This is subject to all the usual provisos:
Graphic sex follows.
I'm not responsible for you reading this if you are underage.
The contents are purely fiction and all characters are figments of my imagination.
This story is copyrighted and any reproduction requires the explicit consent of the author; i.e. me.
AIDS/HIV and other STD do not exist in my fiction but do in reality-if you attempt to live the lifestyle depicted please take precautions. 

"If you lack the maturity to grasp this disclaimer, then under no circumstances read this story without guidance of someone more mature (to quote Deirdre)."

© 2007: This work may not be reproduced in any format or medium without the permission of the author.



Winning the Midwest regional gave us, the Ohio Kickers, an entry into a prestigious youth tournament in Denmark . Sixty-four teams from all over the world, just three from the US played in competition. The Kickers were expected be play three and be out, but we pulled a surprise win over a favored team after losing our first game and clawed into the elimination round. Then we won three games in a row to reach the semifinals; it wasn’t pretty but we were well organized defensively and could hit hard on the counterattack even if we were outplayed. In the semifinal our luck ran out and we were beaten in overtime to a much better South American team that eventually won the whole tournament.

Once we were out of the competition we had three days till we flew back. The coaches and parents were happy that we’d done so well and took us to Tivoli, the amusement park in the center of Copenhagen . Some of the players lobbied for a little more freedom. After nagging the adults, who spent most of the afternoon in the beer garden, they agreed and those of us over sixteen were allowed to venture out of Tivoli on our own to explore the old quarter. We had to be back by 11, which was kind of late but this was almost the land of the midnight sun.

There were nine or ten of us, but as soon as we got onto the square opposite the gate another plan was drawn up. Ricky, one of the captains, laid it out.

“How much money do each of you guys still have?” he asked.

When we asked why, he explained his idea. “This is Copenhagen and it’s one of the sex capitals of the world. I was thinking that at least one of should get laid. None of us has enough money to hire a prostitute on our own, but maybe we can pool what we’ve got so someone gets some.”

We could draw lots he explained. We handed over our cash to Ricky who counted it. There was about $250. Ricky consulted a guidebook that he procured from somewhere.

“It says here,” he said pointing at the pamphlet, “that you can hire a whore for about $100 an hour. That means two of us can get laid. Now we got to find this street where they work. It’s called Istedgade.”

Ricky asked a couple of people for directions. The first two looked a little shocked but eventually this dude explained how to get to the railroad station and to Istedgade from there. We trooped off in the direction he pointed and a few minutes later found ourselves on the bawdy lane. There were ethnic restaurants, sex shops, topless joints and massage parlors. It was still early, only around eight, but was a Saturday night and things were beginning to hop. A couple of blocks down the street was a bar that was half on the street and half crowded into a dingy interior. Without batting an eye they served us T ü borgs, ignoring we were a bunch of spotty sixteen and seventeen year old American kids.

Ricky started asking the other customers about the massage parlors. Half of us, including me, were sitting on a table on the sidewalk that glowed in the evening and neon lights. The others were inside with Ricky. After a few minutes the guys inside came out.

“We’re set,” announced Ricky nodding over his shoulder. Two women were leaning against the doorway of the bar. They both looked around twenty, wearing short skirts and tight t-shirts. One was tall, maybe 5-10, while the other was six inches shorter. Both of them had dark complexions, the shorter one was a little plump, almost dumpy, while the tall run lithe and almost anorexic.

“OK. Pick a stick. Longest and shortest win. Longest gets to pick, runt gets the left over.” Clasped in his hand were a bundle of toothpicks with the bottom half hidden in his palm. Hands reached and started pulling the ‘straws’ and laying them on the table. I picked the second to last and got the tall stick. Zach, our tall goalkeeper, picked the short one. The others groaned in disappointment and Ricky looked especially disappointed.

“Go for it guys,” he ordered. Zach and I got up and went up to the girls. The rest of team started hooting “you, you” like monkeys. I went up to the prettier taller woman and told her my name.

