Archive-name: ass*-free-story-faq
Posting-frequency: monthly (well I try)
Updated on: 28-Jun-03

4.3 Current list of active sites - F

F451 Archive
My stories are all in the category referred to as "stroke". They all contain a lot of sex, particularly oral sex. I like stories of teenagers discovering sex and also women who find themselves unable to resist extramarital sex. Several of my stories involve inter-racial sex.

Fairy Follies and Devilish Deeds
Bawdy stories from the pen of Jad..... Amongst these pages you will find strange tales that feature the lewd antics of angels, devils, humans, elves and other such beings. The stories are written mostly in the form of journal entries. They are full of accounts of demonic couplings.

Fantasies of Seduction
"What turns me on is the passion that builds between two people. The passion that becomes a need to know one another in the most intimate way."

Fantasy Train
This is what you get when you put together a bunch of erotica writers, a leprechaun and a time travelling train. Stories written by various authors, based on a time travel theme.

Felix Phile Story Page, The
Yeah, I know, this is a poor excuse for a web page, but I'm not a page designer. (I could use a designer, nudge, nudge.) As with all authors at ASSTR, I would like to hear from my readers.

Femme Erotic
A webzine that provides interesting articles and great links (well, the ones I see at the moment are).

The Fervor Flower!
Date: 20-Nov-02
Content: "These stories are offered without apology or excuse, but rather a warning. They are disturbing, graphically violent, of high sexual content, and not for the weak of heart or stomach. They are not meant for everyone."
Review: The above warning is valid. Also, not all content is free, but there is a fair amount that is. (The 'fee' for the rest is $5.)

FeTishDoLL - The story of Paula
Semi autobiographical Southern Gothic writing that explores the darker side of passion and human nature. Follow the teenage angst of Paula, Tina, Missy and others as they discover a world of tattoos, piercing, music and raw sex that ain't sugar coated for the masses.

FictionMania Home Page
Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination. Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm. For TransGendered Fiction Fans 3;

Finbar Saunder's Bulging Column of Smut
Finbar Saunders has to be the daftest example of comic-book characters yet. "Finbar Saunders and his Double Entendres," a character in that mighty tome 3;

FireBird Erotica
A collection of erotic short stories from published author Robin C. Westmiller.

Flick's Erotic Stories
Flick is an IT technician who has come across several invaluable opportunities to spy on and have sex with beautiful, young, teenage girls. His adventures are fictional, but with just a bit of my real life experience mixed in. Story categories: Young Girls, Voyeurism, Incest, Underaged Sex

Flying Pen's Webpage, The
I'm a married computer jock, who saw A.S.S., and one day decided that "I can do better than that!" My first story was "Satin Doll", but the one that kept me writing was "Night Music".

Foxbat's Stories
Foxbat is currently a college student, who enjoys writing stories when the right combination of time, depression, horniness and boredom is present. My stories usually involve some degree of NC, although not all do, and in many it's only hinted at, or becomes consensual. I prefer longer more emotional stories, but I try not to sacrafice good sex scenes in striving for complexity.

Frank McCoy's Homepage
Date: 12-Dec-02
Content: (see below)
Review: "His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well."

Frank's Stories
I hadn't written fiction in many years--I write songs--when I decided to try my hand at it again. Now I can't stop. The vast majority of my stuff is heavy on the romance.

Frankenhooker - - selected writings
Most of my stories are flavored with BDSM and supernatural elements. I tend to focus a great deal on character interaction and development, and since I'm a female type, I focus on the emotional aspects of sex and the entire experience as opposed to the old generic 'suck and fuck'.

Frederick T. Archive, The
Son, child, student, friend, surfer, lover, father, man, husband, fighter pilot, Viet Nam vet, cancer survivor and proponent of cannabis legalization !

From the Corner of 1st & Rowan to Sunflower Alley
Some stories. Some almost true. Boring if you don't like my thoughts. But, what the hell, it's my page, I can do (almost) anything I want. Stories, nostalgia, about GIs, their life, their women 3;

Furry Pleasures
Date: 24-Dec-02
Content: furry stories (anthropomorphic characters)
Review: A vast collection of stories. These are generally divided into Hetero, Bi, Gay and Lesbian - after that it can be hit or miss. Some have descriptions and codes, others just have a title. If this is your kink though, you might forgive it for the content alone.

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