This is subject to all the usual provisos:
Graphic sex follows.
I'm not responsible for you reading this if you are underage.
The contents are purely fiction and all characters are figments of my imagination.
This story is copyrighted and any reproduction requires the explicit consent of the author; i.e. me.
AIDS/HIV and other STD do not exist in my fiction but do in reality-if you attempt to live the lifestyle depicted please take precautions. 

"If you lack the maturity to grasp this disclaimer, then under no circumstances read this story without guidance of someone more mature (to quote Deirdre)."

© 2007: This work may not be reproduced in any format or medium without the permission of the author.



It was a tough couple of weeks. The holidays—Christmas, New Years—along with the mid-season break meant I had a lot of time on my hands to think about missing Beate. Frank went to his family so there was no company at home. The sense of loneliness washed over me.

I couldn’t wait for Beate to get back. She called me once, on Christmas Eve, but I had been out and missed the call. I wasn’t even sure what day she was coming back. I waited all day by the phone of the sixth, but that wasn’t it. The next day I did weight work but still didn’t find a call on the answering machine. It was on the evening of the eighth that Beate finally called. She had just gotten back from Austria . I was desperate to see her, but she started school the next day.

Beate came over as so as she got out of classes, taking an expensive taxi over the slower public transport. I wasn’t expecting her—the weekend seemed the soonest that we could meet—but hugged her on the doorstep. She was all over me like a rash, pawing my body and almost ripping off my clothes. I was only a little more subdued.

It was snowing so Beate was well wrapped against the cold. I got her fleece overcoat off and pulled her sweater and shirt up so I could nuzzle her breasts. I was only wearing a tracksuit, and within seconds Beate had her hands in my crotch and was stretching my hardened penis.

“Mein bester Freund,” she cooed as she massaged my meat. She tried to use it to lead me upstairs to the bedroom.

We didn’t make it. I tripped halfway up and toppled forward. Beate was two or three steps from the landing and I grabbed an ankle. She fell with her elbows on the top step and started laughing. From where I lay I could look up under her skirt and see her panties stretched tight over her bum and between her legs. I started kissing her shin and the backs of her knees. Beate squirmed in mock horror and delight.

I could smell her sex as I nipped the soft flesh of her inner thighs. Beate had a thick pungent aroma. I gripped her tightly round the hips and positioned myself behind her, pressing my torso against her backside. I was still clothed, as was she, but pressed my hard-on against her and dry humped her. Beate squealed.

I could feel her hand reaching through her legs and pull at the baggy tracksuit pants I was wearing. Holding her waist with one hand I pulled them down around my knees. I was kneeling on a step or two below her and pressed my erection against the itchy wool of Beate’s skirt. Her fingertips found and touched my balls; she didn’t grab them but just poked them gently.

Flipping up her skirt I pushed my hard-on against the taut fabric of her panties stretched between her buttocks. Beate wobbled and her back gave a little as my weight fell on her behind. I placed the tip of my prick against the muslin crotch pad of Beate’s panties, trying to press through the fabric into her cunt. She helped and pulled her panties to one exposing her sex. I pressed the purple head of my cock against the furled lips of her opening and teased her by rubbing only over the furrow and not trying to penetrate. The juices flowing from her oiled my cock and left it glistening.

“Stellen Sie es in!” Beate implored. I obliged and pointed the swollen glans against her opening and shoved it between her nether lips. The rest of my dick slipped in and followed. Beate gasped and then started moving to-and-fro fucking herself on my static pole. Slowly I pulled out so only the head was still captured by her cunt, and then plunged the length all the way back into her. Beate’s elbows slipped down a step and her bum stuck higher into the air. I had to stretch to angle my prick into her and shoved it in all the way again.

Holding her hips I started fucking her with long smooth strokes. I could tell from her reaction she wanted to move in-and-out of her faster, but I was afraid I would come too quickly. Instead I reached down between her legs and made a ‘V’ with my index and middle finger and stretched her labia outward, with my cock sliding ever-easier in-between. I found the button of her clit with my thumb and started to rub slowly over that most sensitive spot.

Beate exhaled loudly but muffled by a face full of carpet. Her body started twitching immediately with my touch, and she thrust her hips back at me forcefully. Her love passage seemed to try to grip my meat but it was too slippery (her fault) to do so. At that point I couldn’t control myself and picked up a faster pace. As I diddled over her clit and massage her labia with my fingertips, I pumped into her faster and harder.

