Sexual Harassment Training

by Arthur Saxon

“Okay everyone,” said Keith Baker, team lead for the operations division of Avalonia Enterprises. “I know this is a pain, but senior management has decided we all need mandatory sexual harassment training. So here we are.” He looked around the small conference room, and frowned. “Um … where’s Barbara?”

“Off this week,” said Corey, the planning manager. “Her dad’s on his death bed, apparently; she’s flown out to be with him.”

“Well that’s annoying,” said Keith, frowning. “I mean, of course I feel bad for Barbara, but I deliberately planned this training session for a time when – as I thought – we’d all be available. I don’t particularly want to go through it all again with her later.” He sighed. “Well, it can’t be helped. But I’m sorry, Tiffany, this means you’ll be the only woman in the class. I apologise in advance if you feel singled-out or in any other way uncomfortable as a result of this training. Unfortunately, it’s got to be done. All right, can anyone tell me what sexual harassment is? Yes – Nolan.”

“Unwanted sexual advances,” said Nolan, the dispatch clerk and one of the company’s newest hires.

“Well yes, it could include that,” agreed Keith. “But it could also include comments of a sexual or sexist nature, directed at a woman or even just spoken within earshot of a female colleague. Can anyone think of a remark that a woman might find offensive even if it is not a direct sexual advance?”

Tiffany hesitantly raised a hand, but Keith waited for a moment longer. “I’m sure you can, Tiffany, but since this is primarily about educating the men here, I’d like to see if any of them can come up with something.”

Tiffany looked almost grateful as she put her hand down again. A mousey little woman of twenty-six years, she was always happy to stay under the radar, keeping herself to herself and quietly doing her job. She was the company’s inventory controller, and had been ever since she had left school at the age of eighteen.

Aaron, the production supervisor, raised his hand.

“Yes – Aaron,” said Keith.

“Something like, ‘Martha’s being a real bitch today; she must be on her period’?” Aaron hazarded.

“Yes!” said Keith enthusiastically. “That’s exactly the kind of thing we’re talking about here. Now … let’s have a little roleplay session. Tiffany, obviously you’ll play the part of the woman – sorry, but with Barbara gone, you’re the only … um, and Corey, you be the man. Corey, I know you fancy yourself as a bit of a ladies’ man; I’d like you to show us the difference between harmless flirting, and inappropriate flirting – with Tiffany, obviously.”

Corey grinned. “Sure!” he said. He got up from his chair and walked around the table to where Tiffany was sitting, looking rather nervous. “Hey Tiffany,” he said. “I like your top – that colour really brings out your pretty blue eyes.”

Tiffany blushed crimson.

Keith chuckled. “All right, now the inappropriate version.”

Corey cleared his throat. “Mmm, Tiffany,” he said. “You’re looking good! I love the way your sweater clings to your boobs.”

Tiffany’s blush deepened, and she folded her arms across her chest.

Keith laughed. “Very good!” he said. “Now, does anyone have any thoughts about those two flirting examples?”

Aaron raised his hand. “They’re both inappropriate?” he guessed.

“Correct!” said Keith, pointing at Aaron. “As nicely as the first one was meant, it was still an unsolicited advance, and not appropriate for the workplace. Some women might be glad to receive a compliment like that, but you cannot be certain of it … remember that a colleague is a captive audience and cannot just escape from the attention if she chooses. Save compliments on appearance or attractiveness for the bar. And restrict your workplace compliments to job-related stuff, like ‘Good job on that presentation’ or ‘I thought your email was very well-written’.”

Corey frowned. “That seems unreasonable,” he said. “Well-intentioned, I’m sure, but workplace romances are inevitable, and I don’t see the harm in a bit of flirting, if both people are into each other.”

“Well that’s the problem,” said Keith. “Technically it’s only harassment if it’s unwanted flirting or touching or whatever. But while you might be sure that your flirting is going to be welcomed, the company doesn’t know that, and can’t be sure of it.” He looked at his notes. “Perhaps we should go through this list of the eight forms of sexual harassment, and make sure everyone is aware of what they entail.” He cleared his throat. “Number one – sexist remarks. Well I think we covered that one, yes? Aaron had a very good example. Can anyone think of any others?”

Corey raised his hand. “Tiffany’ll never be a manager because she’s just a woman.”

Tiffany looked shocked.

“Yes, another good one!” said Keith. “I assume you found that offensive, Tiffany?”

Tiffany nodded.

“Yes, that’s exactly the kind of thing,” said Keith. “Moving on now. Number two: comments relating to physical appearance / clothing. Can anyone think of some examples? Maybe involving Tiffany, so we can get her honest reaction? Sorry Tiffany – you’re the only woman here…”

“I love how see-through your blouse is, Tiffany,” said Corey.

Tiffany anxiously looked down at her chest, but in fact her blouse was as opaque as a blouse can get.

“Good, good,” said Keith grudgingly. “Not really applicable in this case, though. Let’s try and come up with something that actually applies to Tiffany.”

“I like what you did with your hair, Tiffany,” said Nolan. “It looks nice.”

Tiffany blushed, and smiled.

“Interesting!” said Keith. “I’m not sure that counts as sexual harassment, even though it’s related to appearance. It certainly didn’t seem like Tiffany was offended. Were you offended, Tiffany?”

She shook her head.

“Good,” said Keith. “Or rather, not good – because we’re looking for examples of sexual harassment. Bradley, you’ve been very quiet – how about you come up with something?”

Bradley, the middle-aged load planner, tapped his chin. “I don’t know,” he said. “Tiffany isn’t actually wearing anything sexy, so it’s hard to know what to comment on.”

“Oh! I’ve got one,” said Aaron suddenly.

“Yes?” said Keith. “Go on.”

“Hey Tiffany,” said Aaron, smiling at her. “You have nice legs, as far as I can tell; you should consider wearing shorter skirts.”

Tiffany gasped, and blushed again.

Keith laughed. “Yes, another good one!” he said. “Very offensive. You have no business telling Tiffany what she should or shouldn’t wear. Anyone else?”

“I’ve got a couple,” said Corey, “but I’m in the same boat as Bradley: they just don’t apply to Tiffany. I’d make a comment about her short skirt if she were wearing one.”

“Well perhaps we can fix that,” said Keith. “At least in a way. Tiffany, can you hike up your skirt a bit? Uncover your knees? Then we can pretend you’re wearing a miniskirt.”

