Archive-name: ass*-free-story-faq
Posting-frequency: monthly (well I try) URL: Updated on: 28-Jun-03 4.3 Current list of active sites - R ------------------------------------------------ Rachel Taylor Stories Story categories: Stories about exhibitionism and wife sharing told from the female point of view. Raji's Home Page Welcome! This site is not for you if you are below 18 years of age or if you do not like men who dream of being women or women who prefer to be men. Rapina's Stories The Rapina (pronounced like the word “rapine,” with a soft “a” tacked onto the end) stories originated on the fantasy-writing newsgroup Alt.dragons.inn but because of her nature, Rapina is a rather erotic character. Story categories: Adult-themed medieval fantasy fiction that includes graphic scenes but is not 100% sex Rarstarr's Adult Fanfiction In August of 1997 I finally decided to write down my own fantasies and submit them to a.s.s. That was Slaves and Telepaths and the first eight sections were written in a period of two weeks 3; Raw Poetry Although my site is not totally erotic, I know the poems and images are hot and will stroke the mind like a hand stroking nine inches. Ray's Collection of stories with a description of each. Story categories: Rom Cons MF Mf mf Raysyde Productions I try to be a author who combines elements from other stories and meld them in a way never thought before. It's interesting how combining things changes the way a story unfolds. Story catagories: Breast Expansion and Mind Control RCG's Place Most of these stories contain scenes dipicting the spanking of girls and young women. Some may also contain scenes involving boys. Any more extreme stories will include additional warning at the top of the story. ReadyOne Stories ReadyOne is a middle-aged guy in the middle of the US. Many of his stories got started because of something he saw, did, or heard about. The rest of them are just the ravings of a sleep-deprived maniac carried away into the depths of fantasy. Any moral or universal truth found in any story may be easily ignored by a discerning reader. Reality Corner, The Here you can find the Imehc sagas Kat Tales and Skattered Reality, my short stories and other assorted bits of nonsense I've concocted. Redman Since I am just beginning this website, I hope you will bear with me while I get my act together. Redvenom's Scribblings Writing erotica is just one of the hobbies that I indulge in, which includes roleplaying games, computer games and collecting sharp objects. Renaissance Renaissance is a restaurant-themed site devoted to the actor William Russ, utilizing (steamy) fanfiction, photo walls, and clever menus to pay tribute to him. Rhapsody in Blue Date: 23-Nov-02 Content: gay romance stories Review: A nice collection of stories. They deal a lot with the steps leading up to consumation, generally leaving the rest to your imagination. Rick Jordan... Stories My sexual interests are adventurous within a traditional framework. Sort of a square, but not a prude. My stories reflect my interests. Story categories: MF, MMF, MFF Rick Oh's Story Site Quite a collection of female dominant spanking stories, and a few about enemas. Rick's Home Page Romantic, generally male/female erotica. Rob's Stories I actually write for the fun of it; it gives me a great deal of pleasure to delve into those parts of sexuality that generally remain hidden. RocketBlast76's World of Stories RocketBlast76 is a IS professional who writes erotic stories when the mood strikes. Often, as is the case with moods, the content and themes often vary. Story categories: Straight, Bi, Gay, Group Romance Under the Stars A place where romance is alive and fantasies come true. Step inside to experience pleasures you only dreamed about and rekindle the passion within you. RootGarden Erotic love poems and the search for higher consciousness. Rosebud's Garden Date: 10-Mar-02 Content: "I love expressing and playing with words. English has never been a subject of expertise (especially spelling) of mine but I find pleasure in the creativity & gratification in the expression 3; " Review: The erotic stories are a small part of this site (6 the day of review). The stories are short, graphic pieces, with some of them being second person. Other areas of the site include Erotic Poetry, thoughts on romance, religion, philosophy, and mythology. Very graphics intensive, loaded fast though. Royo's Raunchy Short-Shorts Date: 15-Nov-02 Content: "Juicy UNcategorized sex stories for men and women who really like it." Review: High ad content, but the stories are linked at the top of the page. No exit content or pop-ups, so this is good. Russ' Lair I have enjoyed, in the past, writing up stories (mostly on my own experiences) and thought I might as well start writing some fiction and possibly (in the future) write about my own personal 3; Ruthless Russian This is the only story I've written, a long time ago.. It's quite amateurish, even sophomoric... oh well, here it is, an addition to ASSTR. Please let me know what you think. |