Date: Jan 16 2018 Subject: Neighbors 1 (bb -> Mbb -> MMbb, extreme-ped, inc, ped, exob) Author: Adam Cunny ( Credit: All credit goes to Silent Steps for creating this series. BTC Donation: 1KansasB34uNHqcphXPsfkLB8qDLHhyRxU Status: (WIP)Work in progress --------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or deceased is entirely coincidental. If you are under eighteen years old, or if it is illegal in your community to read explicit stories depicting sex between adults and minors, or if you are offended by such material, close this and go do something else. Do not contact me attempting to arrange illegal activities or the trading of illegal material. In short, let's keep this legal - that way, we can keep it fun. Thank you. --------------------------------------------------- Jason Gibbs Dad 25 Beth Gibbs Mom 23 Toby Gibbs Son 5 Josh Gibbs Son 4 Dan Simons Dad 28 Helen Simons Mom 25 Ben Simons Son 9 Adam Simons Son 8 Dick Simons Son 4 Patricia Wilson Wife 55 John Wilson Husband 58 ***************************************** Incomplete Story Work in progress More to come so check back when it is reposted. ***************************************** ------------- Chapter 1 ------------- It was a sunny July day and Beth Gibbs, having just visited her next door friend Helen for coffee, walked through the back door of her house and was surprised that there was no-one watching TV or playing in the living room. She knew her sons were supposed to be home and had not told her they were going over anyones house to play. She heard some noise coming from upstairs and wondered what they might be doing. Her handsome husband, Jason, was across the street at the Simon's house helping their neighbor Dan work on his lawn tractor. So that meant the boys were not with him playing. She took off her shoes and snuck upstairs to see what the boys were up to. As she got to the top of the stairs she heard tell tail sounds of little kids moaning. Had they brought some kids inside to play she thought? She walked down the hall, fallowing the sounds, to her sons bedroom. She peeked through the small crack of the open door to see the sight of her little 4 and 5 year old boys cuddling in a classic 69 on their shared bed. This was a surprise to her because the boys were what the community called 'shy-straight'. Being shy-straight meant that the boys liked pussy and did not like playing sexually with any of the men or boys from the community. Sure They loved their father and he would cuddle with him but not other men. They also never got a crush on any of the other boys or men in the neighborhood. When they wanted sexual attention they cuddled with a mommy or a girl. She did not mind the boys wanting to play with her pussy or play with her breasts as they fed on mommy's milk. She loved the attention, what pedo sexual mother wouldn't want 2 cute boys all to herself. Yes they were real mommy's boys in the Community sense. It was common knowledge in the community that daddy's milk was almost as important as mommy's milk for young growing little boys and although their father Jason was not gay or bi he still loved his boys and his balls would fill with a heavy load of sweet creamy jizz whenever his boys needed their daily cum snack from daddy. Their father Jason would feed each boy his daddy milk every day so they would grow up strong, but that was it, the boys didn't want to play with him sexually. The boys had not bonded sexually with any boys or men in the neighborhood. There dad was now giving all his cum to mommy to make another baby and the boys were missing their almost daily dose of sweet and salty protein with natural growth hormones they normally entice from their father's loving balls. Beth's husband Jason was not at all feeling rejected or that there was any lack of attention from the boys. He loved them with all his heart and his loins but preferred girls and wanted to have daughters so that they would be daddy's girls and he could make love to them. Both her and her husband wanted to have more children and were working on just that almost every night this month. With any luck she would get pregnant this week. But here the boys were, wrapped together in a sweet 69, gently suckling on each other's little boy cocks, but would not be getting any cum because they were too young. She wondered what brought this on? Were they growing out of the 'shy-straight' phase and wanted to explore and play with cocks? Was it that they were frustrated that mommy was getting all of daddy's milk for the past week, in a quest to make a little sister? Whatever the reason she thought it was a pleasant surprise and she did not want to distract her boys. She quietly stepped away from the door, back down the stairs and went to the kitchen to call her older next door neighbor Patricia Wilson. The Wilsons were an older couple that lived next door and practiced nudism at home and in the yard. She would see them often in the back yard or going to get their mail from the mailbox without a stitch of clothing save for shoes and a sun hat. Mrs. Wilson 'Patricia' had breasts that had begun to sag and a sweet inny pussy that was shaved hairless, except for her small turf landing strip. Mr. Wilson 'John' was a jolly chubby man that had a clean shaved short flabby cock and large hanging balls that his grandkids seemed to enjoy regularly. He was so lucky to be able to get an erection at his age. She dialed the phone to chat with Patricia and see what she thought of this new development with her little boys. "Hello!" "Hello Patricia, it's Beth. You won't believe what I just saw my boys doing?" "What was that dear?" "Well, you know how they have been going through this 'shy-straight' phase, well I just saw them in their room in a classic sweet 69. It was so loving and beautiful, I am getting wet just thinking about it." "Well that is great to hear! I know how worried you were about their development. This looks like they are breaking out of their shell and joining the Community. Was it something specific that you think brought it on?" "I don't know. The only major thing is that John and I have been trying to have make another baby and I have been stealing all the daddy milk. :)" "Oh, that sounds like that's it. It's like the water in a house. Once you turn it off everyone wants a glass of water to drink. Well I hope they don't start getting cranky, that is bound to happen when little kids don't get the nutritious hormones in daddy milk." "Oh is that why they have been cranky and irritable this past week? I just thought they were going through a phase." "Oh yes that is a phase all right. They are starting to get the cum cravings. We had a hell of a time with our son's twin boys. They would not take to the cock like they took to the boob. Their father and grandfather spent many days and nights with the twins trying to get them to take more than one or two feedings a day." "Is that so, it's just like boys to be so difficult. :)" "Yes, and in the end his wife wanted to try for another baby and the boys came around looking for attention and eventually got the cum cravings." "Now they are 7 and some days you can't get them to stop sucking their daddy and granddaddy's cock. They even started to wear their boy-pussy butt plugs and enjoy cuddle fucks with their daddy and some of the men in the neighborhood." "Oh wow, Toby and Josh never wear their pretty butt plugs we got them. They are always complaining that their butt plugs are uncomfortable or that they hurt. I know they are just being fussy. I mean they are 5 years old and both still on size 1 for 3 year olds, but I usually just give up and let them leave them out." "Why don't I have Mr. Wilson come over and work some of his magic on the boys. I know he could help the boys to cuddle with and give them his cum when they are ready to feed. I know Jason will be worn out if he is giving all his cum to you. :)" "Really, you would do that. I think it would be great if Mr. Wilson can come over and spend some man-boy bonding time together with the boys. It would be even better if he could help the boys to drink more daddy milk." "Then it's settled I will go get him away from the TV and send him over. :)" "Oh thank you Patricia that would be so great. How can I ever thank you." "Don't mention it dear. Bye now." "Ok bye." Beth hung up the phone and her head was spinning with the possibilities. Now her boys would fit in better at school and surly they would stop being so moody and cranky from time to time. She waited for a while and heard a knock at the door in less than 10 minutes from when she hung up the phone. She went to the door and greeted Mr. Wilson who was wearing a white towel across the back of his neck and some shoes. His smooth wrinkly short cock and large balls that hung down low in a clean-shaved sack. "Oh hello John I am so happy you can come and help out with the boys." "It's no trouble Beth, you know how much I love to play with little kids and boys are no exception. :)" "Well I have not confronted them about seeing them in a 69. You know how they are going through the 'shy-strait' phase and are moody. I called Patricia to see what she thought I should do and she said that they needed some daddy milk and that you could help." "Oh yes, 'Shy-straight' is always a pain. It's like they are moody for months or even years and you are worried that they will miss out on the much needed growth hormones in daddy milk. I am sure we can work on the boys now that they are showing signs of having the cum cravings." "That is exactly it. But how do we confront them about it without them going back into their shell?" "Well, I think we can start with them sitting with me to watch some TV, naked of course. I'll have the boys cuddled up close as we watch a boy-boy-love sitcom on TV. That way they can smell my manly scent