Tiffany’s jaw dropped, and her cheeks turned pink. “Um…” she said hesitantly.

“I know you’re not accustomed to showing so much leg,” said Keith, “but in Barbara’s absence, as I’ve said, unfortunately we have to pick on you as the only girl in the group. For the sake of the training session, can you please pretend to be wearing a miniskirt?”

Tiffany bit her lip, then she reached down, grasped the material of her long skirt, and began pulling it up.

“Scoot your chair back from the table,” said Keith, “so we can all see you.”

Tiffany rolled her chair backward, until even Bradley and Nolan on the other side of the table could see her knees as they became exposed by her rising hem.

“Excellent,” said Keith. “Thank you.”

“Keep going,” Corey encouraged her. “It’s not very ‘mini’ yet.”

Tiffany paused, and looked nervously at Keith for direction. Keith nodded and smiled, so she kept pulling up her skirt, until she had exposed half of her thighs. She stopped.

“Wow, Tiffany,” said Corey, grinning at her thighs. “I love your skirt – very sexy! You should wear miniskirts more often.”

“That’s it,” said Keith approvingly. “Very good. Anyone else?”

“Can she do something about her top?” Aaron inquired. “I have a good one about cleavage, but obviously it doesn’t really work with the blouse…”

“Yeah,” said Bradley, “I mean, with the greatest possible respect, Tiffany doesn’t dress in a way that would be likely to earn her inappropriate compliments.”

“Give her a break; she just pulled up her skirt!” said Nolan.

“Oh I’m not trying to diminish the effect of that,” said Bradley hastily. “I’m just talking generally.”

“I get what you’re saying,” said Keith. “And Aaron’s right – for the purposes of this exercise, Tiffany, can we maybe do something about your top? Perhaps if you can undo a few buttons, we’ll have some more plausible options for inappropriate remarks about your clothing.”

Tiffany hunched her shoulders, cringing in embarrassment as she unfastened first one, then another of her buttons. In doing so, she revealed that beneath her blouse she was wearing a white top of some kind.

“Huh,” said Aaron. “Is that a tank top, Tiffany?”

She nodded.

“Well how about if you just lose the blouse entirely?” Aaron suggested. “A nice sexy little tank top would be perfect for this demonstration, don’t you think, Keith?”

“I guess it probably would,” Keith agreed. “Would you mind, Tiffany? Just keep undoing those buttons, and let’s see you without the blouse.”

Tiffany hesitated, looking rather alarmed. “I…” she began.

“I know, I know,” said Keith. “You wouldn’t normally come to work in a tank top with no blouse over it. I think that’s probably even against our dress code. But I think we can grant you a little leeway, given the reason for our training session here. You wouldn’t get into any trouble, I promise you. If there’s any trouble at all, it’ll fall on me, since I’m giving you the instruction. So go on – off with the blouse.”

Tiffany gulped, but continued unfastening her buttons, until her blouse was fully open. Then, looking highly embarrassed, she pulled it off her shoulders, and tugged her arms out of the sleeves. Quietly folding it up, she set it down on the floor beside her.

The men in the room all stared at her tank top, and the small amount of cleavage that she was now showing. “Nice top, Tiffany!” said Corey. “I’d certainly have no objections if you came to work looking like that!”

Keith rolled his eyes in exasperation. “Corey!” he said. “You can’t just say something like that! Have you learned nothing from this session so far?”

“I was … just demonstrating an inappropriate compliment,” said Corey.

“Oh I see!” said Keith, looking relieved. “Of course you were – sorry. Carry on. Anyone else got one?”

“I like the way your boobs look in that top, Tiffany,” said Aaron.

“Good!” said Keith. “Yes. But you know, inappropriate remarks about clothing aren’t just limited to compliments. It’s also inappropriate to make derogatory remarks, or attempt to shame someone for their clothing. Can I get some examples…?”

“That top’s too skimpy for the office, Tiffany,” said Nolan.

“Hmm, yeah…” said Keith uncertainly. “I don’t really think that counts. I mean, it’s the sort of thing a manager might justifiably say to a member of their team. You need to be thinking more in terms of insults.”

“That top makes you look like a slut, Tiffany,” said Corey.

Tiffany gasped, but Keith laughed in delight. “Yes!” he said. “That’s perfect. Keep ‘em coming!”

“Is that a skirt or a belt, Tiffany?” Bradley inquired with a grin.

“Good!” said Keith.

“What’s with the slutty outfit?” asked Aaron. “Are you moonlighting as a hooker?”

Tiffany looked aghast at these remarks, and self-consciously pulled her skirt down towards her knees.

“Oh no, don’t cover up, Tiffany!” said Keith quickly. “You know these remarks aren’t really directed at you, right? We’re just coming up with examples of what your colleagues should NOT be saying. And you’re doing a great job of helping with that.”

Tiffany relaxed a little, and pulled her skirt back up her thighs … though not as high as it had been before.

“Let’s proceed to number three on the list,” Keith continued. “Although I think maybe there’s a bit of overlap here. Lewd / sexual comments. Anyone got any examples?”

“Hey Tiffany, can I squeeze those tits of yours?” said Corey.

“Yup, that definitely qualifies,” said Keith with a chuckle, as Tiffany looked shocked. “Keep going.”

“Pull that skirt up higher and show us your panties!” said Aaron excitedly.

“Yes!” said Keith. “Excellent.”

“God I’d love for you to wrap your boobs around my cock!” said Bradley.

“All right!” laughed Keith, while Tiffany looked scandalized.

“I’d love to kiss you!” Nolan blurted out.

Everyone, including Tiffany, stared at him in surprise. Then Keith chuckled. “Okay…”

“What’s wrong?” asked Nolan in surprise. “Does that not fit the bill?”

Keith shrugged. “I guess it’s more … romantic? Than sexual? But definitely inappropriate. I’ll allow it.”

“Hey Tiffany, spread your legs a bit,” said Corey. “I wanna take an upskirt photo.”

“Aaaand moving on,” said Keith, frowning slightly at Corey. “Number four: invasion of personal space. Can I get a volunteer to invade Tiffany’s personal space?”

Corey, Aaron, Bradley and Nolan all raised their hands.

“Aaron,” said Keith. “Go on – show us how it’s done. Or rather, what you shouldn’t be doing.”

Aaron rolled his chair over to Tiffany’s, and then leaned towards her. “Hi Tiffany,” he said, smiling, his face a few inches from hers. “How you doing?”

