" Warning! This is a sexual story that contains themes, acts and words that may be offensive to immature people. This story is copyrighted by me, Arthur Thomas. Do not repost, steal or put on your website without my permission. A reader suggested this story. See? It really happens, writers do take your suggestions. Contact me at: ArthurGThomas@hotmail.com
$4,500 Bondage Slut{MM/F, Oral, Spanking, Bondage}by Arthur G ThomasBrian Perry was one of few millionaires I actually respected beside myself. Five years ago, he decided that marrying a 500-pound rich woman was an acceptable method to becoming rich. Not just any fat woman either, but an insecure fat woman who needed to be fucked daily just to reassure her huge ass that she was special to him. Of course, I think he should take the next step and just murder her like I did my parents, but we all have our own methods and prices. He was my kind of people. It was July 1, which meant it was time for our semi-annual Slut Breaking contest. I met Brian at a new club he had picked; a popular swinger's club called "Horizons". He had been going there for a couple of weeks, scouting the area and no doubt fucking as many skinny women as he could. After becoming friends with the bartenders and staff, he felt he had picked a suitable slut for our game. "You see that chick over there, the one with the red halter top?" Brian pointed. I frowned. "The older lady with the short blonde hair?" I checked her out, trying to see what he saw in this woman. She was about 5'7, and nicely shaped for her age. I guessed her age at 44 and her chest at about 34C. Wearing a red halter-top and red shorts that clung to her hips, she was certainly dressed to fuck. Her hair was very shortly cut yet a natural blonde. "Ok, I would fuck her, but isn't she a bit old for us?" I asked. "That's what makes her a challenge," Brian argued. "I thought someone her age would appreciate the value of money. I thought we would try someone who would go the distance instead of those scared girls we're always fucking. The other good part is, she's trying to raise money for a store she wants to run. The staff told me she's been hitting up all her friends, looking for investors." "Investors? At a swinger's club?" I said chuckling. "I guess poor people go where they think they have friends," Brian said. I tapped my glass a few times while I thought about it. "Friends or people willing to part with their money for a nice ass. It's a game, what are the stakes?" "I want a night with your chauffeur, Emily," Brian said. Yes, Emily is a worthy wager. She's my busty, blonde, limousine driver, and personal fuck toy. Brian has always admired her leather miniskirt and tight leather jacket uniform. He's won her a couple of times, and she's always complained about the savage spankings he gives her fine bubble ass. "Ok, but I want a night with your secretary Eiko," I agreed. He growled, but agreed as well. Eiko was his sweet Japanese secretary and fuck toy that he used to make himself feel like a man when his wife rides his ass. She was short, and extremely small in all her dimensions, which made fucking her ass the tightest experience you can imagine. "I'll have the bartender send Ruthie over," Brian said, and he did. Watching her come over, I changed my mind about her. She had a way of walking that was very calculated, very sexy. It would be a good change to fuck someone who actually knew how to move her hips. I let Brian do the talking. Any man that can convince his 500-pound wife that she's sexy enough to fuck every night is a much better sweet-talker than I could ever hope to be. Women loved Brian with his blonde hair and tanned looks. He was a professional gigolo, and knew what to do to keep his livelihood. Brian explained to Ruthie that we were rich men who liked to test women's limits. More importantly, we were willing to pay to test a woman's limit. We would take turns with her, paying her a thousand dollars for every ten minutes that she lasted. At any time, she could quit, and we would pay her out. Just to sweeten the deal, we would pay her five hundred dollars just for coming up to our room above the club. I'll give Ruthie credit; she didn't blink when we suggested she prostitute herself for us. She just listened politely while we explained it to her. I had the distinct impression that this thought might have crossed her mind before. It's one thing to try to raise money at a club where you have friends, but it's a bit suspicious to raise money where people are here to get laid. For all I know, she might have been praying for a situation like this to happen. She was certainly acting too cool to be offended. "So it's like a game of dare, right?" Ruthie asked. "I can quit at any time, and you two are trying to push me too far?" We nodded. It's amazing to me how quickly some people adapt to whoring themselves. "All right, let's see some money first," she said. We both opened our wallets, and counted out twenty thousand each in thousand dollar bills. The dropping of her jaw was priceless. You could see her calculating where, and how