" Warning! This is a sexual story that contains themes, acts and words that may be offensive to immature people. This story is copyrighted by me, Arthur Thomas. Do not repost, steal or put on your website without my permission. Although I write for my enjoyment, it is always a joy to receive fan mail. I certainly don't get paid for my work and the only compensation I do get is encouragement from fans. That was a subtle hint for you to let me know if you enjoy this series. In return, I now vow to clear my busy schedule and answer all my fan mail since they took the time to write to me. Contact me at Contact me at: ArthurGThomas@hotmail.com
The Multi-Million Dollar Marriage Part 7By Arthur G ThomasMy wife had been gone for two days and I hadn't missed her one bit. She was a pleasant diversion and a good fuck, but tormenting her was hardly something I could do every day. There were other joys to pursue, like buying some new books and seeing how much cum the maids can swallow before gagging. Tara was a fun bitch to irritate, but a man has to have other toys or else he'll go stale. That's why I was in a rather foul mood to discover she had returned early. It was true that I had swindled her spending money away, but I thought the slut could at least earn some money off her friends. Part of me was terrified that she hadn't come back out of boredom but out of missing me. Perhaps my little slut enjoyed the sadistic games I played with her. That disgusted me most of all. She was going to become a waste of money if she actually liked to be abused. Where's the fun in that? My irritation only increased when I found my wife in the sitting room with three of her friends. She and her friends were drinking as they stood by a bookshelf. They were laughing while pointing at my books, obviously amused by some of my more exotic selections. I wasn't sure which bothered me more; the fact that she brought her friends into my house or the fact that they had the gall to laugh at books. "Tara, you do realize you have twelve hours left before you have to return," I said behind her. She turned around and I was impressed by how good she looked. Tara's red hair was stylishly done in a coif on her head with nice gold earrings that caught the light. She was wearing a green dress that looked as expensive as it did elegant. Her cleavage was brazen, but trendy. Black stockings covered her legs and the heels she wore were of a design so recent, I bet it was produced yesterday. "I know that Arthur," Tara said with a casual air of contempt. "I wanted to show my friends the hovel I have to live in now. They just couldn't believe that you have so many moldy books lying around and not a single painting worth selling." "It's such a shame too," her blonde friends said behind her. "This place is small enough to be cozy, yet the decor is so lacking in taste. Really Arthur, I can recommend a few decorators to you if you can afford them. Maybe the lack of decor is because of a some finical trouble?" I smiled. "Tara, please introduce me to your friends. I don't believe I've meet them before." "You haven't meet any friend, Arthur," Tara snorted. She swallowed the rest of her drink before continuing. Good, I wanted her nice and drunk. "You don't even know what a friend is. A friend is someone who takes you shopping for new clothes because your husband is too cheap to buy you any. A friend is someone who takes you to a spa to help your skin recover from the beatings you gave me. A friend is something you can't buy, which means you have no idea what to do with one." I folded my hands in front of me and sighed. I hated repeating questions to stupid people. "Introduce me to your friends, Tara," I repeated. "I'm curious to meet these people who have been so generous to you." Tara smirked. "This is Barbara Frase," she said, pointing to the blonde beside her. Barbara had a million dollar hair cut and a common whore's smirk. "Her father owns most of the real estate in this state. She gave me my own guest house to use when I'm not having to stay with you." "It was nothing really," Barbara lied. It was clear she relished Tara owing her. "It was just a little house I own that was going to waste. I'm just glad Tara had a place to stay that wasn't this claustrophobic." "And this is my good friend, Philip Enright," Tara smiled, taking the arm of the only other male in the room. He was tall, well groomed and as blonde as Barbara. If he wasn't rich people might assume he was gay. "Philip's parents own the health spa that I loved so much. Thank you Philip, I owe you for that wonderful seaweed bath." She kissed him on the cheek, and I saw her green eyes flicker to me. Philip simply smiled, almost daring me to complain about my wife on his arm. I forgot to appear jealous which annoyed Tara enough to scowl before turning to her last friend. "Last is Patricia McNair, who I've known since boarding school," Tara said. She walked over to a slightly plump blonde. I didn't think any of her friends was less than ideal weight. I was almost intrigued by Patricia's plain looks and ponytail. Was it her wealth that got her into Tara's circle or her willingness to be the ugly girl in the group? "She's been so good to me; taking me shopping, out to dinner and getting me to all the parties," Tara said. "Patricia's even promised to pick me up every month, so I can get away from this Hell hole as soon as possible. That's