Tiffany leaned away from him defensively, and he leaned even further, following her.

“Yeah, that’s clearly uncomfortable for Tiffany,” Keith remarked. “Good demo – thank you Aaron. Uh, you can back off now.”

Aaron rolled his chair back, and Tiffany sat upright again, looking relieved.

“Next,” said Keith, “staring / leering. This is a big no-no, guys. It doesn’t matter what Tiffany – or anyone – is wearing, it’s never okay to stare or leer at her. Corey, care to demonstrate? Give us your best leer.”

Corey grinned, leaning forward and staring hungrily at Tiffany’s exposed thighs.

“Not very convincing, Corey!” said Aaron. “Keith, I think it might help if Tiffany pulled her skirt up higher – I think she’s not showing as much as she was before.”

“I think you’re right,” Keith agreed. “Tiffany, better give Corey something more to leer at. Pull up your skirt nice and high.”

Tiffany nervously put her hands on her lap, and began to drag the rucked-up fabric of her skirt higher and higher up her thighs, until Nolan, on the other side of the table, could actually glimpse her panties. His eyes widened, and he grinned excitedly.

“Ooh, very good Nolan,” said Keith. “Excellent leer – practically an ogle! Next we have number six: hugs and kisses. Unwanted hugs and kisses are very problematic – particularly when there’s a power imbalance, but in any case they should be avoided entirely. Now I realise that office romances are a thing, and colleagues can be friends who might want to hug if they haven’t seen each other in a while … so under certain circumstances, they might not be inappropriate … but for safety’s sake, you should probably avoid hugs and kisses as a general rule. The company, at any rate, frowns on them in the office, even between married couples.”

“Are we going to … roleplay this…?”
Corey inquired.

“Might as well!” said Keith. “Bradley, perhaps you can take this one. Let’s see you give Tiffany an inappropriate hug. No groping! Just a hug.”

Bradley got out of his chair, walked around the table, and approached Tiffany, who looked up at him anxiously. “Can you stand up please, Tiffany?” he asked.

Tiffany nodded, and stood up, dropping her skirt so that it fell down and swished around her calves. Bradley pulled her into a warm hug, which she reflexively responded to, tentatively putting her hands up behind his back and placing them gingerly between his shoulder blades. “Mmm, you smell nice,” he said.

“Oh, a sexual harassment combo!” said Keith. “Very good.”

“Now, this may seem like an innocent hug to Bradley,” said Keith, “but to Tiffany, I’m sure, it’s a grievous violation of her personal space and a form of intimate contact to which she has not consented. Wouldn’t you agree, Tiffany?”

“Yes,” said Tiffany, sounding uncomfortable.

“Corey, how about you have a go now?” Keith suggested. “Maybe include a kiss, too?”

Bradley released Tiffany, and Corey now stepped forward and pulled the young woman into his arms. Bending his head down, he kissed her neck, causing Tiffany to gasp and clutch his shoulders in shock. For over half a minute Corey kissed and sucked and nibbled on the side of her neck, while Tiffany’s eyes half closed and her breathing quickened.

“Jeez, Corey, don’t give her a hickey!” said Keith. “Very good demo, but I think you should let someone else have a go. Aaron, how about you?”

“Absolutely!” said Aaron, getting up and approaching Tiffany, as Corey stepped out of the way. Taking her around the waist with one arm, he pressed his lips against hers, while putting his other hand behind her head so that she could not pull away. She uttered a muffled squeal, and then flailed her arms as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. Her knees collapsed, but he held her up as he bent her over backwards, thoroughly exploring her mouth with his tongue and grabbing a handful of her hair as he caressed the back of her head. Tiffany flapped her arms wildly, then brought them around to push ineffectually against Aaron’s shoulders.

“Wow, yes, that’s quite the kiss!” Keith remarked. “Definitely a great example of what you should never do with a colleague. A clear-cut firing offence if ever there was.”

“My turn now?” asked Nolan hopefully.

“I think we’re good thanks, Nolan,” said Keith. “Time to move on. Number seven: indecent exposure. Big one, this – I’m sure none of you needs reminding that flashing your genitals or whatever in the workplace is one of the most offensive and inappropriate things you could possibly do. Nevertheless, we should probably tackle it with some examples, so we’re all clear on what you can’t do. Nolan, it’s definitely your turn: how about you start us off?”

“Uh,” said Nolan, looking confused.

“Indecently expose yourself,” Keith explained patiently, “to Tiffany.”

“Oh,” said Nolan, looking worried. “Um…” He stood up, looked thoughtful for a moment, then he turned around, unfastening his belt. Having unzipped his trousers and untucked his shirt, he hooked his thumbs into the sides of his underwear, and abruptly pulled them down along with his trousers until his bottom was exposed. Then he hurriedly pulled up both garments, and zipped and fastened everything back up.

“Full moon tonight!” said Keith, laughing along with the other men. Tiffany looked sympathetically at Nolan as he sat back down, very red-faced.

“Shall I go next?” Corey volunteered.

“Sure!” said Keith.

Corey stood up next to Tiffany, and unzipped his trousers. Reaching inside, he fumbled around for a few seconds, then brought out into the open an impressively thick and lengthy semi-erect penis, at which Tiffany stared in alarm. Stepping forward, Corey grinned down at the horrified young woman as he waved his cock around, mere inches from her face. “Go on, suck it,” he said. “You know you want to.”

“Goodness!” said Keith. “A triple combo! Lewd remark, invasion of personal space, and indecent exposure, all in one! Very good, Corey – a great example.”

“What if Tiffany exposed herself to us?” Bradley inquired. “Would that count as harassment? Or does it only work in one direction?”

“Well it has to work both ways,” said Keith. “We can’t be having a double standard about these things.”

“I can’t imagine anyone objecting to Tiffany flashing her boobs or whatever though,” said Aaron. “Would you feel harassed by that? I certainly wouldn’t.”

“I suppose that’s a fair point,” Keith conceded. “It would definitely be inappropriate … but to count as harassment, I think technically it has to be unwanted by the person on the receiving end.”

“We should probably cover it, though, right?” said Aaron. “I mean, we covered hugs and compliments, even though those might not always be unwanted.”

“We sometimes get visits from customers, though,” Bradley pointed out. “Remember when those folks from Dignitas came around, and Shirley sent out that memo asking all the woman not to wear short skirts that day, because it would offend the visitors’ conservative religious sensibilities?”

