seen nudity before. Orientals are less modest as dictated by circumstance. She noted some differences. He was certainly hairier than others see had seen. She wondered if see ought to remove her own clothes, but she was lost in her thoughts and inclined to let him remove them. Somehow though wanting events to continue their was enough residual shyness to let him lead. Before making a move she would remain frozen waiting for a sign to know what to do.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

I laid Mei Ling on her bed, and kissed her tenderly. I felt that the best course of action for her peace of mind was to express confidence in our plans. Hesitation on my part might be mistaken as rejection of her. I preferred to open myself up to vulnerability by undressing myself first. I can imagine that if she were laid bare while I was clothed that she might become afraid. In the dim light from the living room, I removed my shoes and socks, shirt and pants. Standing over her in only my dark briefs, I tried to appear simultaneously masculine for her arousal, and tender for her comfort ... sort of like a macho kitten.

I could see the glint of light on her eyes. She was watching me with half-concealed interest, but did not move to undress herself. I sat next to her and began removing her clothes. She cooperated, but almost as though she were a little girl being undressed by her mother. It was only when I tugged her panties off her hips that she began to show some initiative herself ... her hands moved to my lap as I sat beside her, and while pulling down on the elastic of my briefs her other hand freed my penis from hiding. We were both exposed to each others full view.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

The spark of playfulness shown as she removed his last item of covering was replaced by a sense of yearning. Not for the act that she never experience and had trouble fully envisioning; but for a physical closeness that was impossible with intervening garment. She wanted the feel of his skin on her hers. To be touched, caressed and fondled. And she wanted to touch and explore him in turn. But what she needed most at the moment was the resumption of the kiss. She reached up and pulled his head down to hers. Their lips joined.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

As we kissed, I moved to lie down beside her. Once again my arms wrapped her small body tightly, hands soothing and caressing her within the limits of that embrace. I was not in a hurry at all, and I settled down to gently explore her mouth with mine. And even though my arms pressed against her sides and back tightly, I did so in a way that allowed her front to touch mine with only feather lightness completely under her control. Her nipples brushed softly against my chest as we lingered in a long kiss that buried each of us within the other.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

His arms wrapped about Mei Ling as they rejoined in passionate kiss. The hairs of his chest tickled her sensitive nipples and she tightened her embrace to move closer to him; pressing her body into his moving as close as she could. Their lips left each other as he started to kiss her neck. He could feel her hot breath in his ear. He slid downward, gently rubbing her breasts until his mouth found her delicate pink nipple which he began to lick and suck, alternating his lips on one breast than the other.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

As my mouth nursed on her nipples, and my hands massaged and kneaded and rubbed her breasts, I could feel her body straining to press closer to mine. Her soft moans inflamed my passion, and I did not want to wait any longer. My thigh pressed between hers, and she rubbed her moisture all over it in firm grinding pushes. I needed her now ... but still needed to know that it was her choice to consummate the act.

With my mouth still sucking on her nipples, I rolled over and pulled her on top of me. Her legs straddled my sides, and she slid down until the hard tip of my penis was brushing against her wet folds. She began to rotate her hips in increasingly harder rubbing.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

For the first time in her life she was really aware of an emptiness. As she rubbed against him, his hardness rubbing against her, stimulating her, she rotated her hips enjoying the sensation. She wanted to feel him inside and so pressed down in an effort push his cock in. There was a slight feeling of discomfort and she knew that he would have to do it, she wouldn't be able to do it this way. She rolled over putting him on top again. "Please," she whispered, "Now."

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

Nothing in my life had ever prepared me for this experience. Yes, I had read one paragraph in Playboy 25 years earlier about how to make it easier the first time. It said to put a pillow under her hips ... and I did that with my fiance 25 years ago. Maybe it worked, because there was neither resistance nor pain back then, or maybe her hymen had already been broken. All of my other knowledge came from hearsay or stories ... I feared reality would be much more traumatic.

