This is subject to all the usual provisos:
Graphic sex follows.
I'm not responsible for you reading this if you are underage.
The contents are purely fiction and all characters are figments of my imagination.
This story is copyrighted and any reproduction requires the explicit consent of the author; i.e. me.
AIDS/HIV and other STD do not exist in my fiction but do in reality-if you attempt to live the lifestyle depicted please take precautions. 

"If you lack the maturity to grasp this disclaimer, then under no circumstances read this story without guidance of someone more mature (to quote Deirdre)."

© 2007: This work may not be reproduced in any format or medium without the permission of the author.


Scouts from other teams were expressing an interest in me. The club I was playing for found out and try to renew my contract at higher wages and for a longer period of time. That would mean they would get a bigger buy-out if another team tried to purchase my contract. I talked with my dad about, he was acting as my agent, and followed his advice and did not renew immediately. It was a better tactic to see if any other offers came and not price myself out. In the end this proved to be the right strategy.

Zarah’s sister Claire looked a lot like her mother. Round and a little overweight, with nice dirty-blonde hair. She had an attitude. Claire was the first in her family to go to college and resented her lower-class family. I think she also had problems about her father abandoning herself and her mother, and then her mother giving birth to Zarah. All of this resentment focused in a hatred of football and footballers. We were a bunch of uneducated yobs who fucked women and then discarded them. I got the brunt of her attitude. It probably didn’t help that I was staying in what used to be “her” room before she went to university, and that I was an American and we had a president that was none to popular at the time.

Clare had come home to study for her second-year exams. She was staying in little room, barely larger than a closet, on the ground floor of the house. It was only eight by eight and had a tiny window that looked onto a brick wall a couple of feet away. It really was a closet. Since she was reading all the time we couldn’t make a lot of noise in the parlor where the telly was. She’d yell at Zarah and me if we made any noise coming in or going up the stairs. Really, she was a self-centered bitch.

For some reason I liked to goad her. I think her superior attitude got to me as it was largely about stereotypes. I was pretty well read and didn’t only think about football and sex. Sometimes I did think about other things. I didn’t like being blamed for things America did that I also disagreed with plus my old man was British. As we to-and-froed Claire came to realize I was a little different from her initial perception. That seemed to intrigue her a little though she didn’t let down her guard much. She did seem to seek me out from time-to-time and initiate discussion.

Zarah started spending a lot more time out of the house either at the community center or at Belinda’s. The sisters did not get along. That meant I spent more time alone with Claire.

I started trying to find Claire’s weak spot. I found it one evening when we were both alone. Zarah and June Evans had gone on an overnight visit to see a relative. Claire had stayed home to study. I was making some dinner when Claire came in to complain about the noise. I tried to be gracious and offer her some of the food I’d prepared. Surprisingly she accepted, but then we started going head-to-head on the worth and worthlessness of soccer.

“Home come you never go out?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“What’s there to do in this yob place?” she asked.

“It’d be better than closeting yourself with your books. You could get a boyfriend or something.”

“I wouldn’t go out with anyone from around here,” Claire stated simply.

“What about a college? Do you have a boyfriend there?”

“I don’t.” She paused. “I really don’t like men. They’re all the same.”

“What do you mean? Or maybe you like girls?”

“I do not,” she said emphatically. “All men want is entertainment. Watch footie for the result. Date a woman till they can sleep with her.”

“What’s wrong with that? At least you, as a woman, can get some satisfaction from human contact.”

“Men don’t care about a woman’s satisfaction. All they want is their own pleasure. Then they go home or fall asleep and snore.”

“All men?”

“That’s my experience.”

“With all men? Have you slept with a lot of them?”

She blushed, and her face looked attractive with rosier cheeks. “I have not.”

“Well how many have you slept with?” I tried to pose the question innocently.

“That’s none of your business.”

“You’ve just categorized ‘all men’ based on your experience. That happens to include me and I resent being type-cast like that.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, confused.

“You said all men just want their own pleasure and don’t care about the girl. I don’t know what research you’ve based that on,” I added sarcastically, “but that’s not an accurate description of my behavior.”

“Oh, like you’ve slept with dozens of women.”

“I didn’t say that. I said that I make sure those I have slept with get off.”

She glared at me.

“Do you want me to prove it?” I asked.


“Let’s go to your room.”

“What!” She looked horrified but was looking at me. I wouldn’t let her break eye contact with me.

“Sleep with me right now.”