“Oh yes!” said Keith, nodding. “I do remember that. I guess we should cover female exposure too.”

“And inappropriately skimpy clothing,” Corey added.

“Well yeah,” said Keith. “That’s kinda the same thing though. Or at least, we can kill two birds with one stone.”

“I don’t think we can, though,” Corey countered. “They’re two different things. Tiffany pulling her skirt up to show her panties, for example, would be indecent exposure, but it’s not inappropriate clothing. On the other hand, a very short miniskirt would be inappropriate clothing … but it wouldn’t really be indecent exposure under normal circumstances – just when easily-offended religious zealots are around.”

Keith’s brow furrowed. “Okay, I get what you’re saying … I’m just not sure what it is that you’re suggesting Tiffany do.”

“I think she should both wear indecently skimpy clothing,” said Corey, “and also expose herself.”

“She’s already in a tank top!” Nolan pointed out. “That alone would offend the Dignitas folks, I’m sure.”

“Possibly, possibly,” said Corey. “But if she were not wearing a bra underneath – I think that would seal the deal.”

“I’m sure it would,” Keith agreed. “I’m not sure it counts as indecent exposure, but on the grounds that it could cause offence, I’ll allow it. Tiffany, could you remove your bra, please.”

Tiffany stared at him. “S…seriously?” she stammered.

“Yes!” said Keith. “Haven’t you been paying attention? Come on now.”

Tiffany looked around at all the expectant male faces, and swallowed nervously. Then she reached up inside the back of her tank top, popped open the clasp of her bra, and then contrived to pull the straps down her arms without disturbing her top. Having freed both arms, she reached back up the front of her top, took hold of her bra, and pulled it out. Folding it, she dropped it on top of her blouse.

Every man in the room was staring at her chest.

“Well I don’t know about you,” said Aaron, “but I find nothing offensive about this. You can barely tell she’s not wearing a bra.”

Tiffany seemed quite relieved to hear this, but she was still sitting with her shoulders hunched, as if she was trying to make herself look as small and invisible as possible.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Keith agreed. “Although I’m sure the Dignitas delegation would disagree.”

“I think they’d be more offended by a short skirt, to be honest,” said Corey. “I think we should see Tiffany in a miniskirt – a super short one.”

“Unless you have one tucked away somewhere,” said Keith, “I’m not sure how we’d accomplish that, except by having Tiffany pull her skirt up – which she’s already done.”

Corey shrugged. “We could shorten it,” he suggested.

“How?” asked Keith, bemused. “Do you even have something to cut it with? And I’m sure Tiffany doesn’t want you ruining her skirt!”

“There’s a pair of scissors in that drawer,” said Corey, pointing at a cabinet in the corner. “But who said anything about ruining the skirt? I mean, let’s face it, it’s kind of a frumpy skirt – like something my Nan would wear.”

Tiffany’s jaw dropped indignantly.

“I think shortening it could only improve it,” Corey continued. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Perhaps,” Keith conceded. “But Tiffany might disagree.”

“She might,” Corey acknowledged, “but who’s calling the shots in this training session? If you think our training would be better served with Tiffany in a shorter skirt, then let’s shorten it! Tiffany’s a team player, right?”

Keith looked at Tiffany, who looked back at him with a panicked expression. “Hmm,” he mused. “Tiffany, I sure you’re fond of this skirt, but Corey does have a point. Can we shorten it? If you don’t like the result, I’m sure the company will pay you whatever it cost you. Um … do you happen to recall how much that was?”

Tiffany bit her lip. “Five bucks,” she mumbled.

“Five bucks??” Keith echoed. “Did you get it at a charity shop or something?”

Tiffany nodded in embarrassment.

“Well then,” said Keith, more firmly. “Small loss if we trim it a bit, then! Stand up, Tiffany. Who’s doing the trimming?”

“I’m happy to volunteer for that job!” said Aaron quickly.

“Okay, Aaron,” said Keith. “Fetch the scissors.”

Aaron did so, then squatted down behind Tiffany. “How short are we thinking?” he inquired.

“I think in order to qualify as indecent,” said Bradley, “it ought to be pretty close to butt-length.”

Tiffany gasped, and looked anxiously at Keith.

“Okay,” said Keith, “but remember she’s going to have to wear it for the rest of the day, and it’s not even ten o’clock yet. So don’t go overboard.”

“Aye-aye, cap’n,” said Aaron, and he pinched together a fold of cotton fabric, and carefully snipped it in the middle with his scissors. Having made a horizontal slit in the skirt, a couple of inches below Tiffany’s bottom, he began cutting sideways. “Can you slowly turn around, to your left, Tiffany?” he asked. “Then I won’t have to keep crawling around you.”

Tiffany did as he asked, slowly rotating on the spot while he industriously scissored his way around her skirt. When he approached his starting point, however, he realised he must have inadvertently been getting higher and higher as he cut, because his scissors were aiming for a point approximately one inch above his initial slit.

“Sorry,” he said, “it seems I spiralled upward a bit. Keep turning – I’ll have to correct gradually so we don’t end up with an uneven hem. I’ll try to cut straighter this time.”

With a little whimper, Tiffany continued to rotate, while the lower two-thirds of her skirt began to slide down her legs, suspended from the top third by a narrow strip of fabric, which narrowed still further as Aaron continued to cut. The other men watched in fascination as more and more of Tiffany’s legs became exposed.

Finally, with the thin strip tapering to a point fairly close to where he began cutting, Aaron made a final snip, and the lower portion of the skirt dropped to the floor around Tiffany’s ankles. “There!” he said. “Now that’s what I call a miniskirt!”

“Good job, Aaron,” said Keith. “All right, I think we can all agree that for a formal office setting like ours, most people – not just religious zealots – would consider Tiffany ‘indecently exposed’.”

“I’m not sure I’d go that far,” said Nolan. “I think she looks awesome, and very sexy … but indecent? Nah.”

Tiffany smiled gratefully at him.

Aaron looked up quizzically at Keith. “You think I should go shorter? I can go shorter.”

“That won’t be necessary,” said Keith firmly. “And Nolan, watch your language. You can’t say that Tiffany looks sexy. Even ‘awesome’ is problematic, particularly if you’re referring to the length of her skirt.”

“Oh, uh,” said Nolan, flustered. “I was just … giving an example … of an inappropriate compliment.”

Keith chuckled. “Nice save,” he said. “Just be careful – we don’t want Tiffany reporting you for sexual harassment!”