and get to looking at my fat kid friendly cock. If they are having the cum cravings the boy-love show and my scent should send them over the top. You go have tea with Patricia and watch from there." "Ok, that sounds like it'll work. I'll go get the boys and have them come down to say hi." "Before you do lets setup the TV video call to my house so that you and the misses can watch. Patricia can activate the recording and you and your husband will be able to enjoy the scene many times over." "Oh that is a good idea. I know Jason will just love that. Let get started." ------------- Chapter 2 ------------- "Boys would you come down here and say hello to Mr. Wilson!" The boys came down the stairs fully clothed. It may be too late, the boys may have already gone back to being shy before Mr. Wilson even came over. The boys were apprehensive and acted like the naked man in the living room had coodies. They could not stop looking at the man's semi-hard cock and his large plump wrinkly clean shaved ball sack just hanging all plumped up between his chubby legs. It was like they did not want to stare but could not look away. They had seen Mr. Wilson naked all the time from their back yard but he was much closer this time something about it was different for them today. Beth and Mr. Wilson gave a quick smile as they noticed where the boys were looking. Their mother shooed them over to Mr. Wilson and said, "Boys come greet Mr. Wilson, he will be staying with you this afternoon. You are going to watch some TV and play together while I go over to visit with Mrs. Wilson." They were distracted by the request to go watch TV and gave the response "Ok, Mom." "No, you know better, give Mr. Wilson a proper greeting." Their mother said sternly nudging them both closer to the nudist neighbor in the room. They looked at the man with his large man balls and fat dick hanging loosely between his legs. Each boy gave a little resistance but allowed themselves to be defeated as they were nudged closer to the chubby old man and his dangling chubby cock. First Toby and then Josh went over to Mr. Wilson and wrapped his little fingers around the end half of the mans now mostly erect cock. The boy then began to shake it like they were shaking hands with someone and smiled up at the man saying "Hello Mr. Wilson, thank you for visiting." Mr. Wilson looked down at the boys and smiled warmly as he enjoyed the boys greeting. Each boy removed their hand when they were done and wiped the pre-cum dribble on their pants leg. Their mom took this as an opportunity to get the boys naked for their cuddle time with Mr. Wilson. "Oh you boys you are getting your pants dirty with Mr. Wilson's man dribble. We can't have that, you will have to take them off, I don't want your clothes to get ruined." Both boys eyes grew big, they never liked to go naked around strangers even if they were friends and neighbors that they saw every day. "Aw mom, do we have to?" "Yes you have to! Mr. Wilson is a nudist and is visiting us naked and you don't see him being shy." their mother sternly replied. Mr. Wilson catching on to the game said "It's ok boys come here your mother and I will help you." He led Josh, by the hand, over to the couch as Beth led Toby. She started to undress the Toby and Mr. Wilson sat down in the middle of the couch and began to help 4 year old Josh remove his pants and underwear. After both boys were naked from the waist down, their mother sat them on the couch next to their naked neighbor. Beth told them to be good to Mr. Wilson and she would come check on them later. Mr. Wilson said "Don't worry Beth they are in good hands." as he put his arms around the boys' shoulders and pulled them to his sides as he gently grasped their butt cheek and hip. Both boy blushed and squirmed as they tried to hide the little boys cock pointing up from their crotch. Beth thought to herself, he is really having an effect on the boys, this is good. As they watched the TV Mr. Wilson's cock head throbbed with excitement and dribbled a little precum out the end. His large ball sack nestled between his legs was collecting the pool of precum that was dripping down the shaft. The boys would steal a glance at the large wet helmet of the man's cock every so often and Mr. Wilson would act like he did not see them. He would every so often jack his cock and wipe his pre-cum dripping cock with a finger tasting the precum while the boys watched. Then he would put his arm back around the boy and squeezed them both to his side and cuddled them warmly as they watched a boy-lover TV show. It featured a little boy that had a big brother and they got into trouble that they had to get out of and them playing with their friends. Every episode had a few scenes of the boys making out and the teen boy fucking his little brother's boy-pussy. The little boy acted like such a little slut. There were plenty of scenes of the little boy sucking his big brother, scenes of him waking up and sucking his daddy with a shiny wet face and a cum dripping smile for the camera and also scenes of the boy's cute little soft boy pussy winking for all to see. The boys were getting uncomfortable with their little boy erections and were trying to hide them from view. Trying to distract the boys from this development, Mr. Wilson engaged the boys with reflective conversation. The current scene showed the older boy sitting on the couch with his younger brother laying his head on his lap gently sucking the end of his older brother's cock. "Oh how handsome the older boy is." Mr. Wilson said calling attention to the sexy athletic teen male body on the screen. He followed up with "And how loving he is to the little boy. He seems to rely enjoy their time together." as the scene showed the little boy get his hair stroked and with a smile transitioned into giving a more aggressive blowjob. "His little brother is cute too, but not as cute as your two." Mr. Wilson said as he squeezed the boys up closer to his body. After a time the camera view showed the little boy wagging his butt at the camera. and his colorful boy-pussy butt-plug winking between his cute creamy white butt cheeks. "What a pretty looking boy pussy he has. Can you imagine how silky-smooth and baby-soft it is?" he asked aloud to plant the idea in each of the little boy's head. The little boys were now absent-mindedly stroking and jerking their little cocklets trying to get some relief from their sexual tension. The scent of precum waifed throughout the room as it dribbling out of Mr. Wilson's cock so close to the boys and the scent of his man musk contributed to the boys cum cravings. The boys intermittently watched his cock continued pulse and dribble. Mr. Wilson while still hugging the boys to himself used one finger to wipe a dribble of precum from the shaft of his cock and brought it to his mouth. With the boys now transfixed on his every move he slowly licked his finger clean and gave a little "mmmmm" of enjoyment. The boys reacted as expected. They licked their lips subconsciously as if it was they that was tasting the older mans precum. The scene on the TV continued with the two boys sitting on the couch together and sward fighting with there hard boy cocks. This went on for a little while and the boys were starting to drool while rubbing their own hard cocks and watching true brotherly love on the TV. As they sat together and watched TV the boys became more and more transfixed on the man's swollen penis and large balls sitting next to them. With the two almost naked boys hugged up next to him as they watched a boy-lover TV show had gotten Mr. Wilson worked up and very horny. He watched as Toby was the first to subconsciously lean in and rest his head on the mans chest as stared at the mans beautiful swollen cock and large cream filled balls. Toby at only 5 years old was going through a growth spirt and was craving his daddy's milk most of all. He kept staring at Mr. Wilsons weeping cock as it bobbed and throbbed invitingly next to him. He started to think about how his daddy's milk tasted and wondered if Mr. Wilson tasted the same. Watching closely Mr. Wilson smiled down at little Toby and gave him a squeeze and a nudge closer to his cock. He then said very softly "You want a daddy-milk snack Toby?" Both boys lost track of the show and were watching the excitement right next to them. 4 year old Josh watched hungrily and jealously as his big brother Toby leaned over their next door neighbor's cock and began to lick and suck the bulbous head of his penis. Mr. Wilson gave a big sigh of relief then flexed and pulsed his cock quickly oozing out some pre-cum in relief as he softly encouraged the boy to continue. Toby reservedly put his hand around the base of the cock to steady it as he apprehensively milked the loving mans cock of his sweet pre-cum. He blushed as he looked up from the large man's crotch and across to his little brother and noticed he was drooling as he watched jealously. Little Josh not wanted to be left out and now just as cum hungry as his big brother, began to touch and gently massage the bare shaven wrinkly man balls. With his hands wet from the puddle of precum that had developed on the mans large ball sack, Josh started to lick his fingers and blushed with a smile as his shyness washed over him. Mr. Wilson looked at the camera in the TV and winked to his wife and the boy's mother that were watching remotely. Josh looked up at Mr. Wilson as he tasted the mans precum off of his finger and gave a blushed smile. Mr. Wilson wiped up some more pre-cum from the puddle on his ball sack and fed it playfully to the cute blushing boy. Josh leaned in and sucked the mans finger and smiled as he slid back in shyness. He asked "Mr Wilson, Can I have a snack too?" "Sure you can sweetie." "Toby why don't you share with your little brother? I