Hello! Are you under 18? If so please leave. Ok, well, I guess you can stay. There's nothing too naughty on the front page. But don't click on anything. Because if you do, I'm subject to prosecution. And maybe you, too. I'm not so sure about you, but I know I definately am. And that's no good.
Hello! My name is Alfred, and I write stories. They all seem to be about sex. Instead of doing something smart, like trying to use my stories to turn a profit, I went and posted them on the internet for free. I know, not very bright. But what are you gonna do? People seem to write your stories. Maybe you will, too. If so, let me know by e-mailing me at AlfredE65@hotmail.com. And if you don't like them, email me anyway!
{ASSM} Homecoming (MF, not prom)
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Please email me at AlfredE65@hotmail.com if you have any good, bad, or even neutral comments. Writing stories is fun, and getting email about them, or anything, is even better. I enjoy reviews of or comments about my stories, and intillegent conversation in general. If you have anything to say at all, email me!
Is Alfred E. your real name?
No, it's a pseudonym I use. I'd use my real name, but I don't care to have people search the internet for my name, and come away with the impression that I'm a pervert or something. Hey, it could happen.
So what is your real name?
Nice try. It's not Alfred. Nor is is E.
I really hate you. Can I email you?
Yes, please do. AlfredE65@hotmail.com
Why do you write erotic stories?
You really want to know the truth? I get off on it.
Any other reasons?
I get off on reading them, too. Unfortunately, a lot of the ones I find ae pretty juvenille and, wel,l dumb. So I'm trying to up the quality of erotica out there. (read: I'm trying to show the other authors up =) )
Why do your story title have wierd things like {ASSM} in them?
The story titles are actually the subjects of the original posts to alt.sex.stories.moderated. the stuff in the paranthesis let you know what kind of story it is, so tht's kinda handy. The rest of the stuff means other things that don't matter. If youy really want, you can search on those subjects in deja.com
Your stories are k-rad! Can I post them on my website.
Sure, as long as you keep the story completely intact (including my ramblings) and don't charge people for them. Oh, and email me, too.
This page, and all the stories in it, are copyright under the psuedonym Alfred E. It doesn't matter who exactly owns them (I do, but you don't know me real name), just be aware that you don't!