Archive-name: ass*-free-story-faq
Posting-frequency: monthly (well I try)
Updated on: 28-Jun-03

4.3 Current list of active sites - C

Cactus Juggler's Evil Lair
Humiliation is a key element in most of my stories. I write a little bit of everything, but I always go back to women dominating women. Through mind control, through force, whatever.

Cait's Endless Trek
I've only been writing Trek erotica since around November 2000. I'm more familiar with TNG and DS9, but not above tackling TOS or VOY. I've dabbled with "slash" a bit, but rom stories is where my heart is at.

California Dreams
California Dreamer. You know where he lives. You know what he does. His muse is sweet to him. His imagination leaps tall barriers. He is fascinated by the depth and complexity of the human condition.

Calylia's Stories
an attempt to create a curious blend of humour, light hearted characters, sex, and thought provoking plot twists. trying to appeal to a wide range of audiences with a wide selection of genres and characters. stories are meant to entertain, even erotic ones.

Candy Kane Erotic Stories
A modest collection of lesbian erotica - hot and explicit.

Canidy's Needful Things
The majority of the stories you will find on this site though are all mine. They include a wide variety of erotica (ff, mf, group, D/s, mc(mind control) and others).

Captain Atom's Atomic Tales
I write stories about people fucking, usually with just enough plot thrown in to keep the action moving. Mostly MF, sometimes FF, sometimes teens, sometimes in groups.

Captain Steve and Linda's Library
Thanks for visiting our page We live in Florida and obviously like to sail as that is the central them of many of our stories. Please be warned that these stories contain strong sexual content.

Carnage Jackson Story Collections
I started writing in November 2000, and have written a few series since. I focus mostly on celebrities, but do branch out occasionally Story categories: Celebrities, Slut Wife, First Time, Group

Carrie's Stories Page
A couple of years ago I went on this wild vacation where the airline lost my bag. This wild adventure of a vacation brought out my exhibitionist side. I found it so exciting that I keep looking for more daring and adventuresome things to do.

Casa di Matt e Andrej Koymasky
Date: 26-Nov-02
Content: gay love stories
Review: Stories on this vast site are offered in Italian, with versions of some translated into English. Although there are many areas to explore, the Library is where you'll find the stories. They're multi-part stories, dealing mainly with romance - although the one I started did deal with the sexual side as well.

Castle Handyman
Castle Handyman showcases fiction by many authors. The focus of the site is erotic spanking but you will find everything from a parody of Beowulf to kinky fairy tales.

Cate's Perfumed Garden of Erotic Fantasy
I am female and old enough to know better. Have had stories published and broadcast and published an erotic story on Mind Caviar. Story categories: mainly domination and submission -female/female

CatspawVP's Erotic Story Archive
I got into erotic fanfiction when I learned a lot of the minor heroes and villians I thought were sexy didn't seem to show up anywhere. Story categories: comic fanfiction

Celebrity MC's Story Website
Thank you for visiting my story website. This site is dedicated to Timestop and MC stories I enjoy as well as my own efforts.

Celestial Pen
celestial pen and sexual joy, iambe lavishes delight, let her magic set us free: exalt in potent flight !! (poetry and prose)

Charley Ace's Erotic Story Site
I'm a dirty old man who enjoys telling stories, that just happen to be erotic. If you enjoy a plot and a little character development with your sex, there's a good chance that you'll like my stories. Story categories: adultery, cheating, romance, group sex, mature, swapping, slut wives

Christine "Green Leafy Dragon" Indigo
This site has stories with explicit sexual descriptions, people in armor casting magic spells and killing monsters with swords, and uncouth language by both the characters and the author.

Chrys's Page
I'm a college student, and so most of the stories happen to people around my age or a little older. I've been writing these on and off since I was 15; however, be rest assured that I am now legal (but still two months and 28 days until COMPLETELY legal. WHO WANTS TO BUY ME BEER?) ;-)

Date: 16-Mar-02
Content: "a truly interactive story-telling environment where readers determine the outcome of the stories"
Review: I like the concept of this website - kind of like 'you the viewer join in'. The writing can be good (and bad) but I think it could be fun. Some stories have few choices, but just think, you can change the story in an instant.  At the moment, a fair number of the threads I followed were 'incomplete' - but all they need is you to finish them.

