Date: Feb 22 2018 Subject: Simons ( MF, bbb -> Mbbb -> MMbb, extreme-ped, inc, ped, exob) Author: Adam Cunny ( Credit: All credit goes to Silent Steps for creating this series. BTC Donation: 1KansasB34uNHqcphXPsfkLB8qDLHhyRxU Status: (WIP)Work in progress --------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or deceased is entirely coincidental. If you are under eighteen years old, or if it is illegal in your community to read explicit stories depicting sex between adults and minors, or if you are offended by such material, close this and go do something else. Do not contact me attempting to arrange illegal activities or the trading of illegal material. In short, let's keep this legal - that way, we can keep it fun. Thank you. --------------------------------------------------- Dan Simons Dad 28 Helen Simons Mom 25 Ben Simons Son 9 Adam Simons Son 8 Dick Simons Son 4 Helen Simons was out in her backyard garden one extra warm July afternoon. She was dressed lightly in an almost sheer airy sundress that was cut short and hardly went down over her pert round motherly ass. Save for that dress and her sandals and sun hat, she wore nothing else. When she bent over the dress rode up on her firm butt and her sweet smooth shaved bald mommy pussy got a satisfying cool draft of warm summer air. She was getting a little bit sweaty and wet as she usually did when outside in the summer heat with her little boys. Her sons Ben and Adam were in the backyard with her running around playing with a soccer ball, getting sweaty and expending all that young boy energy. Her youngest son Dick or Dicky as the rest of the family called him, was following his mother and playing in the garden with her. He would smell all the flowers and pick some sweet mint to chew on as he danced and skipped down the paths and in general played like a little boy. All three boys were naked save for their sandals and cute silver necklaces. Their mother liked to see her boys naked and she wanted them to get some sun and have a beautiful all-over golden tan that ran all the way down to their cute little rosebuds. To that end she lubed them up with Kiddy Lube (TM) baby soft sun screen and brought them outside to the backyard with her almost every day this week. It wasn't hard to get them outside once they were all lubed up. The boys loved to run around in the hot sun and feel the cool summer breeze flow all over their warm oily skin. They often could be found outside under the awning on the deck wrestling on the lounge cushions, stark naked and all lubed up. They liked to play like roman gladiators all glistening and sexy with firm muscles and cute ass. It made her wet to see her little boys with their long hard little spikes playing and gaying it up like little boys should. After they were done playing they would often cuddle together on the sofa or on a deck chair and suck each other's little boy spike, only taking breaks from that to kiss and also drink some juice sips. She very much liked to see little boy bits jiggle as they bounced around playing. Come to think of it she liked to see little boy bits bounce and jiggle as they were pounded by some big hard boy-pussy loving pedo-cock like her husband Dan's. Helen herself had enjoyed the view of dildoing her boys with a strap-on when Dan was away or sick and could not service their sons like a father should always do. Yes Helen and Dan were certified boy-lovers. Happy family loving pedophile incest parents that enjoyed their special family love, just like almost all the other families in the Community do. It made her so wet to think of how free her family was to express love with each other now that they lived in the Community. Just the other day she got to see a little girl beg her teen brother to fuck her silly in the supermarket. The boy eventually gave in to his little sister's relentless nagging and begging and leaned her over an apple display before he penetrated and banged the happy giggling little girl's pussy. Helen also saw the mailman, Peter, liked to stop by the house across the street and get his cock sucked by little Patty. She was an incurable little geeky girl that loved to milk a nice clean shaven daddy dick. She was a little slut for any man in uniform. What a luck girl thought Helen. She was only able to move here as an adult and this little lolita got to enjoy sex love and men from birth. Not to be too jealous of her, the little girl was good at eating Helen's pussy as well. So Helen finished her gardening and looked up to find the boys still giggling uncontrollably as they kicked the ball around. She smiled at how happy and energetic they were and how sexy their skin looked all sweaty and oily. Her youngest son Dick had moved on to playing on the swing-set. That boy sure loved to have things up his butt she thought. He rather enjoyed swinging with a sizable swing-dildo stuffed up his soft little boy pussy. With a smile on his face and his hard little boy cock waving as he pumped his legs. And boy could he pump on a swing. Most of the girls liked it also and would swing long enough for a lot of wet pussy dribble to fly off the swing seat where the dildo was stuffed. It wasn't anything to see a little girl at play-time in school to swing on a swing until orgasm and then get off only to have another girl take her place without cleaning the seat first. There was definitely a wet spot under the