to spend that much cash. She forgot, she had to earn it all first. In only a few minutes, she agreed. Brian had reserved us a room above the club, and had arranged for our briefcases to be up there waiting for us. Together we went upstairs and into the spacious playroom. It was perfect. A couch dominated one wall, while a large bed was opposite it. A small kitchenette and bar was available, but what really drew my eyes was all the bondage gear. There was everything from hooks on the walls to small benches. There was even a rack of paddles hanging innocently on a wall. There would be no lack of toys tonight. I only hoped Ruthie would last long enough to try half of them. "Here is your five hundred dollars," Brian said as he handed Ruthie the money. She pocketed the cash into her purse, her eyes growing wider at the touch of real cash. "It was my turn first last time," I reminded Brian. "That's right, go set the timer for ten minutes," Brian said. While I prepared our regulation timer, Brian retrieved our game ring from his briefcase. He then explained the rules to Ruthie. "This brass ring is the most important part of our game tonight," Brian explained to Ruthie. The ring was about six inches in diameter, and made of real brass. "Once we start our game, you will have to hold on to this ring with both hands. If you ever let go of it, the game is over, and you'll be paid as much as you have earned. We'll ignore any protest you make, and treat you as we wish for as long as you hold the ring. When we break you, all you have to do is let go of the ring and it'll be all over. Understand?" "Wouldn't it just be easier if you tied me to the ring?" Ruthie asked. "Not at all," I answered. "We might gag you, or what we do to you might be so horrible, you'll want to let go as soon as possible. Besides, by making you hold on to the ring, any blame you have for what you endure can only fall on your shoulders. Just grab the ring when you are ready." The older woman looked at the ring with a certain amount of fear, but also determination. Brian was right. She may be older than our usual play toys, but she was going to last longer because she knew what she was playing for. This might be a long night after all. Ruthie took the ring in her hands, and I set the timer for ten minutes. She was on her way to earning her first thousand. I sat down and watched Brian make the first moves. Brian grabbed her ring, and without saying a word, he led her to the table in front of the couch. He stepped up onto the couch, dragging her and her red heels up onto the table as well. He then lifted her ring above her head and slid the ring onto a hook that was on the ceiling. Ruthie was forced to balance herself on her high heels while Brian stepped down. With her arms stretched over her head, I noticed that her body was in great shape. Brian brought a knife out of his briefcase, and Ruthie started to tremble. "What are you going to do with that?" she asked. "Remove these annoying clothes," Brian said as he slid his knife under the leg of her shorts. "I can take my clothes off," Ruthie said stupidly. What would be the fun of that? "All you have to do is stand there, hold the ring, and shut up bitch," Brian snapped. Ruthie's face paled at his use of the word bitch. What did she expect? We were paying for her services; we certainly weren't going to keep charming the whore. She just started breathing heavy as Brian slipped the knife between her shorts and her leg. Very slowly, he sawed the knife up, parting her shorts to the waistband. He revealed that her tan went all the way to the hip, with no tan lines visible at all. When he tore the offending shorts off, Brian laughed at the sheer black lace underwear she was wearing. "Check out the slut's panties," Brian said, running his hand up her leg. "The slut was trying to get laid tonight if she's wearing these." I studied Ruthie. Often, some women run as soon as we start embarrassing them. Her smile was gone, and her eyes were hard. I suspected she was going to say something stupid soon. But one thing was for certain, she wasn't quitting. Brian then stepped up to the table, and slipped his knife under her halter-top. The flimsy material split easily under his knife and pretty soon, the remains of the halter-top was on the floor as well. Ruthie had chosen a black bra to go with her panties as well. Brian lifted her bra up, and placed the point of the knife against her skin. He laughed as she began to tremble, and took his sweet time as he slowly moved the knife back and forth against her skin, cutting the bra at her cleavage. "You've got a nice rack for an old slut," Brian said as he tossed the bra to the ground. "What are they, 34's?" "I'm old enough that you wanted to fuck me," Ruthie snapped. I laughed at her defiance. Brian was not amused. He wasn't going to win our bet if our slut felt she could take shots at him. He cut her panties viciously, while she looked at him defiantly. When her panties were free, he stuffed them into her mouth. She glared at him, but she knew better than to spit out her black panties. I