Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository Mirror
...because the best things in life truly are free.

ASSTR-Mirror is home to over 1000 authors of erotic literature, host of the newsgroup, and host of several popular erotic literature archives.

Welcome to the ASS FAQs page at ASSTR. The purpose of this page is to bring together the various FAQs related to the newsgroups and provide them all at one place. There's a wealth of knowledge in the FAQs below, so if you're searching for the answer to an A.S.S. related question, chances are your answer is only a mouseclick away.

ASSTR FAQ If you're in search of information about ASSTR, there's a good chance your answer can be found here.
Things You Should Know v3 (12/98) An introduction to the hierarchy for newbies, from Seurat.
Alt.Sex.Stories Moderated FAQ A guide to the moderated erotic literature newsgroup. This FAQ details the newsgroups history, how to post to ASSM, and much more.
Alt.Sex.Stories Hierarchy FAQ (12/99) UPDATED! A guide to the various erotic text newsgroups available on Usenet, maintained by Apuleius of Madaura. It contains much useful information for newsgroupies.
Story Codes for Readers What are those cryptic codes in the subject line? Uther Pendragon explains them for readers. See below for the more detailed explanation of how to code stories if you're posting them.
Standard Subject Lines FAQ (9/99) Essential information on how to construct a subject line when posting a story to an a.s.s.* newsgroup to ensure maximum readership and minimum offense. Maintained by Titmouse.
Story Codes for Authors Essential information for writers of erotic stories on how to code them. One of a pair of FAQs maintained by Uther Pendragon. See above for the simpler FAQ explaining the codes for readers.
Standard Header System FAQ A must-read for all authors who wish to maximize the number of readers they have. This guide contains information about adding SHS headers to stories, enabling readers to search for stories by author name, title, story keywords, and more.* Free Story FAQ (11/99) Another major resource of websites with free stories. Maintained by Anne747, this newest version expands and updates the sites where you can find free stories. All sites are strictly non-commercial. The main page links to numerous others.
Celestial Grammar/Advanced Celestial Grammer. Text versions of Celestial Grammar and Advanced Celestial Grammar are also available. Basic grammatical concepts all writers should know, from ASS's favorite reviewer and schoolteacher, Celeste.
Ole Joe's Guide (11/98) A guide to the subculture, authors, and stories. A major resource.
Story List by Title (5/98) Ray N. Velez's list is another major resource for information on stories posted to ASS newsgroups.
The FAQ, parts 2-9 (1/97) Incomplete, somewhat dated, but still chock full of interesting information about sex.
Deja FAQ v1.0 (11/99) Wijit's guide to using Deja.Com to look up sex stories posted to newsgroups.

How to Write Sex Stories Good Michael K. Smith's well-regarded article on writing.
Converting MS Word Docs to Text for Posting to Usenet A detailed look at issues and solutions to the complex problem of defeating Word's efforts to avoid plain ASCII text.
Celestial FAQ (8/99) Information about Celeste and her story reviews, a mainstay of the ASS newsgroup since 1995.
Sexual Synonyms {Patrick Donovan} An extensive if not comprehensive lists of parts and actions.
The Clitoris in History and the Origin of Lipstick {R. Zacks} A short ramble on sex facts from history.
Deep-Throating Guide {Atrus} A how-to guide on deep-throating and fellatio in general.
Erosian Treatise on the Physical Self {DPT} Lust as a guiding principle for living.
Female Basic Exhibitionist's Handbook {Lily Hensen} Suggestions for women by a woman on how to become an exhibitionist.
Female Ejaculation Transcript of and correspondence about a CBC broadcast on this controversial subject.
Fuck You {The Park BBS} Brief discourse on the versatility of the F-word.
How to Eat a Pussy A woman's guide for men on the fine art of cunnilingus.
How to Have Sex with a Dog Two separate instruction manuals on female-canine bestiality.
How to Pick Up College Girls {The Lecherous Professor} A guide to sex with college women. From the Kristen Collection.
How to Suck a Cock An adequate but not outstanding guide. Combined with the above deep-throating guide, however...
How to Suck a Strap-On Just in case you might ever need to know about this.
Male Masturbation Techniques Even experienced whackers might pick up a tip or two from this guide.
Penis Ejaculation We scour the globe for useful information, as in this guide on how to increase the distance of ejaculations.
A Teenager's Guide to Women Clues for the clueless youngster on how to treat a woman's body. Older men should read, too, just in case. From the Kristen Collection.
Erotic Humiliation Family Tree of ASSTR Authors Made by cowgirl, this 'family tree' is a guide to ASSTR authors who specialize in the humiliation genre - a must-see for fans of such work
Facts of female anatomy for the male sex story writer Created by Vinnie Tesla, this LiveJournal page corrects some common male misunderstandings of the female body and its operation.

To update your FAQ or get it added to this web page and the FTP FAQs directory, either 1) send a copy via email to, or 2) Send a copy to the ASSTR Administration. Both a text and HTML copy are preferred, but either will do. Suggestions for related information of general interest are also welcome.

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