can teach you both how to double blowjob if you like?" Toby reluctantly came off of the mans cock and leaning back wiped his mouth and chin with the back of his hand and forearm. He then smiled conscientiously up at the old man and blushed. "Don't be shy Toby. You did a great job. You are both loved very much. Josh! watch your teeth sweetie" "mmm Sorry Mr Wilson, slurp slurp." "Ahhhhh, that a boy. mmmm good boy." Toby now messaging the old man's balls tells him "Mr. Wilson, Josh and I know how to give a double-blowjob." "Mmmm do you now? Well in that case why don't you both get on the floor and suck out the yummy snack that my balls made for you." He gently patted the boys on the butt to get them up and moving and the boys responded by giggling and bouncing right up off of the couch and down on their knees in front of him. He spread his legs invitingly to accommodate the two boys and let his large wrinkly ball sack hang down over the edge of the couch with his cock pointing up like a rocket. The boys were now blocking the camera a little but you could still see what was going on. "Hold on a second boys. Lets take your shirts off so they don't get dirty." Mr. Wilson said as he leaned over and pulled first Toby's then Josh's shirt over their head tossing them on the floor. The boys were still giggling and not shy with him any more. Mr. Wilson leaned back on the couch spreading his legs and gently guided the giggling boys to his crotch. They each took to one side of his cock and with only a little coaxing both planted a kiss on opposite sides at the same time. It was a beautiful moment that was thankfully caught by the camera. They proceeded to giggle and smooch the pre-cum dripping cock, nibbling and sucking on the rim of his fat mushroom shaped cock head. His penis pulsed and dribbled with love and affection for little children as he watched the boys make out with his cock between them. Yes it was a wonderful feeling and a beautiful scene that was going to look even better when his cock volcanoes. The boys with precum coated wet lips and chins, looked up at Mr Wilson for approval as they worked together licking up and down the fat cock. Mr. Wilson looked like he was in heaven as he looked between the two beautiful boys trading his stubby fat cock back and forth between them as they took turns sucking on the cock head to get more of his man milk primed and ready. He smiled down at the boys and said softly and encouragingly, "Ok boys I'm ready to feed you a cum snack when you are ready. Keep close and share with your brother both of you. Message my balls boys, that's the best way to get the most cum out. Don't squeeze too hard but keep messaging them. Thats it... I'll do the jacking and trade back and forth boys." "OK" they both said and got together hovering over the end of the fat man's cock ready for him to start squirting. After a few more moments he said "Ok make sure to trade my cock back and forth with each squirt, don't be greedy... Here' CUMS BOYS!" Toby being the oldest went first and started to bob his lips over the fat mushroom head and down the shaft an inch or so. A big long health squirt of man jizz erupted from Mr. Wilsons's cock right into Toby's mouth with a force that made the boy cough and choke. He took the cock out of his mouth, coughing and drooling, the cum that he had not swallowed, down his chin and front. Little 4 year old Josh trying to outdo his big brother immediately went for the next blast of man milk. He was too slow and the next eruption of cum from Mr Wilson's large balls went over his head and then across his left cheek and ear as he got his pink puffy lips over top the fat cock head. He felt the missed cum rain down on his lower back and his butt cheek as the next surge of cum began. That next blast was quite a bit less than the first two but still too much for the little boy and he too coughed as the long thick cum rope blasted across his tongue and the back of his throat. He was determined to kept his lips around the cock as best he could with the mans cum already escaping his lips from the coughing. Josh wanted to show up his big brother and get most of the man-milk cum-snack. He used his tongue to block the cum from making him choke and swallowed quickly the surges of salty man-milk as fast as he could. Toby now done choking and not wanting to be outdone by his little brother, tried to push Josh off of the cock and get more man milk for himself. He wined "Share Josh!" to which his little brother smiled selfishly as he got the hang of this new cock and drank 2 more blasts. Mr. Wilson nudged the little boy away so that he would share with his big brother and Toby immediately got the cock in his mouth for the next 3 squirts and the beginning of the pulsing dribble. With a mouthful of cum in his mouth and with puffed out cheeks, he released the cock from his pink puffy lips and pointed it to his little brother who immediately latched on for the rest of the dribble. Josh was the one that liked to hold their daddy's cock in his mouth, suckling on it like a nipple and tonguing the piss-hole for more spermies as it deflated. The older boy leaned back and swallowed a few times gulping down the salty man milk. He made a face of the salty aftertaste then made a face like he was thinking as he licked his lips. "Your man milk tastes like my daddy's, Mr. Wilson." Toby exclaimed as he smiled sharing his discovery with the large man. He decided that he liked his daddy's milk better but this was a good substitute and there was so much more of it from Mr. Wilsons big hairless wrinkly old man balls. After swallowing a few times Josh looked up at Mr. Wilson smiling with cum dripping down his chin while licking his lips and cheek to get more of the man's creamy flavor across his tongue. It was a beautiful sight to Mr. Wilson who knew the girls next door would want to get a look. He took his cell phone off of the table next to the couch and started taking pictures of the two smiling beautiful naked boys. He had the boys pose while kissing each other and licking there lips and smiling for the camera. After he was done he pulled the boys to his lap and had them straddle a leg each as he hugged them and cuddled. They lay on him for a nap with their head on his shoulder and their hands playing slowly with their erect little penises. His hands cradling their cute little soft boy butt cheeks rubbing the tips of his fingers ever so gently across the crack of the little boys' pussies. He sat there with his hands on the boys' butts, squeezing and massaging them as they napped against him and he recovered from the draining they gave his balls. After a while of warmth and cuddling Mr. Wilson says softly to the two snuggled boys as they sucked on their thumb and played with their cocklet with the other hand, "You two needed that didn't you?" before softly kissing them each on the head. "You were cranky because you needed some daddy milk. Now that you have had some of my man-milk you feel better don't you?" He continued reassuringly and rhetorically. The boys still sucking their thumbs started looking up at him and began to blush and squirm in his lap. He hugged their naked bodies close and kissed them lovingly on the tops of their heads as if they were his own. It was moments like this that he was so happy he and his wife had decided to move to Silent Steps Community. Only here, in this community could he and his wife practice pedo family nudism with their sons and not have to worry about them telling the authorities and going to jail. Only here could he make his neighbor's sons suck his dick and cum in their mouth with the approval of the boys mother. Only here could he proudly say to someone in a park "I'm a pedophile and love having sex with little boys and girls." and most people would sigh dreamily and say me too. "Don't be shy boys, growing little boys like you two need big loads of healthy man cum to grow up big and strong. You will get crabby and frustrated every day that you go without it." He said matter-of-factually. "You need some every day so if you feel cranky or crabby let your daddy know and he will feed you, he loves you and his balls will naturally make yummy man milk for you every day." Toby being the oldest started to talk first, "But mommy is taking all of daddy's milk to make a baby." he whined. "Oh that, well mommy and daddy are trying to get pregnant with another beautiful baby. They want a baby girl, but it may be a little brother also. Just think, you might end up with another cute little brother." "I'll tell you what, when either of you boys feels cranky or crabby, or just need a little cuddle and in need of daddy milk; and when your daddy is not around or can't feed you, you come next door anytime you want and I will give you both a snack of my sweet creamy man cum." "You see these big balls?" Mr. Wilson said as he caressed and pulled on his large nut sack. He made a show of foundling his balls and re-hardening cock before continuing. "I got plenty of daddy milk in here for two pretty pedo wet dreams like you." The two boys blushed at the comment. Being called a 'pedo wet dream' was a high praise in the community. They then smiled and nodded their head at this offer and snuggled into him as they continued to look down at the thick chubbed-up cock waving freely between them. They secretly wanted to reach out and play with it more but were still a little too shy. "Just remember that we are nudists at my house and you have to get naked before you come over. Just come on over and knock on the back door and then come in. If you see Mrs. Wilson in the kitchen make sure to say hello and show good manners by kissing her beautiful pedo mommy pussy." The boys were not phased by this request as there mom was always telling them to show good manners by kissing a woman on