Nolan looked anxiously at Tiffany, who smiled shyly. “I won’t,” she assured him, and he smiled gratefully back.

“All right, Tiffany,” said Keith. “Pull up your top – it’s time to flash your boobs.”

Tiffany gasped, and turned rather pale. Nolan immediately leapt to her defence. “How is that not harassment?” he inquired.

Keith blinked. “Nolan, this is a sexual harassment training session,” he explained patiently. “Inevitably we’re all going to have to say certain things that under normal circumstances would be considered sexual harassment. But we have topics to address, and examples to share – and under the heading of ‘indecent exposure’, I think we have to cover female exposure as well as male. We already discussed doing so. Corey showed his cock, you showed your butt … now it’s Tiffany’s turn. I’m afraid there’s no way for me to ask her to do that in a way that would be appropriate outside of this session.”

“I guess not,” Nolan conceded.

“Come on then, Tiffany,” said Keith. “Get ‘em out.”

With everyone looking at her expectantly, Tiffany’s cheeks went from pale to bright red. Taking hold of the front of her tank top, she slowly pulled it up to her clavicles, exposing her rather pretty C-cup breasts.

“Nice!” said Corey, and Aaron whistled in appreciation.

“Guys!” said Keith sharply.

“Aww come on Keith!” said Corey. “You said yourself it was inevitable we’d be saying things that would usually be considered sexual harassment.”

“Yes, but context is key!” said Keith. “If you’re offering an example of what not to say or do, that’s fine. If you’re just doing sexual harassment for the sake of it, that’s not okay.”

“Um … can I pull my top down?” asked Tiffany nervously.

“Just a moment please Tiffany,” said Keith. “Does everyone understand what I just said about context?”

“Yeah,” said Bradley, “but surely the context is that we’re in sexual harassment training and not a normal everyday office situation. You can’t expect us to adhere to a strict code of behaviour in the middle of people demonstrating behaviour which is decidedly NOT normal or everyday.”

“I can, though,” Keith insisted. “This is the whole point. You’re not responsible for other people’s behaviour; only your own. It doesn’t matter if Tiffany flashes you, or comes on to you, or even if she runs naked through the office; the company’s expectation is that you maintain the required standard of professionalism and appropriate behaviour. That means no staring, even if her boobs are right in front of you. No compliments, even if those boobs are outstandingly beautiful. And no lewd remarks, even if she makes some of her own!”

“Jeez!” said Aaron in dismay. “Easier said than done, I’d say!”

“Well, that’s why we need practice!” said Keith. “Keep showing us your boobs, Tiffany, so the guys can practise not staring at them.”

Looking rather unhappy, Tiffany kept holding up her top, while the men in the room looked around uncomfortably, fixing their gaze on anything but her chest.

“Does glancing count as staring?” Corey inquired. “Surely not…”

“No indeed,” said Keith. “Glancing is fine – and inevitable, I’m sure. You don’t catch a glimpse of something amazing without taking a second look to verify what you just saw. It’s human nature! So by all means glance – but don’t take too long! Otherwise it’ll become staring, which will get you into trouble.”

There now followed a lot of glances at Tiffany’s breasts.

“Can I give some examples of inappropriate comments related to Tiffany’s boobs?” asked Corey hopefully.

“Certainly!” said Keith. “If your purpose is educational, which such a demonstration would be, then it’s fine.”

Corey sighed with relief. “Tiffany, your boobs look amazing! So round, so pretty…”

“I love them!” Nolan chipped in. They’re beautiful!”

Tiffany blushed deeply, and smiled at Nolan.

“I bet they feel good!” said Aaron. “I’d love to grab them and give them a good squeeze – really sink my fingers into them.”

“I’d love to suck on them!” said Bradley. “Look at those perky nipples – just dying to be sucked!”

“Excellent stuff, guys!” said Keith approvingly. “All right. Tiffany, you can cover up again now.”

Tiffany looked highly relieved as she pulled her top back down.

“Finally,” said Keith, “we come to the eighth and final form of sexual harassment: groping / sexual assault. Who wants to go first?”

Everyone stared at him. “You want us to … sexually assault … Tiffany?”

“Well you needn’t go overboard!” said Keith. “I think we can cover this one with a bit of light groping, yes?”

Aaron tentatively raised his hand. “I can go first, then, if that’s okay…?”

“Yup,” said Keith. “Go ahead, Aaron.”

Tiffany backed away nervously as Aaron approached her, then she squealed as he raised his hands and grasped her breasts through her top. Grinning, he began squeezing and massaging them through the thin material, while Tiffany stared down at his hands with a look of panic on her face.

“Good job, Aaron,” said Keith. “Who’s next?”

“Can … can I go next?” asked Nolan.

“Sure!” said Keith. “Go for it.”

“Can I do, like, a combo?” Nolan inquired.

“Absolutely,” said Keith, nodding. “The more examples we can demonstrate, the more productive this session will be.”

Nolan walked up to Tiffany, who stared at him with wide eyes, her cheeks flushed with anticipation. Then Nolan put his arms around her, and kissed her on the lips. As she responded with apparent willingness, Nolan reached down and grabbed her buttocks through her butchered skirt, caressing them and gradually working the fabric of her miniskirt upward until her bottom and panties peeped into view.

“Good combo, Nolan!” said Keith. “Inappropriate kissing, groping, and indecent exposure! Bold move though – don’t be surprised if she slaps you after this! I’m just kidding of course, Tiffany – don’t slap Nolan.”

The young dispatch clerk eventually pulled his face away from Tiffany’s. Looking into her eyes, he said softly, “I … I really like you, Tiffany.”

“You do?” she whispered.

“Swing and a miss on the lewd remark there, Nolan,” said Keith, chuckling. “Otherwise, a good effort. Bradley, why don’t you go next?”

“Yeah!” said Bradley, grinning eagerly. As Nolan stepped aside, he approached Tiffany with a hungry leer. Then he reached out, took hold of her top, and pulled it up to her neck, fully exposing her breasts as she gasped in shock. Then he bent down, fastened his lips around her right nipple, and began sucking on it noisily. Meanwhile his right hand grasped her bare left breast, and began fondling it. Tiffany flapped her hands, whimpering anxiously, and then she squealed as Bradley put his left hand up what was left of her skirt, and started rubbing her pussy through her panties.

“Upping the ante!” said Keith, raising an eyebrow. “Can you imagine doing this under normal circumstances? You’d be fired so fast you’d break the sound barrier!”