Her body started to shudder as the manipulation induced orgasms. That only made me hotter and fuck faster. She was a quivering mess only supported by my hand playing with cunt and staked by my prick. My own climax was imminent and I stroked her button faster, pushing her closer to a climax that matched the one boiling up in me. Finally I came, spilling my seed into her, and fell limply on top of her.

I guess reality bit back with two thoughts as I lay on the steps. It was the first time I had done Beate doggy style; I thought back to the Evanses—that was the favorite position for at least June and Claire—and how much nicer it was doing Beate who had a smaller and tighter ass. The second thought was more disturbing: I’d just come in Beate without any protection. We’d just done it without precautions, caught as we were in the heat of the moment.

Luckily that indiscretion didn’t have the bad consequences that scared me—Beate was more responsible than that. Later she told her period was due so she couldn’t get pregnant. Not the most reliable family planning though in this instance it did work. As I was thinking of the implications I awoke hearing a key in the lock. Beate heard it too. We scampered up the last couple of stairs, me with a bare butt and pants hanging around my knees, into the sanctuary of my bedroom before Frank saw us.

* * *

Beate liked fucking me without a rubber. I don’t know if she felt me coming inside her better, or just the squishiness of my sperm mixing with her juicy arousal, but we fucked twice more before finally falling asleep. There was a big damp spot marking out are exertions so we slept entwined on the other side of the bed.

I also liked not using a condom. My cock felt more alive directly against her slippery flesh and not insulated by the film of latex. And coming was more fun, feeling it spill into her vagina. With a condom I could feel the back-pressure as I filled the little semen sack and my cream smeared over the head of my cock.

It made me think about getting Beate to get on the pill or use an I.U.D. Fucking had already been good, but ‘naked’ fucking just seemed even better. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to make that adjustment.

The next morning I woke to loud voices shouting downstairs. Beate was still asleep so I quietly stole from the bed, found some pants, and cracked open the bedroom door as I pulled them on. I could see down the stairs where Frank was blocking an elderly man just inside the front door.

“Wo ist sie?” he was yelling, where is she?

“Es gibt nur mich hier.” Frank explained he was the only one at home. But the man looked up the stairs and saw my face in the doorjamb.

Dort ist er! Der Amerikaner!” exclaimed the old man, trying to push past Frank who just grabbed him. I felt Beate pull up behind me.

“Scheiße!” she muttered, “Das ist mein Vater.”

I took one last look at her father, who was mad as hell with veins almost popping from his neck, and closed the door. Beate was already putting on clothes and gathering her things. I started to help but then heard a soft tapping on the door.

“Holden,” Frank said softly, “better let me in.” He slipped in but I could see Beate’s father halfway up the stairs with fists clenched.

“I must go,” said Beate, collecting herself.

“I’ll go with you,” I said nonchalantly.

“Nein,” Frank and Beate exclaimed simultaneously.

Frank led Beate out of the room. Her father cuffed her round the back of her neck and then dragged her by the hair. Frank easily broke the older man’s hold and lectured him softly and sternly, so quietly I couldn’t hear what he said. Father and daughter left, with the former slamming the front door.

“Arschloch!” yelled Frank, and then went to the front window and picked up the phone. I made my way downstairs and looked out the window. The father was pushing Beate into the back seat of a late model Mercedes and once he got her settled they drove off. Frank put down the phone in its cradle.

“I tell him if he touch her I call police,” he explained.

* * *

Beate’s father didn’t physically harm her though punish her he did. Beate was sent away to her aunt’s to finish school. We were able to talk a couple of times on the phone, but that was almost the last time I saw her. About ten years later we ran into each other at a reception when I was playing a game in Germany . She looked radiant and was there with her husband, a marketing executive, and oldest child, who was about six. The conversation was polite since we couldn’t find a moment alone. I think the yen was still there.

Beate’s father also tried to make things difficult for me. He called the club’s chief director and accused me of ‘raping’ his daughter. I got called in and read the riot act, half of which I didn’t understand because it was in German. But Frank intervened and explained what had gone on. My main coach, this jovial Dutch guy called Freddy, thought it was a big laugh after hearing Frank’s version.

Still I got depressed. I really liked, if not loved, Beate. The couple of months we had together were fun and we meshed together so well. When she was sent away it left a big void in my life, and made me realize how far away I was from family and lonely things could get by myself in a foreign land.