“I’m not sleeping with some yob footballer.”

“You’re not sleeping with a man that can get you off.”

“Stop using that kind of language.” She got up and stormed off to her little room.

“Stop stereotyping me with the losers you fuck.”

I finished eating and then cleaned up the dishes. I thought about annoying her more by watching telly but decided against. I thought I got her a little curious. So instead I tapped on her door.

“Who is it?”


“Go away.”

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m going to my room so you can study.”

* * *

I wouldn’t have bet on anything happening that night. It was late spring and a warm evening. I piled up some pillows, took off all my clothes, grab a book and lay naked on the bed reading. I was read Nabakov’s Lolita; for some strange reason I was into reading about nymphets. I was almost falling asleep when I heard a tapping on my door.

“Yeah?” I called out.

“Holden? It’s me, Claire.”

“Come in,” I beckoned. I didn’t bother to cover myself up.

Claire opened the door and turned to close it behind her. I lay the paperback on my stomach right above my exposed groin. She started when she saw my nakedness and then tried to ignore it. She was wearing a plaid dressing gown and I could see the hem of a gingham nightie underneath.

“What are you reading?” The book was upside-down and she peered to read the title, or maybe at my equipment.


“Is it good?”

“It’s interesting,” I said not committing. There was heat rising in my loins. “Why don’t you sit down.”

I put the book on the floor beside the bed. There wasn’t a chair in the room and she hemmed not knowing what to do. I patted the bed beside me. Warily she sat down.

“What’s up?”


Both of us were silent for a minute.

“You must of come up for something,” I said tying to push her somewhere.

“This is silly.” Claire started to stand by a grasped the chord of her belt.

“Are you sure?”

She sat staring out the window.

“Look!” I ordered. I didn’t have to tell her at what. She immediately glanced into my lap. My penis was half-erect and started pointing to my belly button.

“You’re all the same!” she exclaimed but didn’t try to get up.

I placed my hand on her thigh and stroked up to the part between her legs. Claire was wearing panties but I thrust two fingers under the elastic and touched the opening of her sex. She was moist.

I withdrew the fingers and put them in my mouth.

“We’re all the same,” I stated simply. She was still looking at my groin. I was fully erect and it was twitching.

I pulled the chord of her dressing gown and cupped one breast through the fabric of her nightgown. It was bigger than Belinda’s, heavier too. But it was also firm and didn’t sag like Claire’s mother.

“We shouldn’t be doing this.”

I didn’t answer. Instead I bent forward and kissed her. I didn’t try to French but just use my lips passionately and massage hers. I felt the tenseness in her ease. Her tongue tentatively began to explore mine. I squeezed her breasts and felt her nipples harden.

After a few minutes I had her laying beside me. I kept kissing her and massaged her breast. After a little resistance I was able to get my thigh between her legs so I could rub it against her crotch. Claire started rocking against me.

She had almost slipped out of her robe and I had exposed the tops of breasts by pulling down her nightie. I started to pull both off her shoulders. Claire put up a token of resistance but soon acceded. My dick was throbbing in anticipation—I hadn’t had sex in a week or ten days—but she stoically ignored it.

My leg was still rocking between her legs. Now I could get my hand under her panties. Her pubic hair was thick and damp, thicker than Belinda’s. I wanted to taste her but dared not retreat. Claire swam pretty much everyday and must have trained the edges of her bush to tufts would not escape her bathing costume. But the rest of her patch was a wild jungle. I found the top juncture of her labia and the hard nub of her clitoris and rubbed it.

Claire went paralytic when I touched her sweet spot, but soon she was rocking against my teasing fingers. I delved further down tactilely exploring the folds of her vulva. She twisted and my fingers slipped between her labium.

“Don’t” she said when I shifted and started pulling down her panties.

“Don’t” she repeated, and lifted her hips so I could pull them over her hips. They were ‘flesh’ colored though look pale and lifeless against her rosy body.

“Can you turn off the light?” she asked. That surprised me. I was used to Belinda and Zarah who seemed uninhibited when it came to being seen naked. Nevertheless I did so. It was close enough to summer that despite being nine or ten there was a dusky light.

I started rubbing the exterior of her sex again. She had heavy thick lips like her mother. As I stimulated them they thickened and I ran the edge of my finger along the length of her pudendal slit, brushing it against the hard button of her clit. She squirmed each time it was touched.