swing-sets at school. So there she was staring longingly with pedo-mommy lust for her little boys as she stood there and squeezed her swelling breasts. She kept squeezing and running her fingers over her nipples as she got wet thinking about her naked little boys. She walked towards the deck with it's large shading umbrella and called to the boys, "Ben! Adam! Come nurse with mommy I'm horny and need your love." "Ok mommy!" the boys yelled as they broke off playing with their soccer ball and came running to her as she got to the deck. She sat down on one of the deck chairs under the awning and her two boys both climbed up in her lap grabbing a boob and began to nurse like they were trained to do. She gave out a relaxing sigh and her breasts milk began to flow freely, reliving the pressure, into her sons sucking mouth. She looked down at the boys lovingly and kissed them both on the top of their head one at a time and she squeezed their firm boy butt in each of her hands. Dicky quickly got jealous of his big brothers and slowed down on the swing and hopped off. The swing stuck to his little boy-booty because the swing dildo was still firmly pinched by his little boy-pussy sphincter. He wiggled his cute little booty and the long fat swing dildo slurped free of his pink little orifice now gaping just a bit. He ran like a little boy does to the deck and went up to his mother looking for some attention too. Helen leaned over and kissed her youngest son then said, "My pussy is so wet can you suck my clit like a good boy until your brothers are done?" Dicky was a little disappointed but was still happy to get some of his mother's juice. He nodded his head and crawled between her legs as she spread them. It was a tight fit with her two oldest sons in her lap but they wiggled away so that little Dicky could get to where he was needed most. After all this was mommy's time. It wasn't long until little Dicky had his horny mommy cumming from sucking her pedo-mommy clit. She moaned and tensed up as she spasmed from the orgasmic convolutions. Dicky continued to lick her wet pussy and swallow her sweet juices. "OK boys that's enough mommy milk for you. Give your brother a kiss and go back to playing while dicky gets some mommy milk." The two boys each in turn grabbed their little brother's head and take their sweet time kissing him while they taste their mother's sweet pussy juice on his face and in his mouth. Helen enjoyed watching her sons play-gay as they kissed for a few minutes back and forth. She stroked their backs encouragingly as they kissed boy-boy right in front of her with her pussy still dripping in pedo boy-lover lust. The boys left to go play in the yard some more while Helen had a cuddle feeding with her youngest son Dicky. She pulled him to her and kissed him before playfully smothering the beautiful little gay boy with her mommy bosom. He giggled and squirmed in her embrace as he tried to get free and nurse on one of her breasts. She relented and the smiling boy immediately latched onto her spit covered nipple and began to suckle just like his brother had moments before. His hands were free and he was playing with her other nipple as he sucked on and drank from the other. Helen loved the feeling of naked boy skin and the feeling of feeding her boys while naked. She kissed him on the top of his head lovingly as she stroked his baby soft boy skin all over. She payed special attention to his little boy booty and grouped and squeezed his beautiful round daddy-dick loving bubble butt. "Are you horny Dicky?", Helen asked knowing her little boy was the most gay of her 3 boys for daddy dick. "Mn hmm" little dicky said lazily and dreamily and he nursed on her breast. Getting more horny herself, and wanting to see some man-boy loving she continued, "Do you want daddy to feed your cute little pink boy-pussy when he gets home from work?" she asked while squeezing his firm plump little boy rump. Dicky looked up into his mother's loving eyes and nodded while still milking her breast of loving mother's milk. "What if he is tired, will you cuddle with him in his living room chair and ride him slowly until he is ready to feed your little gay boy-pussy?" she asked egging the boy on and imprinting what she wanted to see him do. Dicky was always horny and gay for daddy dick loving. He was also a growing little boy that needed daddy milk many times a day. He was always happy to show off his boy and man loving skills for his mommies viewing pleasure. She was so proud of her boys for taking to daddy cock like a nipple and drinking her husband's salty daddy milk like good boys should. Being a boy lover herself she knew how important it was to her boys to get fed plenty of daddy milk as well as mommy milk. She even had started taking the boys to visit boy lover neighbors in their neighborhood so that they could get fed the man milk they needed. She licked her finger and started to finger little Dicky's slick lubed boy-pussy like a loving mother often does to keep her son on edge of desire for her husband's dick. Dicky's little boy cock stiffened up and pressed into her wet pussy, giving her a tingle that a mother knows so well. She was so going to cum watching her little boy get lovingly pounded by his daddy's big cock in a little while. Her pussy was dripping just thinking about it. "I think that's enough for now. Why don't you go to your room and