This is subject to all the usual provisos:
Graphic sex follows.
I'm not responsible for you reading this if you are underage.
The contents are purely fiction and all characters are figments of my imagination.
This story is copyrighted and any reproduction requires the explicit consent of the author; i.e. me.
AIDS/HIV and other STD do not exist in my fiction but do in reality-if you attempt to live the lifestyle depicted please take precautions. 

"If you lack the maturity to grasp this disclaimer, then under no circumstances read this story without guidance of someone more mature (to quote Deirdre)."

© 2007: This work may not be reproduced in any format or medium without the permission of the author.



I grew up in Ohio . My old man was from England and came here when he couldn’t make the grade as a professional footballer, but was good enough to get a scholarship over here. After graduating he coached and met my mom at a small college. She also played the game so it was always part of my life. Mom and Dad had a messy marriage that was mainly his fault. He wasn’t disciplined, drank more than he should and chased anything in skirts. The parents split when I was about ten and three or four years later Dad went back home to Britain . Mom was a single parent and worked hard to make ends meet. She was glad when I took an interest in soccer as it kept me out of trouble after school when she had to work late.

I guess I inherited a lot of talent from both of them and worked hard because there were issues about getting parental approval or acceptance. Mom encouraged me because she saw I was good enough to win a scholarship that would pay for my education. That didn’t happen in the end, and instead I was able to make it as a professional. I won’t be boring you with my exploits on the field—I’ve got a ghostwriter working on my official autobiography. But there are some experiences that would be inappropriate for the likely readers when that’s published since it’s strictly G-rated, but I thought I’d set them down here. Obviously I’ve changed some names and places, but there were a lot of recreational activities I’m going to tell you about.

* * *

The first time I saw the mix of sex and soccer I wasn’t directly involved. I was about to turn seventeen and was playing for the Kickers made up of the best players in the hometown league. We had a pretty new but sophisticated soccer organization, with different age groups, boys and girls, and good coaches. I was in the age group that first benefited from this and the Kickers were about to burst out as a soccer power. Still the game was not accepted widely, b-ball and the other football were considered real sports with soccer being for wimps.

The under-17s and under-15s played prelims of the state championship and for the first time qualified to go to the main tourney. We were all pretty high about that and the coaches and parents took us all, about sixty of us, for pizza to celebrate. At the restaurant were some kids who thought soccer wimpy and there was some pushing and shoving around the restrooms. I wasn’t there but one of the soccer players boasted we’d win the state title, something none of the other sports teams from town had done in living memory, and some high school cheerleader said she’d blow the team if that happened.

To cut a long story short we did win the title and went on to win the mid-west regionals. I didn’t even know about the cheerleader so it wasn’t what was motivating me. Plus I had a girlfriend, Robin, who I necked with a lot and played on the girls’ team. I’d known her for years. But when we got back home in a little caravan of minivans some of the other players said it was time to look up Vanessa, the blond cheerleader who’d made the dare.

It was already dark but there was a small crowd of family, friends and such to greet us. The coaches got dunked with Gatorade and burgers and dogs were grilled. Some of the parents had brought coolers with beer and were letting the older kids sneak off with a bottle or two. It got pretty raucous. I snuck away with Robin to the backseat of her family Volvo where we could smooch. Robin was letting me feel her up, first letting me place my hand inside her shirt and bra. I was learning to navigate around breasts, how hard to squeeze her nipple to give pleasure and not pain. Then she took my hand and guided it between her thighs and pressed them together holding me there. I’d try to reach down there before but Robin never let me. Now she was leading me there. She was wearing shorts and my fingers were under the hem and brushing against her cotton briefs and feeling gristle of her public hair. It was humid in the car and between her legs.

Suddenly someone was rocking the Volvo. Robin pushed me away and started fixing her clothes while I stepped out of the car thinking “shit” about being disturbed.

“Holden,” one of my teammates screamed in my face, “you gotta come see this.”

He pushed me out of the parking lot toward the dressing rooms of the soccer complex.

“What the fuck Jimmy!” I complained as he bundled me into one of the locker rooms.

Someone had taken out most of the light bulbs, I guess not to bring attention to what was going on, so it was kind of inky. When my eyes adjusted I could see a dozen people standing around the edge of the room looking at the center stage. Most of them were my teammates, but there were also a couple of girls looking squeamish.

In the middle of the room was Vanessa on her knees. She was a cute little blond, maybe 5-3 with an upturned nose, round face and full lips. We went to the same high school but I didn’t run with her crowd. I’d taken a couple of classes with her and like to sit behind her because she had a small firm ass. Vanessa was all-round perky in demeanor and body. At that moment she was half-naked and sucking a cock.

The owner of it was Zach, our goalkeeper, who had this puzzled look on his face as he stared at the ceiling. Vanessa had her lips bobbing over the head of his cock. Her hair, which was normally kind of wavy, was slicked back away from her face and I realized that this was from come. Zach clenched his fists and then emitted a groan as he spilled his seed into her mouth. The little cheerleader kept sucking for all her worth to get every drop.

“Who’s next?” she asked, looking around the room. Semen dribbled off her lower lip and down her chin. Her blue eyes were wild and wanton.

