Truly Awful Tales


An Awful Cad

The tales contained on this site contain depictions of moral turpitude above the levels recommended by the USDA, most religious institutions and your grandmother. You may be offended by the characters, events and
personalities associated with these works. Please do not continue if you are under 18, if it is illegal for you to read nasty smut in your jurisdiction, or if you suspect you cannot handle this type of material.

The Stories

Reversal of Fortune

A Most Unusual Day

The Favor

In which an out-of-work middle-aged man discovers an inner strength at the expense of the soccer-mom next door.

His day started out in spectacular fashion, and got better from there. But as the good fortune inexplicably mounts, are there other forces at play? Where will it all end? What else could he do, under the circumstances?

The story of a man with a hard-on and a sleepy wife. He sets out to arouse and seduce her with the tale of a pregnant neighbor and the sexy favor she asks of him.

Reversal of Fortune – Ch. 01

A Most Unusual Awakening

The Favor

Reversal of Fortune – Ch. 02

Reversal of Fortune – Ch. 03

A Most Unusual Morning

A Most Unusual Evening

The Cad says:

While I don’t give a damn about most things, it is one of my (many) vices that I am insufferably curious about the reactions these tales produce.

Please click here to be taken to an anonymous feedback form or consider using the feedback form at the end of each story to let me know what you thought of it.

Good, bad or indifferent, I’d like to know. And thanks for reading…

© 2008 An Awful Cad