Archive-name: ass*-free-story-faq
Posting-frequency: monthly (well I try) URL: Updated on: 29-Jun-03 4.3 Current list of active sites - E ------------------------------------------------ Ed Mueller's Library Enjoy this small collection of erotic literature, written by moi. Hey, look, I just used the only French word I know. Therefore, there will be no French spoken in any of these stories. Elisa DeJarnet Archive of Erotic Fiction Erotic fiction written by a published author under the pen name of Elisa DeJarnet. You never know what you'll find here, but its guaranteed to be hot! Elite Gold A site dedicated to 'breaking the taboo' of watersports (and I'm not talking volleyball here). There is a 'membership' section - but this seems more about pictures. (11/09/02 - stories are still available free) Ellen's Office Home to - The Saga of Tuck "And no need for most of the shite that comes with TG stories: stereotyping of women's role and character, bizarre Barbie-like physical characteristics. Elysian Fields, The You've wandered into a strange forest, where every tree is tall and healthy and every blade of grass is perfect. But all is not safe in the Elysian Fields... emerson fitz Offering original erotic fiction often with a bondage and discipline theme. Stories range from sensual encounters between couples to group, lesbian and bisexual experiences. Emily's Sexy Family "Sex stories about family, school and friends. Plus stuff on the philosophy of filth. Trying to explore the nastiest corners of human sexuality: without judgement, without limits and hopefully without being too po-faced about the whole thing. Stories themes cover watersports, scat, bestiality, incest, pedo, snuff, and the whole sexual kitchen sink." ERA - Erotica Readers Association ERA was created by a group of women and men interested in discussing women's erotica, highly sensual fiction written with a woman's view of sensuality. The site contains fiction from members 3; Erotic Eyed Spell Work This site is not about flashy graphics or explicit images. It's about imagination. It's about the power of your mind. Isn't that an intensely thrilling thought? Erotic Fiction by Medea Medea has been writing smut since she was sixteen. Now in her twenties, she continues to explore female sexuality through writing, and in the process her stories may include bdsm, issues of consent, sexuality as it relates to Catholic spirituality, and on rare occasions, romance. Erotic Fiction by Michael K. Smith I insist on a plot, beginning-middle-and-end-type structure, and fully developed characters, and that slows me down somewhat. Often, explicit sex is secondary to the story (fair warning). Erotic Fiction by Rose Hello and welcome to my site, which is dedicated to the art of erotic fiction writing. If the more "romantic" type of erotic fiction is your preference, you'll find plenty of it on this site. The Erotic Fiction of Becca Abbott Date: 30-Dec-02 Content: "graphic depictions of sex, m/m, m/f, f/f, violence, bondage, rape" Review: Slash fiction site with stories from Highlander, Queen of Swords, Andromeda, Gundam Wing and Doctor Who. The stories are detailed, the sex is explicit. Erotic Mind of a Whisper in the Dark, The Life for me changed in a most spectacular way when i opened those floodgates. Come take a peek into the rather dark mind of the whisper. Story categories: You'll find mainly BDSM stories and those with a kinky flare. Some M/M, some M/f/f, some f/f. Walking the edge. Erotic Stories by Cyan Date: 08-Nov-02 Content: "fantasies you would never wish to carry out, but you just might love reading them" Review: In the author's own words - "What are they like? To me they are edgy, they skirt the boundaries of my desires, but you might find them far over the line. Or far too tame. " Erotic Stories by Khalani & Jordyn Gathered herein you will find the writings of Myself (Khalani), and a very good friend of Mine (jordyn). Some of these works deal with subjects that may be disturbing to some of you, sickening to others. Consider this a warning, as you will receive no others. Erotic Stories by Paris Waterman Don't know exactly what brought ya here, but I got my suspicions. Could be ya wanna know what's in store for ya, should ya peruse the inner contents, so tuh speak 3; Erotic Stories by Servant of Aphrodite I have written stories about Aphrodite in the 21st century, how devotion to a mature woman ("goddess") could enhance the erotic lives of both men and women. Story categories: I aim to write erotic stories which appeal to both women and men. Erotic Stories by Shaman I have been writing erotic stories for some time. I love capturing the sexual experience in words creating mosaic pictures words that send the story to the erogenous zones of the reader. The stories started out being fantasies, but recently I want to capture real life experiences in my stories. Story categories: Erotic, incest, zoo stories Erotic Stories by Switch Blayde I write about most kinds of sexual situations, but my favorites are control (mind control, blackmail, etc.), getting even (often with a touch of humiliation), and innocence (for legal reasons all characters are 18 or older, but you can visualize them any age you wish). But I also write about many other subjects; too long to list here. Erotic Stories for Lesbians by Louise Padden Here are links to my erotic stories for lesbians. ENJOY!! Tell me how the stories made you feel, or just say hello. Erotic Stories Writers can submit their stories (straight or gay). Visitors can vote on the stories, view stories by subject or ratings. (Stories are on