the pussy when she is bottomless. They did so without delay when prodded. There was something about girl pussy that really excited the boys. "You know how to kiss a mommy pussy right?" Mr Wilson asked. "Ya." Both boys replied. "Good." The boys continued to fixate on the large mans hefty fat balls and the hard cock lurching between them both. Toby reached out and put his hand as far around the cock as it would go and pulled on it pulling the foreskin up over the fat cock head. He played like this for a few moments with Mr. Wilson encouraging him. Little Josh did not want to be left out and also got put his hand on the large man's penis squeezing it and helping his brother to milk there new friend's cock. ------------- Chapter 3 ------------- "Now what is this I hear about you boys being shy-straight? I think you are just cranky and need some man-boy love cuddle time." "In fact I think you may need some milk in your butts." He said and jiggled and tickled the boys playfully. The boys squirmed and giggled at the tickling they were receiving. "Why is it I never see either of you wearing any lovely little boy-love butt-plugs? I see the other boys and girls your age wearing them and little cute animal tails on a few of them too. Didn't your mommy and daddy buy you a set of plugs to stretch these beautiful soft boy pussies." The boys looked nervous now because they didn't like to wear their uncomfortable plugs. The boys never had them in long because they complained that it was uncomfortable. There mom and dad let them take them out and not ware them over-night like the other kids their age. "We don't like them. It hurts my butt hole." Josh and Toby complained. "Well you just need to start small and use plenty of 'Baby Soft - Pussy Lotion for Boys'. I will tell your mom to get some the next time she goes shopping. It will make your cute little boy pussy more flexible and NOT hurt at all." "I don't know. Can't I just not ware one?" "Ha ha ha, Oh you kids these days. Of course you need to wear your butt plug. All the kids in the community wear butt plugs and pussy plugs from time to time. Most like the vibrating ones and some just like to show off their cute butts. You two need it to stretch your little boy pussy so that it won't hurt when men give you an injection of their creamy cum whenever you need one. Not to mention that you will be left out of all the fun activities in the Community if you don't make love with men and teen boys. How will you play musical chairs in music class if you can't sit on the dick of a nice loving pedo man?" Now you don't want to be different and be made fun of by the other boys and girls at school do you?" Mr. Wilson made a good case for wearing a boy-pussy stretching butt-plug in the Community, but the boys had split emotions about it. "Noooo....?" the boys answered, thinking about being made fun of for not having a cool new sparkly plug or a cute soft animal tail-plug. They also thought about how some of the classes at school expected little boys and girls to be accustomed to a mans penis and to be able to participate in various school programs. "Also how will you go camping and participate in the camp fire sing-alongs?" Mr. Wilson continued providing the boys with an avalanche of reasons that they could not dispute. "I guess..." "Good then it's settled you will just need to start slow and learn to enjoy them, like the other kids do. Why don't you think about it while you suck my dick some more. It is all swollen again and my balls need to be emptied again. Will you help me please?" he said lovingly to encourage the boys. The boys looking up at the man nodded and leaned down but bumped heads. He chuckled and said sweetly, "Josh honey why don't you start us off this time honey. Then share with your big brother when your mouth gets tired." Josh didn't even reply he just went for the cock again and latched his pink wet lips around the soft fat head of the mans cock and began to suck and lick the piss slit like a straw in a milkshake. He and his brother were still jacking the big cock as best they could with their small little hands as they played together. Toby leaned back onto the arm and chest of the large man and looked up at him smiling, looking for a sign of approval and appreciation. Mr. Wilson looked into the boys eyes and leaned in to kiss him on his little pink soft lips. They kissed all different ways as the little brother enjoyed himself sucking on the new fat cock. The man sucked the little boys tongue and the boy sucked his. They gave each other quick smooches and long soft sensual kisses. After a short while little Josh pulled off of the large cock with a noisy pop and a slurp of the juice that was escaping his mouth. He wiped his lips and chin with the back of his hand as he sat up looking for approval in Mr. Wilsons eyes. His older brother Toby went strait for the mans no longer occupied cock when his brother was tired of sucking and working his tongue. Mr. Wilson pulled little 4 year old Josh to him and began to kiss him the same way he kissed his older brother to show his appreciation. Toby didn't know why but he wanted the cum from this mans balls more than anything at that very moment. He started to bob the mans knob what little he could fit into such a small little mouth. Mr. Wilson said to the boy " Toby baby, slow down and enjoy the taste of cock and cum." Toby hummed an 'ok' through his nose as he slowed down and wiped his tongue all over the mans cock tasting what flavors he could. "Ok, boys that's enough for now I want to go see your beginner boy pussy plugs. Lets go to your room and take a look at what cute sex-toys you have." The boys were reluctant but having had some cum recently and more precum just now had them no longer cranky. He got the boys up and they looked at the large man's cock and balls sticking out from his crotch and got a naughty idea. They looked at each other and then back at the man's crotch. Toby grabbed the man by the cock and Josh grabbed him by what he could grasp of one of the mans very large cum filled balls. They giggled as they gently led the man by his cock and balls to there room. Mr. Wilson was laughing and dripped precum all the way as the boys had there fun and were getting used to playing with a man's cock. With any luck they would be cured of shy-straight by the end of today. The boys led him into their room and to their bed. He sat down on the edge of their bed and the boys being at the right height began to orally assault the man's lovely cock. He had to stop the boys one more time and tell them to show him their little butt plugs. The boys led the plump middle-aged man over to their shared desk and opened a light blue boy's jewelry box. The medium sized light blue box had all the trimmings. It had a mirror for if the boys wanted to see how they looked with lip gloss or earrings. It had several draws to hold little earrings and necklaces as well as any makeup or lip gloss they wanted, but the center was what Mr. Wilson was looking for. In the middle was a small collection of beginner sized boy pussy butt plugs. The plugs were of different colors and styles. The boys had the classic big soft white bunny tail and a few assorted colored gemstone ended plugs and a pink heart shaped one that read 'I Love Daddy' on the handle. Mr. Wilson looked over the assortment and selected 2 of the smallest gemstone ones. They took up the least space and were the most comfortable for the boys. He sniffed it and just as he thought it was never used, it still smelt like latex. He looked again and also found a small tube of 'Beginner Lube - for boys'. The boys were now not happy and were getting cranky and crabby again. Mr. Wilson selected Toby because he was older and bigger to be the first to receive a boy pussy massage. He took Toby's hand and led him over to the bed and playfully threw him into the air landing on the bouncy bed. This really cheered him up and he had a hard time acting crabby. Mr. Wilson with his still rock hard cock sat down on the bed and maneuvered Toby to lay in his lap with the man large cock nursing in his mouth. Little Josh watched with his hand on his cock playing with it. Mr. Wilson asked Josh "Josh honey, would you like to help me and your big brother?" Nodding his head he climbed up onto the bed for a better view. Mr Wilson picked up one of the 2 plugs and said "Please suck on this butt plug so that it is warm and wet for your big brother. I know he would do the same for you.". The little boy gave a scrunched up face and shook his head. Mr. Wilson assured the boy it was clean and sucked it into his mouth to demonstrate. Reluctantly the little boy licked it to see what it tasted like and seeing it had no taste shrugged and put it in his mouth and sucked it like a pacifier. Mr. Wilson began the message by putting a little bit of 'Beginner Lube' on 2 fingers and began to rub it into Toby's butt crack as the boy nursed contently on the man's pre-cum dripping cock. He began to work his finger into the little boy's little pink rosebud. Ever so gently he worked in a little bit more of his finger at a time. When he had enough of his finger in and had been fingering the content boy for a few minutes he pulled out and asked for the warmed up plug from Josh. Josh playfully pulled the toy out with a pop and presented the lubed toy for inspection. "Good job Josh" Mr Wilson told him. The butt plug was pushed up against the firm clenched tush of this cute cock sucking 5 year old. He calmingly stroked the boy's cheek and told him softly, "There there now, relax Toby, I won't make it hurt." Toby was being stubborn and gave a "uh uh" around the mans cock. Being the experienced man that he was, Mr. Wilson flexed his cock and squirted some precum into the little boys mouth as he stroked the boys hair and cheek. "Now