Ciad's Writings
I started writing erotica several years ago, but its only lately I have been public about it. Most of my stories here will be heterosexual, or lesbian/bisexual. I like to have some good plotlines in them even if too much "plotting" becomes boring some times and something quite hapzardous may occur instead. Story categories: mf ff

Ciana Rose's Erotic Stories
I love writing erotica. I believe good writing comes from the heart so I usually just write whatever is flowing out of me. And often, I honestly don't know where it all comes from. Let's hope the well never dries up. Story categories: rom / Mdom / rough / span / anal / oral

Cinque Manson Stories
Cinque Manson writes erotica when the obssession strikes him, usually tales of incestuous mature women and their teen boy objects. These works are pure fancy, the product of Cinque's imagination. He hopes you enjoy them!

Clean Sheets
An e-zine with a combination of articles, fiction, poetry, book reviews, art, and editorials. I'll admit I've added this one to my personal bookmarks.

Cobalt Jade Website, The
Erotic stories featuring BDSM, humor, and romance, along with "The Black Pearl of Pharazion," an erotic sword and sorcery novel about an Amazon mercenary and her fight against an evil Queen.

Confessions of a Naughty Wife
Contained within these pages are stories, born of the passions, desires and fantasies of a woman discovering her raw sexuality.

Copious's Pornographic Poetry And Fuck Fiction
Most of my work deals with casual sexual anonymous encounters between a man and a woman. In this times it is prudent to live out fantasy as a fantasy and not a reality: safe sex is rule, and the safest is self sex.

Coranth - Erotic Fiction
When the spirit moves me, I have been known to write erotic fiction, as a gift to someone special. Here are some of the works that have survived my travels.

Couture's Erotica
My writings tend to have dom/sub and fetish themes. The majority of them are femdom. Story categories: Fd, ff, mc, Fm

Coyote's Den
Date: 13-Mar-02
Content: spanking, shaving, D/s, teens, MM stories
Review: Large number of stories, divided into 'types'. Site navigation is simple, pure text. Most, but not all, of the stories spend more time focusing on the 'fetish' contents. Good stroke fiction if teen spankings (especially M/b) are your thing.

Crave contains my own written BDSM erotica from a lesbian submissive's view point, as well as visual erotica, educational information about BDSM.

Creampie Eater's Creamstories
I like to write stories where the plot is as important as the "action". While all my stories involve creampies in some way, they are all different and sometimes the creampie is not the main issue. Story categories: creampie stories written from a male and/or female perspective

Crimson Stories
Some cultures believe that a photograph captures the soul. The image is trapped, and with it, the life and soul of the subject. Does that mean that images are the window to our souls?

Crystal's Story Site
Date: 27-Dec-02
Content: TG fiction
Review: Vast collection of TG fiction (almost 3500 and growing). There are reviews, author lists and search pages to help you find what you're looking for. It was a little slow loading the night I was looking, but hopefully this was just random.

Crystal's Virual Palace
Crystal's Palace - Erotica and pictures.

Cunny Love
Date: 28-Nov-02
Content: "Basically, this site is a collection of erotic and romantic sex stories, pictures, and most importantly, PEOPLE! People who love their sexuality, love getting turned on, and love turning other people on! "
Review: A new site where most of the action takes place in the forums. There are a few stories, and a few fantasy posts, but to really take off they need more content.

Curvasion Fiction
Curvasion Lesbian Domination Fantasies is devoted to domination and bdsm fantasies. Some maledom fantasies creep in. Story categories: lesbian domination bdsm-adventure big breasts

CyberCzar's Realm
CyberCzar is a bisexual Computer I.T. Professional who lives in Atlanta, Georgia. Some of his stories are ASFR-themed.  (

CynTil8ing Stories
Quality m/f erotica with an emphasis on love and romance. There are about 80 stories written by the author, Cindy, her friends, and contibuting authors.

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