I lay my head on her lower belly against the thick brown bush covering her pubes. I sought out paths in her jungle. I was still rubbing the rima of her cleft but now my tongue flicked idly at her love button.

Shifting again I knelt between her legs. The humidity of her sex wafted through my nostrils as I placed my face between her legs. I twisted by head and kissed her sex. At I had with her mouth I kissed passionately and only after a few minutes did I start projecting my tongue past her labia. By this time Claire was positively gushing. She was musky but neither salty nor spicy.

“That feels good,” she said. Encouraged I started darting my tongue against her clitoris occasionally while continuing to lap her sex. She started rocking against my face as I began to focus on her prepuce and the gem it protected. By this time she was writhing from my oral ministrations.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she cried out, her whole body trembling.

I must have been eating her out for fifteen or twenty minutes before she came. I was still fully hard but my prick felt desensitized. Now I wanted to get off.

I got off my knees and laid down on top of her. Her thighs were still open and my hard-on lay on her bush. I started kissing her again, using lots of tongue and almost drooling the taste her sex left in my mouth into her own. She grabbed my prick and pushed it against her cleft.

I thrust it into her. This was an initial resistance as I parted her inner labia and then my cock slid into her. All the way. To the hilt. Easily. Just like that. There was no resistance as there was with the two teenagers. But Claire wasn’t as cavernous as her mother though her cunt was plenty roomy.

I just started pounding into her, getting some feeling back in member. I gnawed at her breasts. Like June’s her aureoles were enlarged and her nipples distended, but her breasts were firm and didn’t drag down her ribcage. I was beginning to get off when I noticed Claire was passive despite the energy was dissipating. I slowed my urgency.

“What’s the matter,” I asked slowing to a stop, my prick buried all the way inside her.

“I don’t get off like this.”

“What do you mean?”

“Only with oral.” I thought for a second.

“Let’s try this.”

I pulled my cock out of her and rolled her over the narrow bed. As I said she was a big girl and it was a tight fit on the bed. (Not like the nymphets.) Her ass was as generous as her mother’s but a lot firmer. There were a couple of blisters marring it but it seemed to glow in the quarter-light. I knelt between her legs and lifted her hips. My prick fell into the cleavage of her buttocks. I steered the head between the dilated lips of her pussy and plunged in.

Claire’s face was buried in the mattress and she was soon panting at my exertions working her pussy. She was pretty quiet but her breathing was speeding up and soon matched my pounding rhythm.

“I don’t believe this,” she said quietly, almost without emotion. My back was straight but I stopped fucking her and leaned so my head was level with hers.

“Believe what?”

“Don’t fucking stop… I think I was about to come.” She said it simply without affect.

It didn’t take a genius to know what to do. With two or three thrusts I had re-found the beat of my pounding. Her body started shaking and her vagina clenched me with each orgasm. It felt like her cunt was pumping me and I couldn’t hold back and came. I still fucked her hard and her cuntal muscles milked my balls of their load.

We collapsed into a heap of messed up sheets and her clothes. A thin film of sweat covered us both. I rolled off from her back and squeezed in beside her lying on my back. She was still on her chest and looked at my face now lying next to hers. Straggles of hair almost obscured her pale blue eyes.

“Thank you, Holden.” She said it slowly.

“Thank you, Claire,” I replied with equal gravitas. I wipe the strands of her from in front of her eye and the fixed to her moist forehead.

* * *

We fucked one more time before falling asleep. This time we were both lay on her sides. That way I could nuzzle and bite her breasts. Claire’s tits were identical to her mother’s in form and size, but more youthful and firmer. We had a hard time getting her off though. I’d only just come and fucked her hard for about twenty minutes. For some reason I just didn’t want to try to do it slowly like with Lindy and sometimes with Zair. I think it was the openness of cunt that made me want to pound her hard and fast. It was only when I convinced Claire to play with herself while my cock slithered in-and-out that our friction produced some sexual relief from her. When she started coming her orgasms clenched my prick and my load erupted into her.

The next morning we fucked again. I was hard when I woke and Claire was still sleeping. I started playing with her sex seeing if I could excite before she woke. I did notice a stain on the sheets, a wet spot from the night before that I’d had to deal with before the other occupants of the house came home. Claire was still drowsy but wet when I slid my prick into her wet cunt. She got a lot more aware because I wasn’t subtle and fucked her fast. She didn’t resist and her thighs wrapped around my hips holding me deep inside her.

Our bodies were pressed together.

“Do it like last night,” she whispered in my ear as I thrusted.