listen, you both have made bigger poops than this so I assure you it won't hurt." This got both boys to laugh and Toby was relaxing. Mr. Wilson kept stroking the tip up and down the lubed valley of the boys butt crack. He then got the boy use to the invasion by poking him on the opening on every pass. Eventually the boy relaxed and allowed him to gently fuck the little rosebud with the little part of the plug. The whole time Josh was watching and being a little bored began to suck on his own butt plug as he waited. Mr. Wilson soon had the boy opened up enough and squeezed the rest of the butt plug into little Toby. The boy reacting late tensed up and tried to bite down on the large cock in his mouth. The cock was too big and he relaxed when he realized it was already over. Mr. Wilson just rubbed the boys lubed tushy and comforted him. "There now that wasn't so bad was it? Does is hurt now?" Stopping the sucking for a moment Toby shook his head and said around the cock that was now deep in his mouth "uh uh..." and continued to suckle and nurse on the old mans fat swollen pedo cock. Josh was feeling left out and excitedly said, "Mr. Wilson can you help me do mine now?" "Why yes I can, lets let your brother have a few more moments of nursing." he said and flexed his cock squirting in more pre-cum to the little boys mouth. Toby happily drank it down and sucked on the cock as best he could as he looked for more. A minute later, "Ok that is enough Toby, help me with your little brother." he said as he gently pulled his cock from the sucking mouth of the older boy. The little boy's mouth was so small and the mans fat dick head so large that when it came out the large mushroom head made a popping sound as it pulled from the warm sucking mouth of the cute little boy. Toby's smiling mouth and chin were all wet and he tried to wipe them with the back of his hand but Mr. Wilson interrupted him and pulled the boy to give him a kiss for being such a good boy. Toby sat on the heel of his foot and felt the butt plug push up into his stretched little pink boy pussy. He felt a jolt surge through his cock starting with his little prostate. Josh on the other hand was laying on Mr. Wilsons lap and trying to gobble the large cock head like his big brother. He had the mans swollen cock firmly planted in his mouth cradled by his little tongue. He tasted the sweet and lightly salty pre-cum oozing out of the cock and it coated his tongue to his tastebuds delight. He looked up into Mr. Wilsons eyes and tried to smile around the oversized cock. Mr. Wilson again flexed his cock for the new little boy and squirted out some precum for the boy to taste and swallow. Josh gave a sigh of relief as the tasty precum surged over his tongue. Mr. Wilson repeated the same procedure with this little boy he had with the previous. He lubed up the boy's butt crack and then using the plug gently played with the boy's cute boy pussy hole. Josh was more relaxed after seeing his big brother take the intrusion without any problem. He wanted to be just like his big brother and so he relaxed his tush as Mr. Wilson proceeded to stretch the soft pink hole. He gently pushed the small butt plug in all the way when the boy was stretched enough to receive it. Josh tensed up his butt cheeks at the full invasion of the plug but relaxed right away when he realized it was over, just like Toby. "Good boy Josh. You did good." Mr Wilson said as he stroked the slippery pink crack of the little boy pussy as the boy lazily nursed on the pre-cum leaking out the large velvety mushroom cock head of the older man. Toby was enjoying watching and rocking back and forth on his butt plug, pushing it deeper as he watched his little brother nurse. He stopped for a moment feeling like he was being left out and said, "Mr Wilson I'm hungry can you give us another snack?" "Oh yes I can boys. Josh why don't you stop nursing for a while so both of you can share another snack of my creamy man milk?" Josh nodded and began to suck hard cleaning the cock of his drool as he pulled the cock from his mouth the large oversized head exiting with a pop and both boys giggled. The boys got up off the bed and stood in front of the large man still sitting on the edge of their bed. He stood up and said "Lets go back to the living room and I will feed you there." Back in the living room he sat back in the same spot earlier with his legs spread invitingly but this time both boys not so shy now, came to him and sat on there knees in front of him. He spread his legs and gestured the boys closer so they could get comfortable. Using this as a teachable moment he told the boys "Put your arm around each other's back so that you can get your heads close together." "Ok boys, same as last time. Work together and give your man a double blow-job." Mr Wilson had the boys full attention as they sat in front of him and looking up into his eyes with his fat cock waiving in front of their face. Mr. Wilson pulled Toby's arm forward and both boys leaned in to his crotch and began to kiss and nibble the mans twitching leaking cock. The boys traded the cock back and forth, wrapping their lips around what they could of the mans extra large mushroom shaped head and shaft. They traded between sucking the cock, playing with it, kissing the mans extra-large creamy cum filled balls and also kissing each other. The boys were enjoying this newfound sexuality and felt oddly liberated with lube all over there butt and a butt plug inside their tinny pink boy holes. "Ok boys let me jack it for you as I cum. Lean forward and tilt your heads back. Use your tongue to block your throat so you don't choke like last time." It was not like the boys were virgins, they had been sucking there dad and drinking his daddy milk almost every day. It was just that, they didn't enjoy it until now and so they did not have as much experience as the other kids there age. There was also the issue that Mr. Wilson had large balls that produced such a large volume of cum. The boys did as they were told and got ready for the fireworks with their little mouths opened wide in anticipation, like baby birds. Mr. Wilson quickly jacked his cock as the boys helped by gently squeezing and milking his oversized balls that hung down tantivly. He began to grunt and powerfully squirt rope after rope of thick creamy hot man-cum ejaculant at the boys face and mouth. He squirted first into Toby's mouth and across his lips leaving the boy surprised at the force and volume. He closed his mouth to swallow, fearing he would spill the next blast if it was the same amount. Mr. Wilson quickly pointed the next volley of cum at little Josh's mouth and almost missed as the cum caught his cheek but finished where it belonged, in his mouth. Toby had not finished swallowing the first load of man milk and had not gotten to fully taste and enjoy it before the next blast from Mr. Wilson was on it's way. He swallowed what he could and before he could open his mouth enough, the next blast of cum landed on his upper lip and ended in his mouth as he open wide with his tongue hanging out to accept. Being too fast had caused Toby to not block his throat with his tongue correctly and the new load of jizz coated his wind pipe as it landed. This was a mistake little boys and girls of the Community made when they were young. With this new load of cum in the boy's mouth Mr. Wilson pivoted again to Josh who was also having a problem keeping up with the volume of cum in such a small boy mouth. Toby began to cough and the cum shot up through his windpipe and out his nose. Being a good boy and being brave for his new friend he closed his teary eyes and held his mouth open as he leaned forward and continued to cough spastically. Josh was still on his second gulp of the first creamy rope of cum and had his mouth closed when his second helping of man milk was delivered. This next blast hit his upper lip and sprayed up across his the bridge of his nose and his forehead into his hair. He opened his mouth too late and was only able to lick his upper lip and nose for cum. Mr. Wilson tried to slow down but was too horny from the boys nursing on his cock as he penetrated their cute boy pussy with butt plugs. He tried to hold back but that just increased the pressure while decreasing the volume. He was pointing his cack back at Toby and seeing the boy coughing decided to do a little face painting. He started with the boys tongue and starting his 5th load of jizz there and continuing up to the boy's cute nose. His eyes were shut so there was no danger of getting it in his eyes. This continued until Mr. Wilson was done cumming and both boys had a mess all over there face and plenty of creamy cum in their bellies where they needed it most. Mr. Wilson was exhausted but had enough energy to instruct the boys to hug and kiss the cum off of each-other's face. They giggled as they did and he noticed that the boys were humping up and down as they did so. Both boys were sitting their boy pussy butt plug on the ball of their foot as they sat. They were humping up and down to push the plug in deeper and stimulate there little prostate. Noticing this Mr. Wilson said to the boys, "It looks like you are starting to enjoy those butt plugs. You may be ready to go up to a size 2 if you are stretched enough. Then it will be able to scratch that itch in your pussy." "Why don't you two get your #2 plugs or the little bunny ones and I will help you out them in?" Both boys giggled and got up running for their room. Mr. Wilson sat gently stroking his drained cock and balls. A few moments later the naked boys, with their little erections leading the way, reappeared running to Mr. Wilson with their next size up butt plug. "Excellent boys! Now both of you come sit on the couch and suck on the plug to get it wet." Both boys did