pick out a cute boy-pussy plug for daddy to put in after he feeds you a big load of his creamy daddy milk?", Helen asked her golden tanned beauty while squeezing and jiggling his tush playfully. "Ok!", Dicky said and got up off of his mother and scurried off, with his cute little boy butt jiggling. He ran to his room to pick out a sexy butt-plug for his little boy-pussy to hold in his father's creamy jizz. He already knew what plug he was going to choose, it was the new plug his daddy bought for him. It was bigger than the rest and had a nice light blue color gemstone knob and 2 male symbols interlinked, representing daddy-son love making. Dan told little Dicky that he liked it most of all and so Dicky would be sure to wear it for his daddy as often as he could. Helen watched her son scurry inside and thought to herself, [What good boys I have, they always do a good job and please my pussy so good.] ------------------------ Chapter 2 ------------------------ As the boys sat about in their golden tanned "birthday suits", they sucked on frozen push pops while hanging out on the deck under the awning. They were talking a break from all the running around and playing that they did after coming home from school. The boys were all sprawled out next to each other and would rub up against each other as they sucked their summertime treat and fidgeted about stroking and rubbing each other's young silky boy skin. Little boys in the community liked the feeling of naked skin and could be found often rubbing on each other's naked body if not on girls and woman as well. The Simon's boys were young boy-boy gay and it made it even more fun for them to rub on and kiss other boys. "Hey boys! Guess who's horny." Dan said as he opened the fence gate and entered the back yard with his work slacks already taken off and thrown over his shoulder and his stiffening daddy dick swinging, bobbing and dripping pre-cum between his legs as he walked. He likely took off his slacks before getting in the car to drive home, in an attempt to alleviate the strain on his glorious daddy cock. Clearly he had been looking forward to getting home and sharing some quality man-boy time with his boys, one only needed the smile on his face and the bob of his cock to tell that. The boys sprung up excitedly at their daddy being home from work. They rushed over to the bottomless man with their own little boy bits jiggling and flapping cutely as they ran to him. They hopped in place excitedly to get his attention and let off some energy as their lust for sexy time with daddy had them horny in no time. Helen already had her phone out from texting a friend and she stopped to activate the camera and video her husband being a good daddy and making daddy-son love with their excited boys. She stroked her quickly moistening pussy at the prospect of recording another sexy family love moment for her and Dan to watch later as he made love to her pussy. She liked to watch kiddy porn with her husband as he mounted her from behind and took his time riding her sweet velvety mommy pussy. If they were not done enjoying watching when Dan unloaded his jizz into her pussy he would sink in fully until he got hard again and gave her another pussy pumping. Dan playfully picked up his youngest son, being the lightest, and kissed him on the mouth before flipping him over and upside down to kiss and suck the giggling little boy's stiff little boy-cock. Dicky wrapped his arms around his daddy's waist as best he could and giggled uncontrollably as Dan licked and tongued his boy's cute balls and taint. Dan's other two sons were fighting over getting his hard daddy cock in their mouth and sucking his happy fat dripping glans like a good boy should. "Ok boys that's enough get on the patio couch and assume the position. Daddy needs some boy-pussy and some relief!" he said lewdly before flipping his son Dicky right-side up and landing him on the ground. He kissed his son on the mouth lewdly before releasing him and sending him to the deck to line up with his brothers. The boys all scurried off back to the deck and quickly hopped onto the couch as their daddy asked while Dan went over to his wife to kiss her hello. She kissed him back and gave his now fully hard cock a few strokes saying, "Welcome home sweetie. I hope you save some of this cock for me tonight." Dan smiled and kissed her back then replied, "Of course I will baby." as he squeezed her butt playfully and gave it a jiggle. She then patted him on the ass, sending him over to her boys and got ready with her phone to record another fun family moment of her boys helping her husband relax after a long day at work. The boys were all kneeling on a patio couch and looking over their shoulder to where their daddy was. He pulled off his shirt from his fit manly body and the sight made his boys' little pussies twitch and they started to get stiff little erections in anticipation and at seeing their sexy daddy naked. Dan went to, Ben, his oldest son first and leaning over his son's body and ran his hands over the boy's soft skin before leaning in and kissing his son on the lips, playfully, a few times. He then got into position to mount the little boy winked at the other two boys who were watching their daddy with wrapped attention. Dan grabbed hold of his son's cute boy rump and squeezed his butt cheeks lovingly. Dan spread his son's cheeks and splitting