wondered if Brian checked to see if they were wet. Heck, I wondered if they were even clean. "That'll shut you up," Brian said as he stepped down to gather some more toys. "Well, it'll shut you up until we need to use that mouth of yours." Ruthie's eyes followed him around the room, her nude body looking quite good on the table. With her arms above her head, her breasts were pulled up slightly. They looked good enough to eat, and were completely tanned. They were also sagging a bit, but that's to be expected at her age. I was impressed that her tan reached down even to her pubic area, which was completely bare. It was a shame, I like a little hair on my pussy, but then, buyers can't be choosy I guess. Brian returned to Ruthie with some nylon rope, and I pored myself a glass of wine. This was going to be interesting. When Brian gets pissed, he's great with some rope. He started by looping the rope around her waist, forming a belt to start with. Once the belt was secure, he looped the rope over her shoulders repeatedly, squashing her full breasts against her body. It was like she was wearing rope for suspenders. Ruthie moaned as he pulled on her nipples. He trapped both of her nipples between two cords of rope, squeezing them and rubbing them with the harsh rope. They were already flushing from the pressure, and lucky for Ruthie, the timer went off. "Damn, already?" Brian said. "Get a drink, Brian," I advised. "It'll calm you down. Nice start, though. I think I'll use my paints." I opened my briefcase on the table, between Ruthie's heels and directly under her pussy. I selected a few colors, and began shaking the bottles. She looked down on me between her legs, and I could read the questions in her eyes. She certainly did look cute with her panties stuffed into her mouth. "This is something I like to do with some sluts," I explained. "These paints were designed to be used on the human body, yet are almost impossible to wash off. I wrote with them on an accountant once. She kept begging me to sleep with her, and I gave in on the condition that she would wear my name. Once I painted her, she kept calling me for six months afterwards, complaining that the paint won't come off. Are you ready to wear what I'll put on you for six months?" Ruthie stared down at me, open fear and hesitation on her face. Her short blonde hair made her look playful, but the black panties in her mouth made her look like a victim. She had only earned a thousand dollars so far, so I knew she had to be concerned about giving up now. I decided not to wait for an answer. Standing up, I dipped my brush into my blue paint jar, and selected a spot on her body. I decided to go for right above her right breast. Lucky for me, Brian's cords were very thin, and allowed me the freedom to paint as I wished. Ruthie shivered as my cold paintbrush touched her, but she continued to hold onto her ring. I noticed her nipples were already becoming very raw and tender from the ropes rubbing them. In big letters above the curve of her squashed breast, I painted the word "Arthur's". It was just like I had done to my accountant. Ruthie had to know that the paint was going to be with her for a long time, but still she held on. Across the top of her left breast, I wrote the word "Slut". There's always a special feeling when I mark a slut this way. I like to know that for months later; they'll be reminded of what they did for my money. It's like a receipt. Better yet, whenever they are naked with someone, that person will see that they are "Arthur's Slut." I next selected some red paints, and began work on her thighs. Ruthie trembled as the cold brush touched her down there, and she also mumbled something incoherent behind her gag. I ignored her. If she wanted me to stop, there was only one way to do it, and that was by letting go. Across her naked thighs, I painted two cocks, pointing towards her pussy. It was crude, but it would be a constant reminder to her of what a slut she was. Every whore should never forget that their pussy is never their own to claim. Painting is long work, and it takes a while to dry, so I finished my painting with five minutes to spare. Since I wanted the cocks on her thighs to dry, I enlisted the aid of one of the room's bondage toys. There was a bar that was perfect for my needs. It had to clamps on either end, and I snapped them around Ruthie's ankles. I let her keep her heels; they were too sexy to remove. Now the spreader bar would keep her from closing her legs, and it would let the paint dry in peace. With the remaining time I had left, I got some more rope. I tied the end of the rope to Ruthie's belt, and I threaded a cord of it down to her pussy. Roughly, I parted the lips of her sex, and placed the rope between her lips. Then I pulled the rope around between her buttocks, and secured the rope to her belt again. I tightened it so that the cord was now snug against her clit, her pussy and her ass. The rope would itch, and possibly turn her on, but it was impossible for her to do anything about it. I just went to get another drink, and