“From behind.”

I withdrew and got up on my knees. In an instant Claire was on her hands and knees along the length of the bed.

“No. Like this.” I stood on the floor and positioned her body across the bed. My cock was level with her pussy. And her ass. I thought about trying the tighter opening. What would that feel like?

I put the thought out of my mind and thrust my dick into her pussy.

“Ohh, fuck me from behind…” she squealed.

“You’re just like your mom,” I compared and started fucking her like a machine. Without prompting Claire started diddling with her clit and was soon heaving in pleasure. Her cunny gripped by hard-on but I was pretty spent and didn’t come immediately. I just kept pistoning into her. I think she climaxed two or three times before I finally came. My balls must have been empty because there were only a couple of spurts, but the relief felt good.

We dozed afterwards for a few minutes.



“What did you mean?”


“Before… “


“When you said ‘just like your mom’?”

I was stuck. I didn’t say anything. Claire got up on her haunches and leaned over my prostrate body.

“Have you slept with my mother?”

I didn’t have to answer. She could see it in my eyes.

* * *

Naturally all hell broke loose. Claire left in a huff and locked herself up in the room downstairs. I went off to training and by the time I got back Claire had confronted her mother. In front of Zarah. I was asked to pack my things immediately. Which I did. Zarah burst into tears because I was leaving so as I was boxing my books and heavy stuff there was an interrogation going on the floor below. I decided safety was the best policy and left with just my clothes and told Claire, through a closed door, that I’d have the rest of my stuff collected later. I tried to apologize. I could hear June and Zair screaming upstairs but couldn’t make out the words.

A wise decision: just as I was opening the front door June yelled out my name. I shut the door behind me.

I was able to move back into the academy rooms at the club training pitch. It was still going to be a difficult situation since June Evans basically was the house-mother for the youth program. And I had fucked her. And fucked her two daughters. Awkward was the understatement.

Luck was on my side. After a couple of icily hostile encounters with June—I made sure that I wasn’t alone so she couldn’t confront me without further spreading the news she’d slept with me—I got called into the manager’s office. I was afraid that June had made some official complaint. The youth coach and business manager were also there.

A bid had been made to buy me. It was more than generous, a six-figure sum, that would benefit the club with a cash infusion. While they would like to keep me this was good business especially as I hadn’t committee to signing a new contract. The offer had been provisionally accepted unless I agreed to extending my current contract. The club interested in me had suggested they would more triple my wages. The management here would be unable to match that. Could an agreement to the move be made in principal, with negotiations on the details made quickly with my agent.

I nodded my agreement and called my old man. The three men watched as I explained the situation on the phone. My dad then spoke to the executive and the club manager. A commitment was made to the transfer. The manager handed me the phone.

“Congratulations son. You’ll be with one of the top outfits in the Bundesliga. They might just have gone down to the second division but they have a history and the resources to pop right back up.”

The Bundesliga? I knew I had to get away from the Evans family, but Germany ?

* * *

Agreement was quickly reached between my dad and the new club. Four-year contract, with me making four-figures a week with a lot of bonuses based on making the first team and appearances. They wanted me over there ASAP and for the summer. That sucked because I wanted to see my mother back in the States, and maybe try to make up things with high school sweetheart, Robin.

On the other hand it was a great career move. Once the news broke June Evans looked at me with daggers in her eyes. I saw Zarah once more and she wanted to come over and speak to me while I was with some of the lads playing pool in the common room, but her mother was there and firmly led her away by the hand.

Belinda sneaked into the academy housing one afternoon after training. I don’t know how she got in. That was strictly verboten (I was learning some German). There wasn’t much time but she gave me a blow job. I don’t know how she could do it but she sucked down the length of my cock and held it there until I blew. The whole seven-plus inches was in her mouth and her lips pressed against her pubes while at least an inch or two was stuck down her throat. Her mouth and tongue massaged my prick and she did the humming thing. My meat was trembling and the vibration ran up my spine. This went on for five or minutes, just raising my tension and making me want to come. But there was no friction to stimulate a climax…

Or so I thought. The pressure built up, the urge to come grew. It was only when the first gush of sperm flow down Lindy’s throat that she started pumping my cock with her mouth so only the head was wrapped around her lips before she plunged it to the back of her throat. I just came and came. When I finally stopped Belinda stood on her toes and kissed me, pushing some of my spunk into my own mouth. It was one of the best blowjobs I’ve ever had, before or since.