Bradley grinned as he removed his lips from Tiffany’s breast. He reached for the scissors and picked them up. “I want to throw in another element,” he said, “and get in on the skirt-cutting action.” He bent down, and took hold of the hem of Tiffany’s skirt.

“Bradley!” said Keith, a little exasperated, as Bradley snipping a two-inch cut right up the middle of the front of the skirt, to Tiffany’s horror. “The skirt’s short enough as it is! If you cut any more off, she’ll be showing her panties all over the office!”

“Yeah!” Bradley agreed, cutting upward another inch or so and then turning the scissors to cut horizontally. “Turn around slowly, Tiffany. Keith, I’m simply demonstrating another form of sexual harassment. Shortening her skirt is one thing, but cutting her clothes so that she’s forced to expose her panties is another. I think it’s important for us to cover as much ground as possible.”

“Fair enough,” Keith conceded. “I guess we’ll just have to figure out how to handle Tiffany’s exposure later.”

Tiffany forlornly rotated on the spot, silently mourning the loss of one of her favourite skirts. In his excitement, meanwhile, Bradley was cutting higher and higher, and by the time Tiffany had turned a full 360 degrees, the strip of fabric he was trimming off had widened from three inches to five. “Keep turning!” he said cheerfully.

“Jeez, Bradley!” Nolan protested.

“Ah, fuck it,” said Bradley. “Looks like I made a mess of this. Ah well – since the skirt’s ruined anyway…” He turned the scissors so they were pointing upward again, and then quickly and determinedly cut his way up towards the garment’s elasticated waistband.

“Oh no!” Tiffany squealed.

“Bradley!” Keith exclaimed.

“Holy shit!” said Corey in astonished delight.

Bradley made his final snip, and Tiffany’s skirt fell open, dropping to the floor behind her and leaving her in just her pulled-up tank top, her pale pink panties, and her sensible black office shoes. Mortified, she clasped her hands together in front of her panties, inadvertently squeezing her breasts together between her dainty biceps.

“My turn!” said Corey, his eyes flashing.

“Not yet,” said Keith. “So far I fear I’ve not contributed much myself in the way of sexual harassment examples – but you’ve all been doing such a good job!”

“Oh by all means!” said Corey generously, gesturing to Tiffany. “Show us how it’s done. I mean, what not to do.”

Keith got up and walked over to Tiffany. “Now, guys,” he said, “you should very definitely never do anything like this. Damn, Tiffany – what gorgeous tits you have! I love ‘em!” And he grabbed hold of both breasts, squeezing them hard so that she gasped. Then he pulled her close, kissed her on the lips, and wormed his tongue into her mouth. Reaching around behind her with his right arm, he sank his hand inside the back of her panties, and began kneading her left buttock, while continuing to fondle her right breast with his left hand. After a minute or so, he let go of her, and picked up the scissors. “Your top isn’t covering much,” he said. “Might as well get rid of it.” And taking hold of the bunched-up material above her breasts, he began cutting through it with the scissors.

“Keith!” Tiffany squealed anxiously.

But the scissors made short work of the thin material, and soon Keith had snipped all the way through to the neckline. Then he snipped her left shoulder strap, followed by her right. The ruined tank top fell off her, just as her skirt had done.

Tiffany, now wearing just her panties and shoes, looked down sorrowfully at her destroyed skirt and tank top. Then she looked up fearfully at Corey, who was approaching her with a determined expression.

“My turn!” said Corey.

“Indeed,” said Keith, stepping aside.

Corey began by kissing her, but as his tongue wrestled with hers, he slowly pushed her backwards, until her upper thighs hit the conference table. Still he pushed her, bending her over backwards, but supporting her back with one hand so that she did not fall. Only when she was actually lying on the table – though with her feet still on the floor, did he withdraw his hand from behind her. Then, still kissing her, he put his hand on the front of her panties and began massaging her pussy. She uttered a muffled squeal, or moan – it was hard to tell – and clutched his wrist with her left hand.

Corey raised his face away from hers. “You like this, don’t you, you little slut?” he said.

“Oh, very good!” said Keith, nodding in approval. “Horrible thing to say – very offensive!”

Tiffany looked very indignant, but any protest she might have been about to make was abandoned as Corey slipped his hand down inside the front of her panties. “Corey!” she gasped, her eyes bulging, but he silenced her with another kiss. The other men watched in fascination as Corey’s hand moved rhythmically beneath the flimsy fabric of Tiffany’s panties.

“I can’t believe he’s doing that!” said Nolan, looking disturbed.

“I know, right?” said Keith. “Disgusting behaviour. Very effective demonstration, though, and it’s encouraging to me that you are appalled by this spectacle. Never do this kind of thing! You’ll be fired on the spot, and possibly even arrested!”

Nolan nodded.

Aaron, however, was licking his lips. “I think Corey’s progressed beyond mere groping,” he remarked, “and into the arena of sexual assault.”

“I agree!” said Keith. “Well, it’s probably best we cover both, anyway.”

“In that case,” said Aaron, “since I never got beyond a mild grope, may I take another turn? I have some ideas that we haven’t covered yet.”

“Sure, go for it,” said Keith.

Aaron grinned, and approached Tiffany. “Time’s up, Corey,” he said. “My turn.”

Corey stood up straight, and stepped away from the table, but as Tiffany pushed herself upright, Aaron squatted down, took hold of the sides of her panties, and abruptly pulled them down, exposing a small, tidily-trimmed patch of fine, pale brown pubic hair and a pair of puffy labia. The young woman squealed and slapped a hand over her pussy, but Aaron stood up and gently pushed her back down on to the table. Then he lifted her legs up off the floor, raising her feet up to the level of his shoulders. Deftly pulling her panties over her shoes, he tossed them aside, then pulled her knees apart.

Tiffany gasped in shock, watching with wide eyes as Aaron knelt down and brought his face close to her pussy. Lifting her hand out of the way, he pressed his lips against her labia, and thrust his tongue between them, seeking her clitoris.

“Ahhh!” Tiffany gasped, throwing her head back.

“Well this is certainly an unusual form of sexual harassment!” said Keith. “But I guess it’s valid. Extreme, but valid. Aaron didn’t ask permission before diving right in there, after all.”

“Ohhh … ahhh!” Tiffany exclaimed, looking rather panic-stricken. But clearly Aaron’s tongue was having some kind of positive effect on her: her eyes kept rolling back, and her chest was heaving as her exhalations sounded somewhat like moans.