as they were instructed and noisily slurped on the bulbous sex toy. Mr. Wilson hugged the boys to him like before and reaching around the boys shoulders played with their little stiffies as they continued watching a pedo-family-love tv show. This one featured a family with 2 moms and 2 daughters. It was a cute lesbian show with lots of breast play and fourplay. It ended with all four cuddled in bed together. The next show was of a normal community family with 3 sons. The boys ages were 13, 11 and 5. The mother had large breasts that she was always foundling and the boys always liked to bury there faces in her soft pillow breasts. The father was a strapping man with a large cock and cleanly shaved balls... ------------- Chapter 4 ------------- Jason came home from helping their neighbor and needed a shower. After getting in the house he began to undress because he was so dirty from working on the lawn equipment next door. He could hear the TV on and noticed that it was on the pedo-family-love channel. As he walked into the living room he noticed the bolding head of his nudist neighbor sitting in the sofa and then noticed he was sitting with Jasons 2 boys. "Hey there what's going on in here?" "Oh, hi Jason, Beth asked me to look after the boys while she went over to visit the misses." "oh, I see. Did you boys behave for Mr. Wilson?" "Yeeees." Both boys said at the same time as they hugged up closer to Mr Wilson. "Well, Beth asked me to help the boys get over their shy straight while I visited. I hope that is alright with you." "Oh sure you can try but the boys seem to like girl pussy. Can't say I blame them. hahaha" "Weeeell, Because you and Beth were trying for another beautiful baby, the boys were getting cranky without daddy milk, so Mrs. Wilson volunteered me to come over and give them a feeding." "You gave them some daddy milk? They are so stubborn to give a feeding to. How did you manage it?" "I have my tricks. {Wink} {Wink} Why don't you go take a shower and when you come back we can give the boys their third feeding." "Third! Getting them to take one is a challenge some days!" "Yes but today it was fun wasn't it boys?" "Yaaaa" the boys said sounding a little distracted with their attention on their daddy's proud erection and loose hanging balls. "oh, I almost forgot. Why don't you boys show your daddy what you are wearing." patting them on the butt as they sat. Both boys giggled and got up turned around and arched their back waiving their little butts at their dad while holding onto the back of the couch. "Oh, my you boys look so sexy. John, you have to tell me your secret." "Sure no problem. I'll explain while we cuddle fuck these cute little boys of yours and watch TV. Go take a shower, I'll hold the boys down while your gone. :)" Jason smiled and hurried off to the main bedroom to jump in the shower in the master bathroom. He was moving a little quicker than normally but who could blame him. He washed off the sweat and grime of working on his friends lawnmower and quickly soaped up and cleaned his hard as a rock daddy dick. He ran a razor over his pubes shaving off any stubble. Being a loving father he did not want to give his babies a bad experience. After the shower he dried and walked naked into the living room. "I'm getting a drink do you want one?" "Sure I'll take a fertility drink and a water. While your there, get the boys a water and a Boy Recovery Juice for after their ride." "Good idea." When Jason walked into the room he saw the boys cuddling up on Mr. Wilsons lap as the large man caressed their cute Lilly white butt cheeks. It made his cock pulse and he dribbled a little squirt of precum on to Toby's back as he leaned over to hand Mr. Wilson his drink. "Here you go and here you boys go. Drink up." "Thanks, this'll help." "Thank you Daddy" both boys said as they took their little juice drinks. As Jason sat down Mr. Wilson nudged Josh to switch to his daddy's lap. Jason reached out and held onto Josh as the little boy moved to straddled his daddy's lap. Jason hugged his boy and leaned back with the playful boy resting on his chest as he drank his sips juice. He felt Josh's hard little boy cocklet rub up against his much larger daddy dick and enjoyed the sensation as they rested together lovingly. After the boys were done with their drinks Mr. Wilson took the juice containers from the boys and put them on the table next to the couch. He then said "Ok boys it looks like you are ready, why don't you turn around so we can cuddle you and feed your cute little pink boy-pussies?". The boys had a concerned look in their eyes as they were unsure if it would hurt to have an adult penis in their little butt holes. Sensing their concern, Mr. Wilson said "Don't worry boys your daddy and I would never hurt you. I promise it will be fun and you will enjoy it." The boys reluctantly got up off the mens laps and turned around so they could be picked back up and sat atop the laps of the men again. "Ok little buddy, time for a real ride on my lap." Mr. Wilson said as he scooped the boys legs up under his knees and pulled them up to the boys chest with one arm. Little Toby was giggling as he was bent in two against the large mans chest. Using his other hand Mr. Wilson twisted and tugged at the butt plug poking out from between the little boys soft butt cheeks. Holding the little boy in his arms, he kissed the boy on the neck causing Toby to wiggle away his neck from the tickle. Mr. Wilsons caught the gaze of the little boy and the two began to kiss and make out as the older man played with the little boys butt and cocklet, gently pulling on it to stimulate the little boy then stroking the boy's crack pushing on the butt plug. Keeping the boy distracted with the kissing Mr. Wilson gently pulled the little boy putt plug from Toby's plug stretched butt. Toby moaned into the older man's mouth as the two kissed sensually. Watching this display had Jason hard as a rock. He pulled Josh up a little to adjust his dick between the boys legs and let the boy back down. Josh wasted no time and grasped his daddy's cock jacking it with both hands as he and his daddy continued to watch the show next to them. Following Mr. Wilson's lead Jason began to kiss and make out with his youngest boy while Josh continued to tug on his daddy's cock. Mr. Wilson continued to kiss little Toby as he held the boy in position. He took hold of the butt plug and gently pulled it all the way out of the little boy pussy spreading the lube that dripped out. he put down the plug and grabbing hold of his cock mashed the fat velvety soft mushroom stamper cock head up and down the little boy's puffy crack. With the amount of lube deposited in the little boy and the precum dripping from the old man's cock, Toby was slicked up in moments. He planted his fat dick head at the boys warm entrance and gently let the boy down, putting pressure on his little anus. Mr. Wilson felt immense pleasure and moaned into the little boy's mouth as they kissed. Soon the little boy relaxed and his little pussy stretched to accept the head of the old man's cock. Breaking the kiss, Mr. Wilson lay the boy back against his chest in a more comfortable position for the boy. He asked "There that wasn't so bad, was it?" as he let the boy press down on his cock gently sinking in more of his hard pedo cock. "I guess not." Toby said blushing. Mr. Wilson seeing the blush said "Good boy, Good. Now just relax and enjoy the tingly warm feeling in your body." as he began to message his own large balls, pulling on the large sack to relieve the pent up stress and precum. His cock twitched and pulsed leaking a dribble of precum into the little boy's warm hole. Jason following his nudist neighbor's lead, scooped up little Josh's legs folding the boy in two against his chest the same way with his cute little butt sticking out. He also tried the "kiss and play" method that Mr. Wilson employed, kissing the boy while he gently and softly stroked the boy's soft bubble butt talking his time to pay special attention the the boy's butt crack and embedded butt plug. After a few moments he gently took hold of the plug and pulled it from the boy. Josh having gotten used to the phallic device in his stretchy boy pussy, gave a little wine and tensed his butt trying to keep it embedded. Jason put the butt plug on the side table and turned back to his little boy, giving him a smooch on the cheek, as the boy gave a pouty expression on his face. Jason pulls the boy up his chest more and begins to wipe his precum slicked cock head across the little boy's hole lubing it with precum. Josh's expression turned from pout to satisfaction as he closed his eyes and layed back with a big smile, seeming to enjoy his time with daddy. Taking his chance, Jason slowed down the cock lubing and planted his daddy dick head at the little boy's entrance. Josh shuddered and opened his eyes looking into his fathers eyes as Jason began to apply pressure and penetrate his youngest son. Jason began to kiss the little boy to distract him from any pain or discomfort he may have been feeling and this turned out to be the best course of action. Little Josh, distracted by his fathers intimate kissing relaxed his stiff hole and Jason's cock head slipped past the ring, resting a few inches inside the little boy. Feeling the quick motion caused Josh to tighten back up and give a little yelp as he felt his father slip inside. "Shhh, don't worry we'll go slow." he said as he stroked the little boy hugging him tight to his warm body. Josh noticeably relaxed in his fathers warm loving arms. With both men having their cock head buried in little boy pussy, it was only a matter of time before they buried more of their cock shaft there as well. This was a time for the boy's to enjoy themselves, so the men took their time with the