let the timer run out. The act of waiting was going to be torturing enough. "Nice," Brian complimented. "I can't believe she let you mark her like that. It's going to be a bitch on her social life." I shrugged. "Whores do what they have to do for money," I said. As Brian started his ten minutes again, Ruthie's hips were constantly moving as she sought comfort from the rope rubbing on her pussy. Brian admired the lewd way she was moving, but then moved over to the rack of paddles. Ruthie began shaking her head as soon as he selected a large, black paddle with nice raised studs. She tried protesting, but the panties made her complaints inaudible. "Hey, slut, if you don't like it, just let go of the ring," Brian offered as he stepped behind her. Ruthie tried to turn to face him, but Brian stopped that. He stepped on top of the couch, and leaned one foot onto the table. His foot came down on the spreader bar holding her ankles, pinning her feet to the table. Behind her, where Ruthie couldn't even turn to see, Brian placed one hand on her shoulder as he brought the paddle down on her ass. SLAP! Ruthie jumped, but Brian's foot kept her ankles pinned. She tried to lean forward, but it was impossible to do so and still hold onto the ring. She clenched her eyes and moaned a pitiful noise, but Brian ignored her as he performed swing after swing. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Brian paddled her ass hard. His hand clenched on her shoulder as he swung, but I don't think Ruthie noticed his hand at all. Her face was turning bright red as she groaned after every smack. Ruthie's body was squirming so much, I knew she had to be rubbing herself raw on her ropes. Large rashes were appearing on her breasts, which meant her pussy had to be suffering as well. WHOP! WHOP! The sound of the paddle changed slightly as Brian swung up into her buttocks. He would have lifted her off her feet if he hadn't of stepped on her spreader bar. Ruthie sobbed wordlessly under her panty gag, and she kept looking expectantly at me. It was in vain. I knew about Brian's home life, and I knew he lived for the times when he could spank the shit out of some haughty woman. If she had a problem with getting spanked, she should have asked more questions before she agreed to our game. It was hard to have sympathy for someone who could end it at any time. Tears were coming down her eyes, her ass was jumping with every blow and her body was arching from the pain, yet she never let go of the ring. Eventually, even Brian's arm got tired. He didn't waste any time though. He dropped the paddle to the ground and walked around to in front of Ruthie. Kneeling on the table, Brian dived right into her sex. Ruthie jumped as his mouth devoured her, but then she jumped even more when he put his hands on her ass. Again she struggled, but Brian ignored her as he licked and sucked at her pussy, no doubt enjoying rubbing her sex against the rope that split her. Ruthie was tossing her head in frenzied agony now, but still she held to the ring above her. Impressed, I stepped around to behind Ruthie. I saw her ass, criss-crossed with the marks of the paddle. Even with Brian clenching her ass, I could see the welts from the raised studs of the paddle. I couldn't imagine the pain she must be suffering, as Brian's fingers dug deep into her red ass. The rope that split her buttocks was constantly moving as Brian's mouth tugged and pulled at it. Ruthie's ass had a tortured beauty to it, red, swollen, and yet firm and tanned. The timer went off, and Brian relented instantly. He stepped away, Ruthie's cunt juice making his face shiny. It was too good not to comment on. "Amazing Brian, it looks like our slut likes to be paddled," I said. "She was so wet, Arthur," Brian laughed. "She moans and grinds a lot, but her pussy was like drinking from a pool. I think she wants to be spanked some more." Ruthie was shaking her head furiously, nearly screaming her protest under her gag. I picked up a toy from my briefcase and walked over to her. Once the timer was set again, I reached up and pulled her panties out of her mouth. "Please," she whined. "Please, I thought you guys wanted to fuck and stuff. I can't take any more of this. I'll do anything, just don't hit me again." I slapped her hard across her breast, making her scream in shock. The ropes clenching her nipples hurt more than the slap I gave her, but it shut her up anyway. I was just glad the paint had dried. "Shut up, slut," I said. "I don't want to hear any more of your whining. If you hated it so much, just let go now and walk away with your three thousand." I waited, but she didn't let go of the ring. "All right," I said as I removed my pants. My cock sprang out to full attention. "Since you're so willing to get fucked, I'll go ahead and use you." I pulled her ring of the hook, and she sighed as she got to relax her arms. I pulled the ring over me, and let her arms slide down my back. She actually almost smiled as she kneeled and her head came down to my cock. Before the slut could start sucking me, I stopped her and slipped