page 3, after the ads. Warning - multiple exit consoles.) Erotic Story Collection Date: 11-Nov-02 Content: Collection of stories - various writers/themes. Review: The site archives stories by 'The Writer' as well as submitted stories from other authors. It takes a little getting used to, but once you do it is filled with stories. Try the 'Topics' page or the 'Search' function. Font sizes were much better in Explorer than Netscape. Erotic Works of Alexei Gish These works are a product of experience and fantasy. I am a voyeur and a thief. I appreciate the mind fuck of fetish and games to the intimacy of supposed romance and all of that rot. Erotic World of Jvstin, The Date: 09-Dec-02 Content: MF erotica with some light D/s Review: A site marked with a light side and a dark side. The writers are in the light side, with a link to another page "the solar" from both sections. Erotic Writings by PsykkoZakk I'm a fairly young bi-sexual guy from Canada. Since I lead a tame lifestyle (I'm engaged and have a young son) writing erotica serves as a release for my wild side :-) Erotic Writings From the WhiteRose These intention of these works is two-fold. On a basic level, they're simple sexual fantasy. Writing them is also a way for me to explore the integration of my spirituality with my creative and sexual selves, and more importantly, to introduce my faith to people who might run into myself or another Pagan someday in the future, in hopes that I'm clearing up a few of the misconceptions and given them a glimpse into what being a Witch and a Pagan is really all about. Erotic Writings of Indigo Marr, The Date: 19-Mar-02 Content: "The following is a small but potentially growing collection of erotic stories by and about a fictional entity known as Indigo Marr." Review: A small collection of stories with varying styles and content. (The sample is too small for me to comment further, but the potential shows.) Erotic Writings of James Bellamy, The James Bellamy has traveled the world extensively, usually on business. He began writing erotic stories a number of years ago as an exercise of imagination. Erotic Writings of Mr. Neb, The For the most part, you will find the sex in my stories is almost always consensual but sometimes represent new boundaries for the characters. There is always a positive outlook on sex. It is never meanspirited. The characters usually have a relationship to each other beyond just the sex. Erotic Writings of TooMuchTime, The The stories/chapters I write pretty much reflect my own personal fantasies, which mostly revolve around trying to recapture the feeling of insane horniness I had when I was a young teen, still in the throes of puberty, age 13-15. I've basically taken my own dull memories from that chaste, masturbatory time and interjected my dream women into them. Erotica by Alexi92 A collection of stories by Alexi92 Erotica by Antaeus Feldspar Hello, and welcome to my web page of erotica and porn. If you've found your way here, it probably means you like erotica and/or porn. Erotica by Jenny Wanshel I had the idea of writing a sort of frank sexual memoir along the lines of MY SECRET LIFE or MY LIFE AND LOVES, starting with my first real sexual experience, up until the age of 25 or so. Erotica by Nick Scipio Nick Scipio began publishing his erotica in late 2002. His stories are a mélange of personal experience mixed with hefty doses of pure fantasy, as well as everything in between - but he's not saying which is which. Erotica by Night Writer What happens when the line between humiliation and submission blurs? These are tales of husbands and wives placed in extraordinary circumstances, and their struggles to survive secrets they were never meant to know. Erotica by Number 6 Number 6 is a self-captured mental prisoner tortured by an obsession for the erotic, a love of the naughty, a thrill for the illicit, a touch of the sarcastic, a taste for power, a lust for 3; Erotica for Women This site contains erotica in the form of erotic stories, fiction, poetry and photos. (Commercial overtones - ads - but this site is free.) Erotica from Hecate I'm over 30 and female. I have a long term relationship with my partner of 19 years, also female. I write whatever takes my fancy, whatever ideas I get. However, that's usually something which involves any or all of the following (though not exclusively): FF, FF+, nc, D/s, hum, blackmail, B&D, Span. My stories *never* contain any of these: rape, pedo, snuff, MM. Erotica from Katie McN I'm Katie McN and I decided to have a web page just like the other authors. Well, not every author has a web site, but a lot of them do and I think it's way cool. Erotica from the collected works of Lance Edwards I'm in my late thirties. I've been a quadriplegic for over ten years. Being stuck on the bottom all the time, I've had to use some imagination to keep things interesting. These stories, poems, and novels are the result. I hope you like them; comments are welcome. Story categories: female domination, bondage and dildo play Etherus Etherus is the God of Excess/Lust. Most of the stories tend to have Females discovering new limits and pleasures. Quite often a dominant male is in the mix but not always. My stories tend to be reluctant but almost always finally consensual. I am not into abject pain, torture, or other extremisms. I am fascinated with the human ability to always find new excitingly creative ways to have sex. Eye of Serpent Welcome to my personal pages. Thanks to online authors and others of the MC Community who have helped me learn my way around this genre and the Internet! |