Archive-name: ass*-free-story-faq
Posting-frequency: monthly (well I try)
Updated on: 28-Jun-03

4.3 Current list of active sites - Q

I write romance stories, but they are not what you would call the 'usual' variety, I combine mental pain (NOT bdsm) with forms of physical pleasure, and I try to make my characters as real as possible. I also try to answer a question that's often ignored in erotica, Why? Story categories: Romance, Mind Control and Science Fiction as a rule, but I do tend to write pretty much everything except non consensual works.

Quivering Flesh
Quivering Flesh (Q.F. for short) is the erotic pen name of a married couple. We are in our forties, formerly swingers (well, not so formerly, we just don't do it as much as we used to). Story categories: extreme fantasies, including scat, incest, pedo, bestiality, etc.

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