why she's always my best friend." Ah, she's a lackey. "Well, aren't you going to give my friends the tour of our house?" Tara asked with a smug smile. "I'm sure they would be entertained by your choice in staff. It's all big breasts and high heels for my husband." Her friends laughed at me, apparently amused by my choice in pleasures. I simply pulled my cell phone from my pocket and paged my chauffeur and assistant Emily. Now that I knew why they were here, I could make use of them. "Emily, please bring me the files we have on Philip Enright, Patricia McNair and Barbara Frase. I'm in the second sitting room. Yes, the one we'll have to disinfect after her friends leave." Her three friends were a bit distressed, but Tara beat them to the obvious question. "What do you mean by files?" Tara demanded. She placed her glass down on a table and I winced at the ring it would leave. The woman had no respect for property. "Really, Tara, you didn't expect me take an interest in your friends?" I said as I inspected my bookshelf. I wiped a fingerprint off of a Steinbeck they had smudged. "I had the entire guest list from our wedding researched. It cost a small amount to have them each investigated and it cost even less to look into legal records and other accounts. I never understand why a culture that thrives on gossip never takes the few steps needed to really get the dirt on people." Emily came in, looking splendid in her chauffeur's uniform and miniskirt. The clack of her heels was almost comforting in this room of Tara's cohorts. When Emily handed me the files, she turned to leave but I snapped my fingers. She stood at attention behind me as I sat down in my favorite reading chair. It would be nice to have a witness for what was about to happen. "This is ridiculous," Barbara said, breaking the nervous silence. "We're not criminals or perverts like he is," she said with contempt. "What do we have to hide?" "For you, it would be the date of April 19, 1995," I said, smiling as I read her file. "Shall I elaborate?" Barbara wiped a stray blonde hair from her eyes, fighting to keep her poise. "That's none of your business," she said coldly. "In fact, you are so rude, I'm afraid I'll be leaving right now." Barbara moved to the door and found Emily blocking her path. Emily clenched and unclenched her fists a bit dramatically, but the spoiled blonde believed the threat and paused. "You won't be leaving," I said from my chair. "If you leave before I am finished with all of you, I'll reveal your little 'business'. Obey me, and I keep my word that I'll never reveal this file to another living soul." Barbara looked at me with cold calculation. "Why would I believe you'd keep your word?" "Ask Tara," I said. "I always keep my word." Barbara looked to Tara and Tara almost denied it, but her hesitation was her undoing. Barbara knew how from Tara's pause that I was speaking the truth. A low growl came from the blonde who obviously wasn't used to be trapped. "What do you mean by obey?" she asked with clenched teeth. "For now, just stay here and witness my little game with Tara," I said. "Oh, and slip off the top of your dress. I might as well see your chest while you're here." "Now wait a minute!" Philip interjected. "You've got a lot of nerve asshole! I think you better apologize to the lady or else we'll settle this like men." "That's very macho of you, Philip," I commented. "Just like I'm sure you did the right thing in San Francisco two summers ago." His face drained of all color. Damn, I wished I had thought to record this. I would have loved to time how fast he paled. "I thought so. Now, please, shut up. You may keep your clothes on but since you interrupted me, you can take Barbara's dress down. She seems to have trouble following instructions. I wasn't surprised when Phillip moved to Barbara, but Tara and Patricia were. Tara's face was blazing and flushed as she watched Philip carefully pulled Barbara's designer shirt off. Barbara's chest was a lovely 36C and contained by a nice lacy white bra. I allowed her to keep the bra. The day was young. "Patricia," I said, enjoying the frightened look on her face. "Do I have to give you a clue?" "No," Patricia said. "I'll do what you say." "Excellent. Take your shirt off as well. I have no doubt that your charms are the equal of your friends." As Patricia unbuttoned her blouse, Tara was seething with anger. "You three might have to do what he says, but I'm married to the bastard! I don't have to watch this, I'm leaving until I have to be here!" Tara declared. "That's your choice Tara," I said. "The contract for our marriage says you have three days to use as you see fit and you still have time left today." I got distracted as Patricia removed her shirt to reveal nice, plump 40D's held by a black bra. "But I must say, if you leave now, I'll send copies of these three folders to everyone on the wedding list." "No!" Barbara, Philip and Patricia shouted at once. Even Tara was stunned by their vehemence. Rich people, they cling to their secrets worse than poor people cling to their women. "What?" Tara asked in surprise. "You have to know it's only going to get worse. He'll just humiliate all of us!" "Then it's up to us to quit," Patricia said with surprising strength. "It's our secrets he has. We'll just do what it's worth to keep them to ourselves." "And you are not going to screw that up for us," Phillip