Aaron leaned back, and for the first time the other men got a good look at Tiffany’s vaginal opening, looking wet from her own juices and Aaron’s saliva. The grinning production supervisor licked his middle finger, then slid it smoothly into Tiffany’s vagina.

“Jesus!” Nolan exclaimed.

But as Aaron began rapidly finger-fucking Tiffany, causing her moans to become more and more shrill, Keith seemed to have no intention of intervening. “Excellent work, Aaron!” he said. “Fingering a colleague is one of the most extreme forms of groping there is, and therefore one of the most extreme forms of sexual harassment. Great job. Bradley, you wanna go next…?”

“Sure!” said Bradley eagerly. As Aaron got up from the floor, pulling his finger out of Tiffany, Bradley unzipped his trousers and pulled out his erect cock. Tiffany squealed and raised her head as she felt his warm member press against her pussy. She tried to close her legs, but he simply pulled her knees apart again, and began thrusting his cock slowly back and forth, his shaft splaying her labia apart and stroking her clitoris.

“Careful Bradley!” said Nolan anxiously.

“It occurs to me,” said Bradley, “that this would be the ultimate form of sexual harassment…” And taking hold of his now slippery cock, he pressed its tip against Tiffany’s vaginal opening.

“Oh no!” Tiffany squealed, raising her head again in panic as she felt her vagina dilate to accommodate him.

“Ohh yes…” Bradley sighed, as he slowly pushed his cock deep inside her. “This feels amazing. What a good slut you are, Tiffany – letting a colleague stick his cock in you.”

“You didn’t give her a choice!” Nolan protested. “You didn’t ask her permission or anything!”

“Calm down, Nolan!” said Keith. “Nobody thinks Tiffany is really a slut. Bradley’s just doing a sexual harassment combo, right Bradley?”

“Right,” Bradley agreed, now gently fucking Tiffany.

“Tiffany!” said Nolan desperately. “Are you okay?”

Tiffany did not look okay. She seemed rather distraught, in fact. She gave Nolan an unhappy look, and reached out her hand to him. He took it, and squeezed it.

Bradley’s thrusting intensified, and Tiffany began to utter rhythmic moans, her eyes closing as her body chemistry responded to the sensations radiating from her loins. “Ahh … I’m getting close!” Bradley gasped.

Tiffany’s eyes snapped open, and she looked at Bradley in horror.

“Are you on the pill, Tiffany?” Nolan asked urgently.

“No!” she gasped.

“Uh-oh!” said Keith. “I’d forgotten you’re Catholic, Tiffany. Better not cum inside her, Bradley – can’t imagine she’ll be too happy if you knock her up. Unless this is a safe day…?”

“It’s not!” Tiffany squealed.

“Oh wow!” Bradley panted, now fucking her harder than ever. “I thought fucking you would be the ultimate sexual harassment, Tiffany … but getting you pregnant would be a whole other level!”

“Please pull out, Bradley!” Nolan begged his colleague.

But Bradley ignored him and pressed his cock as deep inside Tiffany as he could, his body shuddering as a jet of semen squirted directly into Tiffany’s cervix. He thrust again, and again, injecting more and more semen into her fertile womb. Finally, panting, he came to a halt, and about half a minute after that, he pulled his softening cock out of her. A small trickle of semen emerged, and ran down over Tiffany’s anus.

“Well that was quite something!” said Keith, pleased. “You’re right, Bradley – that was very much the ultimate form of sexual harassment. Make a note, everyone: absolutely no raping of colleagues allowed! And especially don’t get them pregnant in the process! Well done Bradley. Nolan, I think it’s your turn?”

“I’m not going to rape Tiffany!” said Nolan hotly.

“Steady on, Nolan,” said Keith, frowning. “Let’s not confuse the training with a real life work situation. Obviously nobody wants you to rape Tiffany for real – that’s not only illegal, it’s against company policy! But in any case, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Nobody’s going to force you. Corey, how about you?”

“Absolutely!” said Corey eagerly, fumbling at his belt. Having pulled his trousers and underwear down to his knees, he advanced on Tiffany with his cock fully erect. It was not quite as long as Bradley’s, but it was at least as thick, and Tiffany winced a little as he pushed it gradually inside her.

“Whatever are you doing, Aaron?” Keith inquired.

Aaron grinned as he scissored diligently through the fabric of Tiffany’s blouse. “Just demonstrating another form of sexual harassment,” he said. “Depriving Tiffany of clothing. I know her tank top and skirt have already been ruined, but she could still have covered herself up fairly decently with this blouse. Not any more, though! At least, not when I’m finished with it.”

“Very creative!” said Keith, impressed.

Corey was now holding Tiffany’s ankles as he thrust his cock rhythmically inside her. But then he glanced at her left shoe. “Let’s get rid of these, shall we?” he said. “Get you properly naked.” He removed both of her shoes, one after the other, and tossed them over his shoulder. Bradley caught one, but dropped the other.

Corey had been horny for so long now that his orgasm came swiftly. Like Bradley, he pressed his cock as deep as possible inside Tiffany before unleashing a series of torrential spurts of his semen. Most of this simply plastered the interior of her vagina, but some did squirt through the tiny cervical gap into her womb, as most of Bradley’s had done.

“Ahh, so good!” he panted, as he pulled out his dripping cock. “Your cunt was made for fucking, Tiffany.”

“Crude,” said Keith, “but technically accurate. I like it. Aaron, would you like to have a crack at impregnating Tiffany?”

“I’d love to!” said Aaron.

Nolan was currently leaning over the table, looking sympathetically into Tiffany’s sad eyes as he held her left hand in both of his. “Can I … take you out to dinner?” he asked her awkwardly. “This weekend?”

“I’d like that,” she whispered. Then she grimaced, as she felt Aaron’s cock sliding into her vagina. She bit her lip. “Nolan,” she said, “you can take a turn … if you like…”

“Oh no,” he replied firmly. “I’d like to wait until we’re alone … and in a more romantic setting. If that’s something you’d like to do…”

She smiled at him. “Yes,” she said, her head rocking back and forth as Aaron fucked her. “I really would.” Then her expression turned anxious. “Will you still want to be with me if I’m … pregnant?”

“Can’t you take one of those morning-after things?” Nolan asked. “Plan B?”

“No – I’m Catholic,” she said. “If I get pregnant from this, I get pregnant. There’s nothing I can do about it.”

