Hello, and Welcome

Before you go any further I should warn you, or, perhaps, advertise to you depending on your tastes that this Web-site is not for everyone. Inside you will find stories and links to stories that may (and almost certainly do) contain some quite graphical depictions of preteen girls and boys, as well as teenagers and adults in extreme sexual situations. These may include, but are not limited to, rape, humiliation, sexual torture, mutilation, murder and other forms of sexual violence.

The majority of stories you will find here will contain children being raped, tortured and, in many cases, murdered.

If any of this offends you in any way, or if such material is illegal for your age and/or location then LEAVE NOW! I say this not for my sake (flames don't bother me in the slightest) but for yours. I, the author, do not condone any of the (illegal) actions depicted in any of my own stories, neither do I condone the (illegal) actions contained within any of the stories linked to.

If you got past that I am going to assume that you, like myself, are a sick fuck who gets off on the rape, torture, and murder of preteens. If not then what the fuck are you doing here?

Thank you and enjoy the stories

Alocer Loki (alocer_loki@yahoo.com)