hissed. Tara's frustration and her earlier drinking made her say something stupid. "You can't be serious!" "Tara, you can be a stupid cunt sometimes," I said. "People can be bought by anything. Figuring out what it takes to buy someone is a hobby of mine. I bought you with the promise of helping your family's business. I bought Emily here with steady employment. I bought your friends, not with money, but with the threat of their own past. Why did you bring them unless you were hoping I would degrade them as easily as I degraded you?" "What?" Barbara demanded. "You knew he was going to do this?" "No!" Tara snapped. "Tara, lying is bad for you," I said. "That's the only reason I can think of for you bringing them here. It's clear you wanted to share the pain. The only other alternative is that you are stupid enough to think you and your friends could insult me in my own house." Tara closed her mouth and tilted her nose up at me. Her face was red with anger and embarrassment, but she was smart enough to keep quiet. I realized I missed her anger. "What do you want us to do, exactly?" Phillip asked. "Now, now, Phillip, no need to be so eager to please," I said. Before the stupid man could snap back an angry retort, I cut him off. "It's quite simple. I want you three to strip Tara. Technically, I'm not allowed to order her to do it." The three looked at Tara with guilty embarrassment on their faces. I can't believe these losers were looking to her for approval. They needed to be remind who owned them "Emily, time my new acquisitions three minutes," I said. "If three minutes pass without Tara being naked, fax these folders to the appropriate addresses." "Yes sir, starting now?" Emily asked. I didn't have to see her face. I could tell by her voice she was smiling and eager. I looked at the three, their faces pale and desperation mounting in their eyes. "Yes, right now." Patricia surprised me by moving first, walking with determination to Tara who was backing up. That broke the spell on the other two who rushed to surround Tara. Tara tried to push them away and actually succeeded for a few seconds. "Quit being a selfish bitch!" Barbara snapped. "You are not going to stop us!" When Phillip pinned Tara's arms, Barbara slapped my wife! I think I was as surprised as Tara at the sudden blow to her cheek. "Get her shoes!" Phillip growled. My wife had a nasty shin kick. Patricia grabbed Tara's feet and removed her shoes. The expensive footwear went flying through the air as Patricia tossed them. Barbara was looking at Tara, her mind trying to figure out to strip the dress. As much as I liked to look at Barbara's tits while she was in thought, they needed to hurry. "Time is running out," I declared. "Maybe you shouldn't be so gentle. Your friends won't be when they discover your secrets." "He's right," Phillip growled. "Just pull her dress up, we'll get it over her head somehow!" "Noooo!" Tara screamed, a real ear splitting cry of anger. Patricia and Barbara lifted her dress past her hips, revealing Tara's wonderful stockings and the silver of my chastity belt. Patricia and Barbara both stopped when they saw the belt. "What?" Phillip growled. He kept looking at Emily and her watch. "Some sort of weird sex toy," Patricia said. The look of disgust she gave Tara was priceless. "Well fuck it. Just get her dress up!" Phillip commanded. The girls obey and in a fierce struggle, they tried to get her dress off. It was quite funny. They lifted her dress to her chest and they had to bend Tara over. Phillip let go of her arms for a split second to get the dress over her head and she fought like a wild animal. She pushed at them, but she couldn't keep them all away. Patricia was smart enough to grab her legs and get Tara off balanced. When Tara struggled to keep from falling, Phillip and Barbara were able to slip her dress off. "Time's up," Emily announced with relish. Tara still had her stockings and a nice black bra that held her pale 37's. "Shall I fax the files now?" "Wait!" Barbara cried out. "It's not fair, Tara's not helping at all!" "I don't care if it's fair," I said. "We had a game, and you three lost. On the other hand, if you girls take off your bras and Phillip strips his pants and underwear, I'll allow you to have an extra minute." This time, Barbara was the first to comply. She removed her bra and set those lovely tanned breasts of hers free. Phillip was next as he removed his pants. Emily laughed, as his full erection was evident. I joined her laughter. It was clear Tara's male friend was enjoying himself too much. As funny as Phillip's plight was, I was more interested in Patricia. She was the wild card. Patricia held the position of omega in this pack of spoiled wolves yet this humiliation might be too much for her. Yet, I think the fact that the others were suffering as well was helping her. Once the others had disrobed, she had no problem taking off her bra. Her breasts were heavy and large and I licked my lips at the thought of fucking those tits. Oh well, one humiliation at a time. "You last minute starts now," I said. "Be quick of I may have other ideas on how you can earn more time." The three attacked Tara with new relish. Barbara grabbed Tara by her coif, ruining her new haircut and causing the redhead to scream in pain. Phillip used the scream to dive in on Tara's bra. He tried to work the clasp in the back, but that's a difficult