Gary, who wasn’t even on the team, stepped up and stood behind Vanessa. He leaned over and pulled up her skirt. Her ass stretched her panties and the twin orbs looked to burst out of the material. It was even more beautiful than I had remembered. Gary pulled at the waistband but the cheerleader slapped his hand.

“All I promised was blowjobs, stupid,” she yelled. Gary looked disappointed but unzipped his fly and unbuttoned his pants so they fell around his ankles. He shuffled in front of Vanessa’s face and she almost ripped his shorts off his body. He was already hard and had a thick long cock that waved in front of the petit cheerleader.

“I’ll just fuck your face then.”

With that he grabbed his prick and aimed the engorged purple head to her mouth. Vanessa clamped her lips shut, but Gary just grabbed the back of her head and impaled the hard shaft forcing her to gobble him up. Gary thrust his pelvis into Vanessa’s sweaty angelic features and seemed to grab her ears. She didn’t want to take all his length but he pushed her face onto him so her forehead pressed against his belly button.

“Eat me bitch!” he yelled when she resisted.

He forced her head back and forth to take his length. At first Vanessa gagged and choked but after a dozen thrusts started to swallow the meat more easily. Gary wasn’t forcing her to take him anymore, just guiding her luscious lips and timing his thrusts. Vanessa stopped closing her eyes and we could see her looking around at the rest of us trying to gauge our reaction. She was snorting every time she took the whole cock not just in her mouth but I guess her throat and bubbles of saliva and come drooled from her lips and even burst from her nostrils. Gary was fucking her face like a V-6 in overdrive and she acted like he was driving in the slow lane.

“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” he screamed, “Fuck, I’m coming.”

He squealed and held her head so his cock was stuck down her gullet and her lips mashed his pubes. Gary ’s as twitched spasmodically and we all knew he was coming. “God she’s hot,” said this girl standing next to me, “look at her drip.”

I didn’t know what to look at. There was creamy liquid oozing all over Vanessa’s face and dribble on her thighs—no panty-liners for this cheerleader. Gary pulled his prick out of her mouth. Still on her knees Vanessa drooled the contents of her mouth into her hands. And then she rubbed the mix of spittle and come over her breasts. Her pink nipples looked like they were going to burst out they were so erect. She reached under and held out the little apples on her chest out.

“Anyone else?” she growled.

Jimmy tried to push me forward but I resisted. I had a boner from just watching Vanessa, or maybe it was left over from getting hot in the car with Robin, but I just didn’t want to do it. Yet. Since no one else stepped up Jimmy went forward undoing his pants.

“Seconds? I didn’t promise seconds but what the shit. Maybe you can last more than a minute this time Jimmy Walker” And with that Vanessa grabbed his half-erect penis and gobble it up.

“Jesus, Jesus” Jimmy started muttering. We all watched as Vanessa’s tongued swirled around his meat like she was licking a popsicle. White teeth bit just beneath the head and Jimmy’s back cringed with each nibble. Automatically he began to thrust the top third of his prick into her mouth.

“Umm, umm.” Vanessa groaned in time to the ‘Jesuses’.

“What’s going on?” Robin whispered, though I think it was obvious. I hadn’t noticed her sidling up to me. Vanessa was blowing Jimmy’s erection with her lips and used one hand to pump whatever wasn’t in her mouth. Her other hand dropped between her legs and she was masturbating.

“Wow!” The other girl, not Robin, exhaled. Jimmy was close to coming and started shouting the name of his lord and savior. Vanessa pumped his prick faster.

“What’s going on here?”

This time the voice was male, authoritative but a little distant. There was some bustle at the entrance of the locker room, but every one inside had their eyes fixed on Jimmy’s thrusts into little Vanessa’s mouth.

Just as he came Coach Dawkins broke into the room. Jimmy pulled back and his semen splattered over Vanessa’s face and hair. She was still holding onto his cock and wouldn’t let him step back. Instead she directed the squirts—there had to have been six or seven of them—on to her face. White cream clung to her hair and eyebrows and caked her cheeks.

“God dam it,” yelled coach, “what the fuck is going on here?”

Teenagers scattered as best they could. Robin and I got out of there. She was none to happy that I’d even been in the locker room in the first place. I explained Jimmy dragged me there but in the back of my mind knew that I could have left anytime and hadn’t because I would have been the next to step up once Vanessa blew Jimmy. Still, Robin was pissed off but it took me about a year to think of it and another till I asked why she stayed to witness the whole scene.

Of course Vanessa and Jimmy were caught red-handed, plus Gary and a couple of others. Jimmy got dropped from the Kickers team. The adults couldn’t work out if Vanessa was the instigator or victim. But it got out she was a slut, though the elite on the gridiron football team knew that but kept a lid on it for their own enjoyment, and her last year in high school wasn’t that fun. It was pretty much known that the three or four guys caught weren’t the only ones. Someone told me later that Jimmy’s second coming was the fourteenth blowjob Vanessa gave that night.

The whole scandal never went really public. The folks in charge of the soccer program were able to keep it under wraps. The U-17 Kickers had won the state and regional championships for the first time, and were invited to play in this prestigious tournament in Copenhagen , and something like this would detract from that achievement.

So I got to go to Denmark and lose my virginity.