his pink boy-butt-crack revealed more fully that he was wearing a butt plug to be open and ready for man-boy love making with his daddy. Dan gently pulled on the plug and removed it from his son's sexy ass and dropped it on the deck to be collected later. Ben couldn't resist the sensation and moaned at the removal making faces into the camera as his mom recorded. Dan and his wife had told their boys to always put some lube in their butts when wearing a plug to make it easy to take out and so that they would be ready for some sex play should the desire arise. He was happy to see that his oldest son Ben had done just that and was very ready to have his daddy make love to his hot tingly boy-pussy. Dan smiled into the camera also before he leaned down and licked his son's butt crack from the underside of his sweaty little boy balls across his taint and up his crack, leaving the spit at the gaping entrance as he finished. Ben's eyes rolled all over in delight and he gripped the back of the patio sofa and had the look of ecstasy all over his face. Helen smiled as she watched and recorded her son being prepared by her husband to be anally pleasured by his big hard throbbing daddy dick. Dan then gently guided his fully erect cock to the now well-lubed entrance of his oldest son and gave out his own moan as he sank into the naked boy's willing gay boy-pussy entrance. This was heaven for Dan and these three angels needed his love. Ben was biting his lower lip and then gave out a deep moan followed by "Oh DADDY!" as he looked directly into the camera as his mom happily recorded with. Helen's swollen mommy-pussy throbbed with excitement and began to moisten even more at how sexy and slutty her son acted when getting his boy-pussy pounded. Dan started out slow but was soon plowing away at his son's soft gaping pink anus. Now that Dan had his daddy cock in some pussy there was no reason to hurry. Ben was very horny and was moaning and saying "Daddy!" over and over as he happily took his daddy's hard throbbing cock to the hilt with each thrust. Really getting into the sex, Dan playfully slapped his son's ass every few thrusts and after a few more thrusts Ben was having a nice little dry boy-gasm and spastically started squeezing his little boy-pussy around his daddy's cock like a slut. Dan slowed down his thrusting and let his son ride out the orgasm on his hard daddy dick before leaning over his son and hugged him from behind as the two kissed again. He loved how sweaty and silky his boys' skin felt after getting railed by a nice hard cock. The other 2 boys were getting really antsy and wanted to have a ride of some daddy cock now that they got to see their big brother have his afternoon boy-gasm from daddy cock. Dan pulled out his cock from his oldest son and squeezed his son's butt cheek as he said "I love you honey bunches." The boy had a far away sex glazed look in his eyes as he replied "I love you too daddy." and slumped onto the couch exhausted with a big smile on his face. Adam knew it was his turn and quickly reassumed the position with his ass in the air, waging back and forth awaiting his daddy's soothing touch. He didn't need to wait long before Dan put both hands on the boy's upturned rump and steadied him as he began to feel up his 2nd youngest son's beautiful ass and hard boy cock. Dan split his son's cheeks and could see the golden tan go all the way to the crack. The only part that was pink was mostly obscured by his playful little butt-plug. Dan smiled to his wife who was still recording, before he pulled out the boy's butt-plug and leaned down to lick the little boy's salty balls and taint all the way up to his butt hole and again leaving the spit there in his son's sexy pink gape. Dan's cock was plenty lubed now after having his way with and hilting his oldest son's well-lubed cute little gay-boy ass. He quickly planted his still hard cock at the gaping entrance of his middle son's love hole and playfully slid in real slow, savoring the sensation. Adam gave out a long drawn out moan and a shudder as Dan slid in easily. That changed to a whine and back to a moan as his daddy rooted the boy to the hilt on his boy-loving pedo-daddy dick. Adam gave out some more shudders and goose bumps at the pleasure of loving his daddy and of being used as a cum dump by him. Dan ran his fingers up and down the sides of his sexy son's soft golden skin and enjyed how the boy giggled and squirmed on his hard daddy cock. Dan grabbed the boy's hips with a slap from both hands and began to vigorously thrust his cock into the boy as Adam tensed up and shivered at the love and pleasure he was feeling through his boy-pussy. Adam was the most excitable and rambunctious of his 3 boys and was always randy for sex. The boy acted like a slut for daddy cock all the time and was always ready to be used as a cum dump by any man. Dan and his wife knew that he realy preferred to have his daddy in his boy-pussy love hole most of all though. After a few minutes of fucking his son's well practiced ass, Dan had to slow down or he would shoot his load too soon and not have anything for his youngest son's cute little ass. Dan ran his fingers over his son's sexy body, stroking his fingers up and down his son's back and down to his beautiful bubble butt. He said to his son as he thrust away, "Go ahead Adam, let yourself go and have a boy-gasm on daddy's