matter when the woman is fighting. Patricia simply hooked her fingers in the lacy cups and pulled. The bra was ripped from Tara's breasts with a nice, loud tearing sound. "Thirty seconds," Emily declared, and the race was on. Tara's elbow caught Phillip in the groin, which is what I expected when I asked him to strip. He doubled over cursing while Emily and I laughed. Barbara pushed Tara face down to the hard floor, her own breasts swaying as the fought. While she had Tara pinned, Patricia clawed at Tara's stockings. In long ripping strips, Patricia tore the delicate stockings from my wife's legs. Tara screamed and struggled but Barbara was brutal in her pinning. The blonde placed her knee on Tara's back, digging it in when the redhead bitch was getting close to rising. "Time's up," Emily declared just as Tara's pale legs were cleared of the last of her stockings. "Very nice, properties," I said. "Phillip, snap out of your self-pity and pick up your discarded belt. To keep your secrets, I must ask you three to whip Tara's ass until I feel she has been punished enough. Since she was the one who brought you here, I suggest you use this chance to teach her a lesson." The three rich snobs actually smiled at that idea. "Patricia, get her legs," Barbara commanded. The blonde straddled Tara's head while her hands held down Tara's arms. I noticed Barbara was facing Tara's ass, wanting to watch the punishment as much as me. Patricia sat on Tara's knees, her own heavy breasts heaving with the efforts of their wrestling. She was facing Tara's ass as well. "I'm going to enjoy this Tara," Phillip growled, standing over her ass. He had his belt in both hands and he raised his belt over his head before bringing it crashing down on Tara's ass. SMACK! The belt cracked out as it connected with Tara's ass. Tara simply screamed. Even I winced at that hit. An overhead swing must have hurt like Hell. It left an instant welt on her pale ass that was framed by the chains of her chastity belt. I would have stopped Phillip from possibly damaging my wife but I was too curious to see how long he could keep up that pace. It turns out he could keep it up for a long time. Again and again, he brought the belt down like he was chopping wood. Phillip was angry, frightened and humiliated and Tara's sweet ass was paying for it. Large red stripes formed on her ass and Tara kept screaming the entire time. I could barely hear Tara's screams from between Barbara's thighs, which is good. It was a small room after all. Patricia and Barbara were heartless as their friend was whipped before their eyes. Thankfully, my wife kept struggling and trying to escape. It caused the two sluts on top of her to keep moving as they fought her, which also meant that their breasts were constantly swaying and jiggling. I decided I wanted to see one of them in action. "Turn Tara over," I commanded. "And one of you bought sluts will whip her tits for me." "Sounds good to me. My arms are killing me," Phillip whined. "Who wants my belt?" "I do," they both said. I laughed. "Patricia goes first, I like the sight of Barbara sitting on my wife's head." Barbara actually blushed, turning her face away from me in embarrassment. Rich people can be such children sometimes. Working together, they rolled Tara over. Tara screamed a fresh cry of pain as her ass came in contact with the floor. Phillip sat on Tara's knees and then Patricia stood up. Emily laughed as Phillip's cock throbbed just under Tara's sex. I was too busy watching Patricia wind one end of the belt around her wrist. It looks like my files were correct and she had done this before. Tara kept shifting, trying to lift her welt-covered ass from the floor. It was a lewd dance she was performing, squirming as she was with Barbara sitting on her face. It looked quite decadent and it reminded that I should get Tara her first bisexual experience sometime this week. Patricia brought the belt down hard on Tara's breasts and her follow- through was exquisite. Barbara's thighs muted Tara's scream of fresh pain but it was crystal clear in its anguish. The belt flattened Tara's breasts and the red strip that joined the breasts was perfect. It was exciting to think we were just beginning. Patricia's face was one of concentration but she softened as the whipping continued. In fact, a small smile was coming to her lips. What she lacked in the force that Phillip had, she made up for it with technique. Sometimes she would whip the top of Tara's tits and sometimes she would just smack a single breast with excellent precision. Before long, Tara's white breasts were bright pink and Tara's screams were reduced to simple sobs. Such sadistic cruelty and eagerness to betray friends was too much for me. I unzipped my pants and dropped them to my ankles. "Barbara come over here," I commanded. Barbara frowned and actually hesitated. She knew what I demanded but it was inconceivable to think she was actually debating it. "You have to the count of five and then I'll order your files released," I growled. She jumped from Tara's face and hurried her topless ass over here. Tara's face was free and she looked positively enraged. Tears of pain were flowing from her face as she looked accusingly at Patricia and Phillip. What did she expect? Everyone has his or her price for me. "Here's the deal, slut," I told Barbara. As soon as you make me climax, I'll let your little friends