“Holden?” she pronounced carefully. “My name is Gitte. Come with me.” Her English was heavily accented and she spoke slowly. Gitte had dark brown hair that fell to her shoulders, and a thin oval face. When she smiled her lips drew thin but relaxed they seem almost puffy. She had large hazel eyes and close up her body was skin and bones with no flesh to speak of.

Gitte took my hand and we walked across the street, in between the traffic, and walked down about half a block. She led me down the stairs to a basement apartment and unlocked the door. We waited in the doorway until Zach and his ‘date’ came inside and then Gitte securely bolted the door.

It was a dark hallway leading into large room. Gitte spoke, I guess Danish, to the other girl. Zach was led into a bedroom and the door shut behind them. Gitte struggled with the futon couch and I helped her spread it out.

“Come, take off your dress.” I figured out what she meant and started unlacing my shoes. Gitte left the room while I stripped and placed my clothes on an armchair. I sat on the edge of the bed self-consciously nude until she returned wearing a white silk robe.

Gitte sat next to me and started nuzzling my ear and neck. I wrapped my arms around her and did the same. Her hand began to stroke my thigh and then I felt her fingers on my limp penis. It started to harden immediately. From the pocket of the robe Gitte pulled out a small package about the size of a fast food ketchup packet, ripped it open with her teeth and squeezed the contents into her palm. She held my prick and salved the lubricant all over it, and started giving me a hand job. It wasn’t like any I had before, either on my own or by Robin.

Every time I whacked off I’d grab the foreskin and pull it over the head of my prick and back. Robin did the same the three or four times she’d gotten me off in the Volvo. Gitte pulled my foreskin down tight so her palm rubbed directly on my taut prick and the folds of her hand clamped on the top half. This placed friction directly on the lip of my mushroom head when normally it was insulated from direct contact by my foreskin. And while the direct contact was raising my level of excitement with the lube her palm glided easily up and down, up and down the my length. The whole tip of my prick was electrified and I think Gitte realized it.

She stopped, took off her robe, and presented a chocolate colored nipple to my lips. Instinctively I suckled it and felt the little nub swell. Her hands returned to my groin, one cupping my balls and pulling the skin of my erection tight and the other massaging the top more slowly. I stopped sucking one breast to pay attention to its twin, and one hand ventured to her soft thigh and glanced against patch between her legs. Just I found the cleft between her legs she pushed me back on the bed.

“Lie down,” she whispered. From the robe she pulled out another small package, opened it, and rolled a condom over my prick. Looking down my body to between my legs I saw it was a blue rubber. Her thick lips engulfed the head of my prick and pressed against the tender underside. Her head bobbed while the hand holding it to her mouth massaged the base in synchrony. I couldn’t handle it anymore and erupted gushes. It took Gitte by surprise but after a momentary pause she sucked industriously till I was spent and my manhood quivered in her mouth. She licked its length dwelling on my pee hole and probing it with her tongue through the latex.

“This is fast,” she observed, releasing me from her mouth. Playfully she pulled my turgid member and started kissing my chest and neck. All the energy had poured out of me with my climax and I just lay on my back noticing the damp stains on the ceiling. After a few minutes Gitte got up and left the room. She didn’t put on the robe but casually went to the bathroom. I admired her behind, the white globes of her buttocks almost glowed in the late evening light, and shut my eyes.

I almost drifted off, and then woke as Gitte lay down beside me. I watched as she rolled the blue condom off my flaccid penis. With a damp washcloth she cleaned its length delicately wiping the corner underneath the head where strands of semen had spread. The friction of the threads scratched and stimulated.

“Much time,” she muttered, and then pursed her lips around my naked cock. It grew in her mouth. She pressed her lips into my abdomen and public hair. The volume of my growing erection filled her mouth and the tip protruded into her throat. I could feel her tongue press the underside of my prick rhythmically. There was no pumping or friction, just Gitte’s mouth engulfing and massaging my length. I just felt huge filling it up and listening to her heavy breathing through her nose and my pubes.