cock." Hearing this, Adam moaned and shivered before tensing up and having a little-boy anal-orgasm with his boy-pussy wrapped around his daddy's hard silky pedo-cock. Dan soothingly approved of his son's response by saying, "Mmmm good boy, ya milk daddy with your pretty pink boy-pussy." as he kept pushing on the boy's prostate with his hard daddy cock. Helen was still recording and had caught little Adam biting his lip as his eyes rolled up and then cross eyed as he shuddered and rode out his little anal boy-pussy-gasm on his daddy's hard loving pedo cock. Helen was in heaven also watching her boys play gay and get bum fucked by her loving husband. He was always doing such a good job of loving their kids like a pedo-daddy should. Dan kept thrusting like a good loving daddy as Adam came down off his boy-gasm high. Dan took his time sensually stroking his son's silky golden sun-kissed skin as his son huffed and puffed, catching his breath from having a a nice deep boy-gasm. Dan leaned in and kissed his middle son before pulling his still hard cock out and took a moment to enjoy the sight of his son's little gaping rosebud and squeezed his butt cheeks before moving over and getting behind his youngest and most adorable son, Dicky. Adam now sated, sank onto the sofa next to his big brother and they both were stroking and jacking their hard little boy cocks as they watched their daddy prepare their little brother for some man-boy bum loving. Dan repeated the same act of pulling out the boy's butt plug and licking his son's gaping boy-pussy wet before mounting him. Dan took more time with 4 year old Dicky because he was so young and needed his man lover to take it easy when first perpetrating him. It wasn't long before Dan had his thick silky man cock rooted to the hilt in Dicky's sweet little boy ass just like his big brothers had. Dan massaged the little boy's butt cheeks as Dicky moaned and got use to being filled with daddy cock again. After Dicky relaxed and loosened up Dan began to pull out and slowly thrust back in, picking up speed with each thrust. Dan knew he couldn't last much longer but was happy to hold out long enough to finally blow his nut in his youngest son, who needed daddy's milk to grow up big and strong like his big brothers. "Oh god yes! What a feeling!" Dan announced to a chorus of giggling boys. "Rail him daddy!", Ben said encouraging his daddy to pump his little brother's boy-pussy faster. "Ya daddy! Cream Dicky good!" Adam added as he too watched wide eyed and excited at his little brother getting butt fucked by their daddy like the boy-slut he was. Dicky smiled a little shyly at his big brothers' encouragement of him getting creamed by daddy. Dan was almost ready to empty his big thick pedo cum laden balls into his youngest son's ass but first he wanted to enjoy the mating a little longer. He rather enjoyed pounding his son's prostate and feeling him squirm and melt in boy-gasmic delight. It was a feeling that his wife didn't get to feel from a strapon like he could with his dick head rubbing the little boy's love button. Oh sure she got to feel her little boy's melt in her arm and see the look of pleasure in the boys face as they boy-gasamed on her strapon but there was something different about a man and boy making sensual sweet love like this. Dan gave a tense exasperated "Here it cums." to his wife so that she could capture the moment he fed his youngest son's sloppy little boy-pussy the daddy milk his growing body needs. Dan's thrusts started to stutter and he spasmodically thrust his cock into little Dicky as volleys of thick cum fired up his shaft and into his son's waiting little boy-pussy. Dicky's face just melted into orgasmic pleasure as his boy-pussy orgasmed with his daddy's breeding of his ass. He felt thick ropes of creamy daddy jizz fill his guts and coat his colon in pearly white daddy love. He had quite a grin from knowing that he was the one getting the first and biggest daddy cum of the night. Helen smiled at her son knowingly. She knew just what it was like to get creamed by the man you love when he is also your father. Her father had creamed and cuddle fucked her pussy many times since the time she was a little girl. Helen held the camera steady as her boy came back down to earth from cloud 9. Dan was rubbing on Dicky's silky naked boy skin, enjoying the feeling as they both came down off their orgasmic high. Dicky saw his mommy with the camera-phone still recording and like he was trained to, he waved bye to the camera and gave a kiss to the camera before Dan got all his man-boy kissing attention. Helen stopped recording this little family treasure and quickly started rubbing her wet dripping pussy building to her own much needed release. Dan pulled his hard cock out of Dicky and let the little boy slump down on the couch as he recovered from his orgasmic high. Dan handed his youngest son his new favorite butt plug and helped the boy put it in the keep all the well earned daddy milk jizz just were it was needed to help the boy grow up bod and healthy. Dan then sat down on the couch with his boys and hugged them and kissed them as his hard dick softened to a normal pedo-daddy chub. The boys knew it wouldn't be long before their daddy was raring and ready to go again. He was such a horn-dog for boy-pussy and what better boy-pussy than his own loving son's while his wife cheered him on.