“In that case,” said Nolan bravely, “I’ll totally still want to be with you. I’ll even marry you, and raise the baby as my own. If…” he added, suddenly anxious, “if that’s something you’d want. I know I’m getting ahead of myself, sorry.”

“It’s okay,” said Tiffany happily. “I’m glad you feel that way. Let’s see how this all works out though, shall we?”

Nolan nodded. “Of course.”

Aaron groaned as he climaxed inside Tiffany. His cock was shorter than either Bradley’s or Corey’s, but he produced a prodigious amount of semen. “Ohhhh…” he groaned, as his cock spurted yet more semen up against her cervix. “I really hope I’m the one you gets you pregnant, Tiffany.”

Tiffany whimpered unhappily. “Nolan,” she said desperately, “won’t you … please? Then at least there’ll be a chance of it being yours…”

“Oh!” said Nolan, finally seeing the situation from Tiffany’s perspective. “Well if you want me to … then yes! I’d be absolutely honoured.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling a little.

“Changed your mind, have you?” Keith inquired, as Nolan took out his semi-hard cock.

“Yeah,” Nolan replied sheepishly. “If that’s okay…”

“By all means!” said Keith, gesturing to Tiffany’s pussy. “Go ahead.”

Nolan and Tiffany looked at each other fondly as Nolan slowly pushed his cock into her vagina. But then he grimaced, as semen splurged out around his shaft. He began to thrust, but there was almost no friction. The thought of his penis getting coated in other men’s sperm suddenly made him feel nauseous, and his erection wilted away to total limpness.

“I’m sorry,” he began, and then his stomach heaved, and vomit surged out of his mouth, pouring in a lumpy yellow torrent that deluged Tiffany’s belly and chest, covering her breasts and splashing up on to her neck and face. Tiffany shrieked in alarm and disgust, holding up her hands in a belated attempt to keep her face clean.

“Aagh – I’m so sorry!” Nolan wailed. Pulling his cock out of her, he hastily tucked it back into his underwear as he rushed from the room.

“Eww!” said Aaron, wrinkling his nose. “Okay, I’m out of here too, I think.”

Bradley, who had been cutting up Tiffany’s bra and panties, put the scissors down. “Yeah, me too,” he said.

Corey now picked up the pieces of Tiffany’s underwear, and stuffed them into the trash can in the corner of the room, into which he had already deposited her ruined skirt, tank top, and blouse. Then he stooped, picked up her shoes, and regarded them thoughtfully.

Keith, meanwhile, had taken out his erect cock. “Look at you, Tiffany,” he taunted her. “Covered in your boyfriend’s vomit, and with the cum of three men leaking from your cunt. What a slut you are.” He chuckled, as Tiffany covered her face with her hands, feeling terribly ashamed.

“Well I’m not put off by the thought of sloppy fourths,” Keith continued, sliding his cock into her vagina. “Although … there’s not much friction here…” He pulled his cock out. “Ever had anal sex before, Tiffany?”

“I’ve never had regular sex before!” said Tiffany sadly.

“Oh my God!” Keith exclaimed. “This was your first time?? That’s amazing!” He pressed the cum-lubed head of his erection against her anus, and slowly pushed it in. “Relax your butthole,” he said, “and it won’t hurt as much.”

Tiffany squealed, and winced, but tried to relax her anal sphincter as she felt Keith’s thick member sliding deep into her rectum. Then she closed her eyes and tried to think of other things as her body began to rock back and forth on the table in time with Keith’s thrusts.

Corey finally managed to rip the upper portion of Tiffany’s left shoe from its sole, and then he attacked her right shoe. This one took him less time, now that he had had some practice. Cutting through the leather of both uppers with the scissors – an effort, but not impossible – he then shoved both shoes down into the trash can, compressing Tiffany’s shredded clothes. “All right, I’m off back to my desk,” he said.

“Okay,” said Keith.

Corey paused at the door. “It was awesome fucking ya, Tiffany!” he said.

Keith turned to glare at him sternly. “None of that!” he snapped. “I can still discipline you for sexual harassment, Corey, even if Tiffany doesn’t make a complaint.”

Chastened, Corey hurried out of the room.

Keith gradually sped up his thrusting, until he was ready to climax. “Might as well throw my hat in the ring,” he muttered, pulling out at the last moment and shoving his cock deep into Tiffany’s vagina. He thrust a few more times, then groaned and shuddered as he pressed the tip of his penis up against her cervix, pumping his cum directly into her womb. “Aaaahhhh…” he sighed, his fifty-year-old face glowing with satisfaction.

He panted for a moment, grinning down at Tiffany, who still had her eyes closed. “How is it that you’ve never had sex before, Tiffany? You’re attractive enough, in your own way. You must have had boyfriends?”

“Two,” said Tiffany. “Both Catholic. We were waiting for marriage. But … it didn’t work out.”

“Huh!” said Keith. “Well … congratulations on finally losing your virginity, then, I guess.”

A minute or so later, he pulled out, and pulled three tissues from the tissue box on the table. Wiping his cock clean, he tucked it back into his trousers and underwear. Having zipped himself up, he tossed the scrunched-up tissues into the trash, then he handed the box to Tiffany. “Oops,” he said, “looks like there’s only one tissue left. Do what you can, but you’ll probably have to finish cleaning up in the restroom.”

Tiffany sat up, and the sludge of Nolan’s congealing vomit slid down over both of her breasts, dripping soft chunks from their curved undersides. “Can I … go home?” she asked miserably.

“Of course not!” said Keith briskly. “You have a job to do. You can finish out your shift as normal.”

“But … my clothes!” said Tiffany plaintively. “I think they’ve all been cut up!”

“Then you’ll just have to work naked,” said Keith. “But don’t worry – if anyone gives you a hard time, just report them to me. As you know, we don’t tolerate sexual harassment at this company!”

He walked to the door, but then he paused, and turned back to smile at Tiffany. “You know,” he said, “it’s always a struggle to rack up the required number of training hours each month. I think we should make sexual harassment training a regular thing. Like, daily. The guys could all benefit from more practice at this kind of thing. I’ll make it optional, so they can choose whether or not to attend on any particular day. But they’ll need someone to practise on, so for you it’ll be mandatory.”

“Ahhh!” Tiffany exclaimed, aghast.

Keith grinned. “Now hurry up and get yourself clean. I want you back at work in ten minutes.” Then he left the conference room, and headed back to his office.


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