go. You'll even take your files with you. But please hurry, I have other things to do today than deal with you weak willed people." Barbara snarled but kept quiet. She reached for my cock and began stroking me. It was nice, but it wasn't what I ordered. "Use your mouth slut, before I decide to not be so generous," I ordered. The blonde frowned but she did as I commanded. Her mouth opened and sucked at the tip of my cock. I placed my hand on her head and eased her down my length. Her breasts pressed against my thighs and I could feel the hard points of her nipples. Barbara's mouth was warm and wet, perfect for a hard cock to fuck. "There's no need for you two to stop," I told Patricia and Phillip. "Put Tara over your knee, Phillip and give her ass another beating. Patricia, hold her arms out for Phillip. I want to here my wife's ass being spanked while I cum in her friend's mouth." They did exactly as I commanded and Tara was too exhausted to even put up a fight. Phillip sat his naked butt down on one of my chairs and threw Tara over his lap. I can only imagine how Tara felt having his cock pressed against her stomach. Patricia grabbed Tara's wrists and pulled her arms out. Tara's ass was still red from the savage beating Phillip gave her but she still had enough voice to cry out when he began spanking her with his bare hand. Barbara was now sucking me with better enthusiasm. She was in a hurry to leave, which meant she was sucking me as best she could. The little blonde slut even fondled my balls. She was tickling my sack with her fingernails as she tried to arouse me further. Her suction was superb and her tongue was thick against my cock. Oh yes, she was a talented cocksucker. Phillip wasn't spanking Tara hard enough for my tastes but Tara was screaming anyway. She flinched and writhed on his naked lap and the smile Phillip had told me he wouldn't mind fucking her. Too bad for him. Frustrated by the naked beauty squirming on his cock, he just struck her harder and harder till her ass was as red as my ripe tomatoes. "Suck a bit harder slut," I teased Barbara. The spoiled always need more encouragement or they slack off. Her eyes were twin points of hatred as she bounced on my cock. I twisted her hair in my hands to remind her who was in charge and she whimpered. Her nipples were still hard against my thighs. It must have been supremely humiliating to have to suck me while she was so aroused. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Phillip's hand rained down on Tara's ass while topless Patricia smiled. Patricia held Tara's arms but she didn't need to. My defeated wife's head hung loosely and her hair trailed downward. My wife was utterly devastated and all trace of her former smugness was gone. She was no longer the snobby princess; she was just a naked slut being spanked for my enjoyment. "Here comes my cum slut," I taunted Barbara. She tried to move away but my hands held her tight to my cock. My seed erupted with force in her mouth and coated the back of her throat. My hips thrust forward as I ejaculated a second load into Barbara's struggling mouth. Her fighting only aroused me more and I soon emptied all of my cum into her reluctant mouth. I fell back in my chair and released her hair. "All three of you, leave now," I sighed with pleasure. "Emily give them their folders and escort them out, now! There will be plenty of time for dressing when they are back in their limos." Emily did a wonderful job of shoving their folders at them and hurrying them out. She didn't even allow them to gather their clothes. I can only wonder of the embarrassment they would go through when they are escorted past my servants and dumped on their own. Oh well, next time I'll walk with them so I can watch. Tara had been dumped on the floor. She was on her side, unable or unwilling to stand. I walked over to her, bent down beside her and grabbed her lovely red hair. Lifting her up harshly, I looked down at her and her pink welt covered tits. "Are you curious as to what horrible secrets your friends betrayed you for?" I asked. A flicker of nastiness crossed her face. "Yes," she hissed. "Barbara had a nose reduction shortly before moving to this area," I said, enjoying the confusion on her face. "Phillip had a brief, annulled marriage with an older woman. Patricia's great secret is that she is a member of an S & M club. That's all of it." Tara closed her eyes and ground her teeth in anger. I twisted her silky hair until she cried out and her eyes opened. I like my sluts to look at me when I'm tearing them down. "They were all minor secrets, really," I said. "But because your circle of friends are so superficial, so shallow and so lacking in real friendship, they were willing to die to keep those secrets. Or in this case, just humiliate the Hell out of you. Keep that in mind the next time you turn to them. Any one of them would sell you out in a second. Anyone of them might be selling you out right now. The next time you leave here, how will you know if the friend you are with hasn't been bought by me?" "I hate you," Tara said, very slowly. "I believe you," I shrugged. "But in, oh, eight more hours, you'll be sucking my cock anyway. Enjoy the rest of your time off." I released her hair. I wanted to get some work done before we meet again later that day. I need to decide how I was going to introduce her to fucking other women. To be continued |