my special gag over her. It was a rubber gag shaped like a doughnut. In other words, her teeth fitted around a rubber seal, while the hole in the gag allowed my cock to slide in and out. The leather strap was tight, crushing her short hair, but I tightened it some more. I didn't want it to slip, not with what I had in mind. "This gag was made for times like this," I explained. "In short, I want a blowjob, but I don't trust a cheap whore like you not to bite me." Her eyes glared at me once more, but I just grabbed her ears, and guided my cock into her non-resisting mouth. The rubber that her teeth were clamping down was making her salivate, which made it good and wet for me. My cock rammed into her mouth, and although her tongue put up some resistance, she was unable to prevent me from fucking her mouth. Ruthie clutched her brass ring behind my back, groaning loudly as my balls slapped into her gagged chin. "Hey Brian, she sucks at this," I joked. "Would you mind helping me out and giving her some encouraging slaps?" "Even though it is your turn, I'll be glad to motivate the useless bitch," Brian offered. Ha! I just knew he couldn't turn down a shot at spanking some more ass. Ruthie struggled upon hearing this, but my grip on her ears brooked no argument. Brian was quick as well. He ran to behind Ruthie and held down her spreader bar with one hand. Using his other hand, he smacked her ass barehanded. SMACK! Ruthie jerked in her kneeling position, and moaned in pain as her welts were introduced to more pain. Tears were flowing freely as Brian smacked every inch of her bubble ass. I was getting terribly aroused. Every time Brian smacked her ass, Ruthie would moan, and that would make her lips and the rubber gag vibrate. It was like getting a hummer, except it was all moans and groans of pain. I laughed as I speed my hips faster; my cock was getting the suck job of a lifetime. "After this, we got to do her ass," I yelled, watching Ruthie's ass constantly move under Brian's abuse. "Oh yes," Brian grunted. "After getting this ass nice and warm, it'd be a shame not to fuck it!" "Oh, oh, I'm going to cum in the slut's mouth already," I groaned. I couldn't help it. Brian's loud smacks were making Ruthie jerk, moan, and even sometimes gag on my cock. The total power I had over her, and the fact that she GAVE me this power by holding onto the ring was too much for me. I was going to shoot my load early tonight. Just as I felt my cock begin to surge, Ruthie dropped the ring, the letting it fall nosily to the floor. Her mouth doubled her protests and her hands tried pushing me away at my hips. I snarled. The bitch was stopping before I got off! I knew for sure that this was deliberate, probably in revenge for the spanking! Fuck that, I was going to get my money's worth out of this bitch. I twisted her short hair in my fingers as I impaled her mouth onto my cock. While she was still groaning her protests, my cock erupted in her mouth. I felt every stream of cum as it flowed out of me and into Ruthie's unwilling mouth. Now she was screaming her denial to no use under the rubber gag. Her tongue tried in vain to push at my cock as it emptied load after load down her throat. She had pissed me off so much at her attempt at welching on her services, that I kept fucking her mouth until every once of cum was gone. When I finally pulled out of Ruthie's mouth, Brian stopped spanking her as well. She looked at me with pure hatred, but I couldn't help from laughing. The gag was keeping her mouth open, and my cum and her spit were both flowing out of her mouth. I simply cleaned myself with a towel as Brian helped her out of her ropes and the gag. As pissed as she was, she didn't say a word against us. She was a smart whore; she wanted to get her money first. "Here you go, Ruthie," I said. "Four thousand dollars for lasting almost forty minutes, and five hundred more for coming up here." She snatched it out of my hand, and counted it. "Fuck both of you," she swore. "No, thanks for fucking you," I said. "When you see my paint on you, and you pay for your business with my money, never forget that you earned it yourself. Now get out of here, we have a wager to settle." "Whatever," Ruthie said. "I can't leave yet, you bastards sliced up my clothes." Brian grabbed her clothes up and stuffed them into her arms. "Ruthie, you got forty-five hundred dollars, go find someone who gives a whore's ass," Brian said. After pushing Ruthie into the hallway buttnaked, we got to serious matters. We needed to settle who won the bet. "You know, Brian, I'm not sure who won that time," I said. "Did she quit because she didn't want me in her mouth? Or was it your brutal spanking?" "What? You think we should get another bitch?" Brian asked. "There's no need for that," I said. "Let's call it a draw." "A draw?" Brian asked. "Then who wins the wager? Do you fuck Eiko or do I fuck Emily?" "We both win," I said smiling. "Let's page them up here. It would be a shame to waste all of this gear. I never did get to fuck someone in the ass." "It's a deal," Brian agreed. The end. |