If you're here looking for information about how to make a donation to ASSTR, if you're wondering how donations are being spent and why you should donate, or if you'd like to confirm that your donation has been received, you've come to the right place. Here you can get the address to send donations, view a list of donations recently received (useful for those wishing to confirm receipt of their donations), and find out how donations are being spent.
First and foremost, the administration would like to say thank you to all the donors who have helped make our dreams for this site a reality. We still have a long list of improvements to make, and they will require more resources to implement. Your support helps ensure the future growth of ASSTR.
ASSTR is a project of Internet Free Literature Corporation, a 501(c)(3) United States non-profit organization. As such, all donations to ASSTR are tax deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law.
How Donations are Spent
The bottom line is that ASSTR must receive a steady source of income in order to continue providing its services. Hosting space for our servers and the large amount of bandwidth ASSTR consumes cost $900/month. In addition to the Internet service expense, there are periodic legal expenses, monthly credit card processing fees ($50/mo), and occasional hardware maintenance and upgrades to handle the ever increasing services provided and number of people using the site. The bottom line is it costs a lot of money to keep ASSTR online!
What is done with any excess funds?
The answer to this question is of concern to most donors. After all, if ASSTR can currently pay the bills, why it is always asking for additional funding?
Rest assured the answer has nothing to do with buying fancy cars or toys for the ASSTR administration! Rather, the answer to this question is fairly simple: expansion. In order for ASSTR to continue growing, we need additional funding. For example, as the Internet continues to become adopted by even increasing numbers of people, ASSTR needs to be able to handle increased load on our servers. To give an idea of our growth rate, we currently add about one new author per day, on average. We're not sure how many new readers each new author brings, but what we do know is new people show up every day.
In addition to being able to cope with the growing number of users, ASSTR has plans to revolutionize our services with some very high tech solutions. These solutions will deliver very customized content to every user of ASSTR, but that ability will come at a high cost - servers with enough umph to handle the job.
Currently ASSTR is looking into ways to use excess funding to establish a development server. This machine will be used by the ASSTR administration and other volunteers to develop future ASSTR technologies. By developing experimental software on a machine separate from our production machines, we won't have to worry if something goes wrong. We'll also be able to more easily permit outside parties to help us out, which means more work should get done in a smaller period of time.
Hardware Donations
At this point, we are pretty well set on hardware. It is generally much easiest to purchase hardware with monetary donations as the need arises than to try to make use of donated hardware. This has become especially true as we have begun to approach the power limit for the data center cabinet in which our equipment is located. That said, if you are interested in donating something you think we could use, please contact us.
Donation Methods
US Mail (cash, check, money order)
* The most anonymous way to make a donation.
To make a donation, send cash, check, or money order (made payable to Internet Free Literature Corporation / IFLC ) to:
PO Box 583
Alexandria, VA 22313-0583
Please note that donations in any currency are graciously accepted.
If you wish to mail in a donation, please make sure you copy this address exactly, as any mistake made could result in the donation not being delivered to us.
Credit Card
ASSTR can no longer accept donations via credit card due to cancellation of its merchant account by its credit card processor. Visa and Mastercard have begun closing accounts of online sites distributing content they do not approve of, and due to ASSTR's liberal content policies, ASSTR was eventually determined to be in conflict with the credit card companies' policies.
ASSTR can no longer accept donations via PayPal. PayPal's policy is not to do
business with companies dealing with material of an adult nature and
consequently PayPal closed IFLC's account.
Please note that whatever your method of donating, we will keep all your personal information strictly confidential unless you specifically request recognition on the Donations List web page.
If you wish to make a donation in honor of a person or organization, e-mail us with the details.
Please be aware that for your convenience, your donation will be noted on the donations list page. This page will list the postmark on the envelope for mailed in donations and the donor's zip code for donations made via credit card.
To find out more about our donations program, please visit the following:
Thank you very much in advance for your support.
Concerned about anonymity? Try this procedure suggested by one of our donors:
- Obtain a money order, make it out to the name and address above, and initial it (not sign it, thus revealing your name)
- Use gloves to put the money order in an envelope and address the envelope to the name and address above
- Use a sponge to moisten the envelope and seal it
- Use the sponge to moisten the stamp, applying it to the envelope while wearing the gloves
- Drop it in any mail box.
The only information we'll know is the city from which you mailed the envelope.