boy's waiting for them to stretch and accept more cock in their little boy pussies. Mr. Wilson, having gone through this with his grandkids was to first to suggest the boys talk about how they felt. It helped little shy straight boys to be self reflective and enjoy their time with men and other boys. "Do you boys feel ok? You have been doing really well, your daddy and I are proud of you." The boys blushed and nodded as they curled up in their partners arms gently sinking down accepting more of their man's shaft. Continuing Mr. Wilson said, "Look at you two, this morning you were shy straight and now you are sitting in a naked mans lap with his hard pedo cock almost all the way up your beautiful boy pussies." he said matter of factually. Asking rhetorically he said "What were you two scared of? Nobody in the community would hurt two pretty little boys like you." As he ended his statement, Toby's relaxed form finished his decent and was resting all his weight on Mr. Wilson's lap with the short but fat pedo cock hidden within the little boy's warm love tunnel. Moaning the older man wrapped his arms around the little boy and pulled the boy down on his cock another 1/2 inch before reaching underneath to caress his large aching balls. Both Jason and Josh watch with rapt attention as the two mated all the way. Jason watched as his son sat fully impaled on his neighbors short cock and enjoyed himself as he stroked his little cocklet. His little brother Josh was feeling excited as he got to sit on his daddy's cock and was almost all the way impaled like his big brother. Copying his brother he had been jacking his little 5 year old cocklet. Noticing this Jason kissed the little boy on the cheek and then moved to licking the little boys ear, whispering 'I love you'. Little Josh tensed up at the stimuli and then relaxed, sinking down slowly a little bit more, taking the rest of his fathers cock in his sweet little boy pussy. "My butt feels sooo full daddy." Josh complained. Mr. Wilson using this as a teachable moment corrected the boy, "No Josh, when you are with a man it's not a butt, it's a beautiful little boy pussy.", he finished and moaned as he shot another squirt of built up precum into little Toby's newly christened boy pussy. Josh winced at being told he had a pussy like a girl. But soon felt an all-over blush warm his skin. As his father hugged him firmly and lovingly, he agreed with "That's right boys. Try again and tell me how you are feeling." Trying again Josh said naughtily, "My pussy fees sooo full daddy." then broke out in giggles. His father smiled at him approvingly and replied, "Yes it is baby, it's full of my daddy pedo cock and soon it will be full of my loving daddy milk." Toby just moaned softly as he felt the old man's strong heartbeat through his twitching warm cock. After enjoying the full penetration of the boys, the men decided to pull the boys up a little and let them sink back down. Toby was the first to protest and said "No..., more?" pleadingly wanting to snuggle in the big mans arms longer. "You want more, do you?" Mr. Wilson asked as he let the boy sink back down. A smile of content pleasure washed over the little boy's face as he sank back down the older man's fat cock. Mr. Wilson continued with "mmmm, that feels great. Try squeezing my cock with your little pussy. You will get more cum that way." Jason needing relief also, pulled his youngest son 4 yo Josh up till only the fat mushroom cock head was still inside. Feeling his cock pulse and twitch he quickly guided the boy back down his hard daddy cock. Josh moaned as he snuggled in his daddy's arms. Both men began to rock back and forth, undulate there hips to gently and slowly fuck the boys. After a while of both men and boy enjoying the mating, Mr. Wilson said "Ok little boy I think that is enough cuddle fucking. Time for the real thing." Securing the boy in his hands he stood up with a squealing Toby impaled on his hard cock, wiggling his legs. The large man waddled over to the side of the couch where Josh was sitting with his dad and set the boy down on his knees facing the two. Holding on to the boys hips to keep himself rooted in the kids slippery boy pussy, he said "Toby why don't yo give your brother a kiss?" The giggling boy not knowing what to do gave his brother a quick peck on the cheek. Mr. Wilson pulled out of the little boy and plunged back in slowly, eliciting a long drawn out moan from the 5 year old. "You call that a kiss?" he began pulling his cock out and much more quickly plunged it back in the warm little boy love hole. "You are brothers, you love each other. Josh why don't you show Toby how much you love him." he said as he pulled out again and sank home once again. This time when he bottomed out he felt his large balls contracted and his cock twitch as more hot pre-cum spurted out the end of his fat cock head. Josh was feeling warm and gay sitting in his daddy's lap with his daddy's hard pedo cock stuffed to the hilt in his little boy pussy. The little 4 year old brother blushed with a smile and putting his hands on his older brothers cheeks he leaned in and began to kiss his big brother on the lips. Seeing this Mr. Wilson pushed all the way back into Toby and giving a nudge with his hips pushed the brothers closer together. Jason literally had a front row seat to the show and felt his balls hurt with pent up cum, watching his two boys make out. Looking up Jason made eye contact with his nudist neighbor as the fat old man began to speed up fucking his oldest son right in front of him. Jason mouthed a 'thank you' to the older man to which he replied with an ok sign and then began to make wet slapping noises as he, gently but deliberately, fucked the little boy harder. Jason hooked his hand forward and began to pull on Toby's cock. The boy tensed up at the sensory overload then melted with a dry cum and a moan into his brother's mouth. In a short time later Mr. Wilson told the group he had enough, "I'm gunna cum! Here it cums Toby!" Slowing down his face went crooked as he plunged forward, thrusting with each strong surge of man milk from his oversized balls. Toby felt every squirt and began to blush all over his body as he felt the man's love juice flowing deep within him. After his face cleared up, Mr Wilson just kept dicking the little boy slowly with his very sensitive cock. He pushed his now wilting cock as far as he could inside to plug the little boy. "Hand me Toby's plug." he said to Jason, who shook his head to wake up from the day dream and said "oh... sure... here." Taking the plug he placed it's tip on-top of the little boy hole and slowly pulled his still wilting cock out. Having practiced this maneuver many times before with so many kids, he had no trouble swapping his cock for the butt plug when his large mushroom shaped plunger of a cock popped out. Pushing the plug in all the way he said "Ok Toby, squeeze shut honey." and gently patted and stroked boy's soft bubble butt. The boy did so and winked his stuffed sphincter closed, pulling the plug between his cute cheeks like a baby sucking a bottle. Mr. Wilson now a little bit exhausted stood up breathing heavily and sat down next to Jason with a smile on his face. "Now you be a good boy and keep my milk in your little boy pussy where it belongs." Toby now feeling a little lonely stopped kissing his little brother and climbed back up to sit on his nudist neighbor's lap so they could cuddle again. Jason now so stimulated that he would be blowing his load soon smiled at his neighbor as his oldest son climbed up onto his lap to cuddle. "Did you have fun Toby?" his father asked. The boy still smiling and giggling looked at his father and little brother an nodded a giggling yes as Mr Wilson hugged the boy close. Both boys being playful and no longer shy straight leaned towards one another and continued to tongue kiss playfully like good little boys do. Mr. Wilson knowing he would need to head back home for a nap real soon suggested, "Mmmm, I think it's your turn Jason." as he brushed the boys soft blond hair out of his face to get a better look at the two little brothers gaying it up. Jason slowly and rhythmically bouncing his youngest son in his lap moaned, "Mmmmmmm, oh ya I think your right." Holding the kissing boy around his chest and tummy stands up breaking the two little kissing boys up. The two loving brothers frown and reach for each other as they were not done making out and gay boy kissing just yet. Toby attempts to get up and get closer to his little brother who is hanging face first in his daddy's arms impaled on his daddy's hard pedo cock, but Mr. Wilson pulls him back down. Their father kneels forward so Josh can stand on the couch then bends the boy over so the brothers are face to face again. They giggle and immediately start kissing again. Jason strokes his youngest boy's back and side tickling the boy a little bit to feel him squeeze his father's cock. Ready to blow his load, Jason leans over the small boy and plants a kiss on his neck before whispering in his ear, "Ok honey, Daddy is going to cream your little boy pussy with daddy love. Are you ready?" The boy giggles at his hiney being called a boy pussy but nods and gives an "uh hu" while kissing his big brother. Toby feeling a little naughty said to his daddy, "Do it daddy make his pussy squishy like mine." All 4 playmates giggled at Toby's outburst. Standing up and towering over the little boy he closes his eyes as he slowly pulls his slipery cock from the precum drenched boy pussy and looks down as just the head of his cock is still inside. Holding his boy by the hips in his large adult hands he exclaims "oh, how beautiful!" as he slides his cock back all the way back to the hilt in his little boy's silky tunnel giving them both a shudder of pleasure. Mr. Wilson