“Come,” she said releasing me from my mouth and lifting my legs off the floor and positioning me on the center of the white sheeted bed. As she placed me Gitte clenched my prick with one hand, pivoting me around its central axis. Five minutes stuck deep in her mouth and throat left me engorged, and with the feeling this was the biggest erection I’d ever had. Still holding my erection perpendicular Gitte got on top, a knee pressed against each side of my waist. Her hips started heaving so my hard meat rubbed against the valley between her legs. With her free hand, the one not pressing my prick against her vulva, she took another package, ripped it open with her teeth, and unfurled the condom over my length. This one was green.

Raising herself onto her haunches Gitte directed the head of my prick to the base of her lower lips, and nestled the tip into her opening. She lowered herself and inch or two so only the head of my prick enter her. Gitte’s hands folded over my navel carrying her weight. With each up-and-down movement she took another quarter inch of my cock into her vagina. She was tight and my engorged flesh stretched the walls of her tunnel. Then her pubic bone pressed against mine.

She didn’t elevate her body. Our pelvis started grinding, hers back and forth against mine. Her vagina clenched and released my hard prick at the same time, squeezing and pumping it ever faster. I didn’t feel like I was going to come again but my prick seemed to be getting more engorged in the tight confines of her kneading cunt. She was rubbing against me faster and faster and gluey froth oozed and stuck to our pubic patches.

Gitte started gasping and thrusting harder against me. I held her mid-thighs and pulled her closer with each forward thrust and released her. Her small breasts quivered and her nipples were bursting. She grunted and in some paroxysm collapsed on top of my chest. Her love tunnels continued to grip and unclench me spasmodically. I felt huge inside her.

There was a noise in the hallway—Zach and his girl had finished. She and Gitte had a short conversation through the doorway and we lay together as they unbolted the door and then closed it behind them. All through it Gitte’s pulses squeezed and released me. When they left she rolled onto her back, pulling me with her so I lay on top of her. Her thighs clenched my hips and her hands pulled my ass closer.

“Now you fuck me,” she whispered.

I pulled out of her an inch or two and thrust into her creamy canal. The walls grasped me pulling me in to her. I started slowly but soon was plunging in and out. Her tightness clenched my throbbing head with each quickening stab. She started gasping again from my exertions and pushed me back so I rested on my knees with my cock, pointing slightly downward, still inside her. Her ankles curled around my back and kicked me into a thrusting rhythm so the top of my prick rubbed against the underside of the pubic ridge. Gitte started grunting louder and louder as I drove faster into her. I could feel my balls about to burst and fell flat on top of while my hips kept pounding into her. The come welled up through her clenched cunt and final escaped as I collapsed in orgasmic bliss on top of her. Two or three spurts filled the condom and her vagina milked every drop from me involuntarily.

We lay together fused by the sweat of exertions until the dampness began to cool. Gitte pushed me over onto my back and lifted her hips off, releasing my semi-hard prick with a plop. She unrolled the condom and used the hand towel to wipe clean my privates. After picking up the white robe she covered herself and then nuzzled against my prostrate body. Automatically I began to get hard again.

“Was good?” she asked. I nodded, spent.

“It was good too for me,” she said getting up while letting her wrist brush against my meat.

“Now dress you must,” she instructed and went back to the bathroom. Reluctantly I did. When she came back in I was tying my shoes and Gitte was wearing the same t-shirt and a tight pair of jeans.

“Come.” I followed her out of the dingy apartment and we retraced our steps back to the bar and the rest of the team. When we got there she turned around and walked down the street. The jeans were tight and white over the twin orbs of her ass.

“OK Holden. What happened?” The guys had obviously drunk another beer or two while waiting, though Zach looked sheepish after telling his story. Rick looked at his watch.

“An hour and half, dude! We got to get back to Tivoli before curfew, but tell us every detail on the way.”

That was the deal and the rest of the team shared vicariously in my experience as we walked back to the amusement park.