Grasping that small ray of hope for easing any discomfort, I gently explained the purpose of the pillow as I helped her slide it under. Mei Ling tilted upwards as far as she could. I lowered my weight upon her, pinning her legs, knees raised, beneath my chest. Once again, the head of my penis found her opening and began to part it. I lowered my mouth to hers ... and slowly began to bear down harder and harder. I could feel her wetness, and began to bounce up and down in a gentle screwing motion. The springiness of the bed and pillow allowed some play, and a lot of the action was now 'Just the pink part." But I knew that something would give soon under the increasing pressure as I let more and more of my weight fall on her. I could only hope that she would gain some pleasure from the friction.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

Strange conflict in her head, wanting the feeling of completion fearing the pain. The tenderness with which he placed the pillow did a lot to help her relax under his gentle assault. He was pushing in slowly. In a little and out gaining farther each thrust. And with each of his movement there was a feeling of pain though not so much that she wanted him to stop. It seemed long, but in reality only minutes, until he was deep inside her and stopped his motion to enjoy the feeling of being deeply joined.

She could feel the wetness on her cheek from the tears she couldn't stop as he was gaining entrance. But in this moment the hurt was less and there was pleasure in the feeling of fullness. She smiled at him to tell him that she was okay. He kissed the tears from her cheeks. And began to move again. The pleasure of this to her was slight, as still there was pain, but enough so that she was certain that the next time would be a very different story.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

I had expected sudden progress, as though breaking through a snapping hymen. Instead, it seemed only as though I were working my way deeper and deeper into a confining space. When I had penetrated as deep as I could go ... not for hitting bottom, but rather her having taken my entire length ... I finally realized that the crisis had passed. I paused, and opened my eyes. I had been concentrating so hard on being gentle that my entire consciousness had been centered on my penetration. Her cheeks were wet with tears, but her smile told me everything was ok.

I moved slightly within Mei Ling, and could see a twitch of discomfort on her face. But as I froze again, she moved herself ... causing more twitches voluntarily. I imagined that it must feel a lot like scratching a raw itch for her. I was no longer sure that all of the moisture was lubrication. My own sexual needs were very demanding ... and I was torn between rubbing myself inside her to my own completion, hoping it would be at least pleasant for her ... or just lying there motionless, holding her in my arms with me inside her until we fell asleep.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

The sweetness of motionless joining was seductive, to lay there like this for hours. But instinct and a growing need to complete what she started pressed Mei Ling to start her own gentle movements. As the pain was less she could concentrate on other sensations. She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her lips in kiss with him again.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

Mei Ling made the decision for me. Her rocking motion was insistent, and I could not help but respond. I was sure now that the evening had nothing but pleasure ahead ... although I knew that the chance of her actually achieving an orgasm was slight. I began to concentrate on merely lasting long enough to give her that chance. It took a tremendous amount of willpower to relax some key muscles while continuing our accelerating pace. Her muscles clasped my hardness with exquisite tightness and heat, and I felt faint.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

The moistness increased as feelings of pleasure counteracted the remaining soreness. Not having to fight the pain caused some relaxation and though her tightness remained it was within tolerable limits. As he kept up his pace increasing only gradually, she was able to get some real enjoyment now.Her body was slick with sweat where his body covered hers. She was starting to feel a warmth in her loins, a quivery feeling previously unknown to her. She pushed her hips upward toward him quickening the motion.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

Her upturned hips allowed me to slide deeper. The pleasure was making my eyes roll ... and I could not help myself. I had reached the point of no return. My hips began to shift into high gear, and my strokes became longer and harder ... I buried my face between her neck and shoulder, and I began to lick and kiss her soft flesh. My arms tightened around her back, lifting her body upwards to crush her against my chest. I could feel her soft breasts and hard nipples clearly ... every nerve was alive as we slid deeper and deeper into each other.

From: Demeter
To: Lazarus Long

She was overwhelmed by her feelings, as the first waves of orgasm moved over her. She couldn't think her mind a blank now as all the feelings of her body took over. She was aware he, too, had passed the point of no return. They shared the final moments of their passion and collapsed together exhausted.

From: Lazarus Long
To: Demeter

I could not believe that Mei Ling was coming, but her movements and passion were unmistakable, even as my own climax took over my body. The rush of pleasure, pounding and spurting inside her, in combination with her own cries of pleasure were more than I could bear. I whimpered and cried out and fell upon her in my passion ... opening the gates of my emotional as well as physical release. My lack of restraint was embarrassing ... and as the waves subsided I closed my eyes and lay upon her as though drained of power. Mei Ling wrapped her arms tightly across my back, and pulled me down onto her as though she would never let go. We lay there in warmth and tenderness and silence ... drifting in and out of reveries and sleep.

Subject: Text of Mei-Ling's introduction to pleasure.
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