knowing how Jason feels adds, "Mmmm ya beautiful like two angels in haven." as he pushes Toby's hair over his ear and kisses his neck while stroking the little boys hard cocklet. Jason not able to hold out any longer and the boys not wanting to kiss any more starts to speed up fucking his little boy. Mr. Wilson suggested to the two boys, "Toby stand up and let Josh suck your cock." The boys giggled at this and Mr. Wilson helped Toby stand up on the couch holding the little boys hips to keep him steady. Little Josh playfully began to kiss and suck his big brothers little cocklet as his daddy banged away at his little pussy. Jason slowed down a little to enjoy the show and then picked up speed filling the room with the familiar sweet skin slapping sounds of a father making loving to his son's little boy pussy. The pleasure was too much for Jason and he grunted with each thrust as he unloaded his day long buildup of daddy milk deep into his youngest son's ass. The little boy pussy squeezed the pulsing daddy cock as it coated the walls of the young boy's rectum with thick pearly white blasts of jizz. Feeling the hot jizz of daddy milk fill him up caused Josh to get goosebumps and shudder with love. Jason continued to fuck the happily squealing little boy with long full thrusts until his penis was to sensitive to continue. The experienced Mr Wilson was ready as ever and handed Jason the boy's butt plug when he was ready to pull out. Helping where he could Mr Wilson said, "Hold still Josh, your daddy needs to plug you so you don't make a mess. You don't want to waste any daddy milk do you?" The little boy took it as serious business and shook his head no, then looking over his shoulder at his daddy, he arched his back pointing his butt up for easy access. With Josh's butt plug firmly reseated, now holding in the copious loads of loving daddy milk from his own father, Jason swatted the little boy on his creamy white cheeks. Josh playfully squealed and turned and sat down on the couch, hiding his fully daddy cum christened boy pussy from any more playful spanking. Jason needing a rest sat on the couch also and pulled Josh onto his lap to cuddle the boy's hot soft skin to his own as he recovered. "Well I'm pooped, my old body needs a nap and my large balls need a rest." Mr Wilson said as he stood up and scratched his red overused big hairless balls. Toby scooted over to his dad who put his arm around the little boy and pulled him close kissing him lovingly on the top of his head. "John, I can't thank you enough. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" Jason asked the chubby old man standing naked in front of him. "Well, as a matter of fact, yes there is." Mr. Wilson said with a little bit of a sly grin. Pulling the naked boys closer to him so he could feel their soft baby skin and kissing Josh on the top of the head he said, "Anything just name it." "Well it's like I told the boys, if you boys are feeling frustrated and need some daddy milk; and when daddy is not around, you come right over and if I'm home I'll feed you both front and back." he explained with a smile learing at the two smiling naked boys who where automatically playing with their little cocklets. Jason thankful for the invitation from his neighbor said, "You hear that boys? What do you say to Mr. Wilson?" Josh responding first, scooted forward on his daddy's lap and reached out to the old man's cock. He pulled it forward and before sucking it in his mouth looked up into Mr. Wilson's eyes and gave a "Thank you Mr. Wilson." then sucked the flacid overused pedo cock all the way into his mouth pulling it out with a pop then with a giggle kissed the fat mushroom head. Mr. Wilson stroked the boy's hair and said, "Such good pedo manners you boys have." then turned a little facing Toby who was on the edge of the couch waiting his turn. Toby repeated the same performance as his brother and then shyly sat back on the couch snuggling up to his daddy. Mr. Wilson not wanting to ruin the moment said, "Please Jason, stay seated and enjoy your beautiful boys I'll see myself out." with a wave goodbye he went to the door and was gone. ------------- Chapter 5 ------------- Shortly after Mr. Wilson had left, the door opened and closed again. "Did you forget something?" Jason asked too tired to get up or look over his shoulder. "No." His wife coyly said as she walked into the living room. She was naked as the day she was born with a huge smile on her face. She quickly sat down next to her husband and pulled Josh onto her lap. "Did you have fun with Mr. Wilson she asked point blank with an encouraging smile on her face." "Uh, huh" he said not sure how to express how much fun he had. Wanting to confirm what she saw while watching over the TV video chat, she ran her fingers between the little boy's crack causing him to squirm and giggle. She hugged him to her breasts and smiled as she felt and pushed on the butt plug in his little boy hole. Looking at his wife Jason noticed that her hair was wet with sweat and she had pussy juice all over her lips and chin. "It looks like you had a good visit with Mrs Wilson." he joked. "It was the best, we setup the video chat and recorded the whole thing!" she said beaming a smile. "The whole thing? Even before you got home. You will definitely want to watch it later. We will be watching it often I'm sure." "Oh WOW!" Jason said and then hugged the soft naked flesh of Toby to him and kissed the little boy. He then turned his head and kissed his wife. "Mmmm I can see why you like going over there." He said joking with his wife. Josh wanting to know what his daddy meant leaned up and kissed his mommy square on the mouth licking her lips. Smiling he said, "Mom you taste like pussy." Smiling she kissed him back licking him all over and said "You taste like daddy milk. Is it your new favorite?" Smiling up at her he said "Ya" and then lay on her bosom suckling one breast. "And how about you mister? Are you going to drink my cum when I tell you too?" Toby was asked by his daddy. Smiling and blushing he nodded his head and said "Ya!" then hugged his daddy as far as he could around the chest burying his face in his fathers armpit enjoying the man musk. "Well you 3 boys need a bath, you smell like butt sex!" Beth said as she got up standing Toby on his feet. The boys laughed and Jason got up carrying Josh, kissed his wife and took the boys to take a bath. Stroking her well sucked red pussy she said to herself, "I LOVE my boys." ------------- Chapter 6 ------------- After a bath and dinner, Beth opened the video that Mrs. Wilson recorded of this afternoons festivities. Their parents played with the boy's hard little cocks as they snuggled together watching the boys get creamed by Mr. Wilson. The boys explained that he cums so much and it is hard to swallow it all. Beth looked at her husband and said to the boys "We will make sure you get lots of practice, don't you worry." After the movie the boys took turn sucking and double blowjobing their daddy while their mom played with their butts, pumping their butt plug as she watched the boys happily devour her husbands cock. At bedtime Beth said "Ok boys time for bed." "Awh mom 5 more minutes, please?" "Ya mom, daddy's almost ready to cum." "I know boys but it's that time of the month and that daddy milk is for my pussy." "Awww" "Tell you what. Since tomorrow is Saturday and you don't have school, after breakfast and after you practice sucking your daddy, then you can go over and get more daddy milk from Mr Wilson." Still stroking their daddy's boy-spit slippery cock the boys moaned an "oh, ok." "Ok, now give daddy a good night kiss and we will be in to tuck you in, in a minute or two." Toby was first and climbed up on the sofa to kiss his daddy on the lips saying "Good night daddy.", then he got down off the couch and leaned over sucking his daddy's hard cock with a pop he paused with the hard cock in his hand and said "I love you daddy." and kissing the head. Beth thought she might cry with how sweet and loving the boys were becoming. Before Toby get away Jason grabbed his little boy and pulled him in for a loving daddy son kiss. It ended with an "I love you Toby." Josh wanted attention also and repeated the same kisses as his brother and after got the same "I love you Josh" from his daddy. With a pat on the butt by their mother, both boys could be seen running and giggling up the stairs to their room in a flash. It was hard not to notice the cute butt plug winking from between the white bubble butt cheeks of the boy's new boy pussies. After the boys were out of sight Best climbed onto her husband's lap and quickly sank her wet pedo-mommy pussy over his dripping pedo-daddy cock. "I love you and... our beautiful... babies so... much." she moaned as she rode herself up and down her loving husband's cock. "I'm so horny. Cum in me and and we will make another beautiful baby." she moaned. After they were done and recovered from their quick evening love making, they went to tuck the boys into bed. The two loving parents walked wobbly legged up the stairs and down the hall to the boy's room. When they opened the door they saw the boys in a sweet loving 69 with laying with their brother's cock like a pacifier. The boys looked up at their parents and grinned. Jason and Beth were overjoyed that the boys were so sexually liberated and no longer acting shy-straight. ----------------------- Donations Appreciated :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stories like this are a work of love but not completely free. A lot of effort goes into them and YOU should always show your appreciation. If you have a few bucks, then please support the author(s). Donate by Bitcoin to: 1KansasB34uNHqcphXPsfkLB8qDLHhyRxU --------------------------------------------------------------------------